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Ever felt the feeling of “being too full” when you really haven’t eaten a lot – or maybe you have, but it was all food that you “normally” eat but “nothing normally happens?”
Or, perhaps that “prickly sensation” in the upper chest as you move around, or too much “difficulty breathing” (it comes out as a wheeze).
All broadly falling under the spectrum of indigestion and heartburn, and are more of the silent maladies that we “suffer” with – sadly thinking “we have to”, but we don’t.
Long ago, years ago, I was diagnosed with “IBS” – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is one of the most annoying things to have.
You’re always “somewhat constipated”, you always “have to go after eating”, and you always “feel bloated” – and so forth.
I’m glad to report that obviously I don’t have ANY of these problems anymore.
Odd, but at ALL the times I had these problems and issues, I had a big gut.
I wasn’t “weak”.
But I wasn’t strong by any stretch either – at least not by my standards.
If you’ve got a big gut, my friend, then you ain’t no athlete or REAL weight lifter. You’re just FAT. As Brooks Kubik once famously said, sorry if that offends, but it’s TRUE.
If you’ve got a big gut, you not only can NOT use that so called strength right – but you can’t move about normally and naturally – and most importantly, your health suffers from the inside out.
And of course, the famous Chinese saying which Glyn the Bozo is so familiar with.
“Ren Pang Qui Dian”.
Fat Man have small penis, it translates to, and it’s “comically” true in many ways if you think, and really true too!
Anyway, point being heartburn.
You might think I’d pimp my courses on Advanced Fat Burning here.
Or, perhaps the courses on pull-ups – “stretch and release”.
I could, and I wouldn’t be wrong.
But what I am telling you is this – and indeed why I’m writing this to you – is that you can do certain stretches for the upper body while SEATED – right, seated – and get rid of said problems including constipation, gas, bloating etc – all within a few seconds of doing the stretches.
The key lies in unlocking things from the inside out, as I said yesterday.
Those overhead stretches in Corrugated Core (elementary section) do more than just reduce weight.
And the spell binder of a course that has truly VOWED people globally and left people SPELL BOUND if just for the sheer efficacy of the exercises I teach in a never taught before manner – Isometric And Flexibility Training – just TWO of the exercises in there – “simple” ones will achieve the above effect.
One being a squat done “patented Rahul style”.
I have not applied for a patent on it, obviously, but I should. Hehe. So damn effective is this style of squatting that it BLOWS all others out of the water, including the famous Hindu Squats (which are great too, don’t get me wrong).
Along with this, you’ll want to make changes to your LIFESTYLE – and the “how” of what you eat (not necessarily “what”) – and these, my friend, are available in the Simple and Effective Diet – which is available both in paperback and Kindle Format, and is another one of those UNCOVERED GEMS.
Still hidden, actually, I should say, because while people rave about the Rolls Royce (rightly so) – they tend to ignore the hidden GENUIS locked away in the Simple and Effective Diet.
Truly, when we get something for “free”, we dont value it!
Anyway, don’t worry and don’t despair.
I am not pulling the offer on that one anytime soon. The book will continue to be free, in digital format with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Paperbacks – you can buy ’em off the site for a nominal value of $35.99/book.
And given the info therein, it truly is a steal.
But I’d still recommend getting the system – in digital format, so you can access the Videos – and getting the book above GRATIS, and THEN, and only then, buying the paperback (for this one).
For the rest of my books, of course, go for it – paperback or digital – we’re here to serve ya!
And as far as offers go, remember that the “15% off offer” for “return” customers will not last beyond this week, if even that, so get your thang on NOW. In fact, given the emails I have recieved on this one, I’m considering pulling it pronto, just so Idont need to deal with Bozos like the below.
“Why not give the same offer to new customers” was the theme of the message he sent me.
This idiot forgot to notice that for the past few weeks that offer HAS been active . . . for new customers and/or signups!
We have offers going on every so often, so it behooves YOU – not ME – to keep up to date on them!
And thats that for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – A course that has been getting plaudits every time someone gets it – and is being acclaimed GLOBALLY as we speak is Animal Kingdom Workouts. Jump on this now before the price goes UP – this might well be the BEST and most “expensive” (if you choose to use the term) book I’ve ever put out.
But truly, with the results people are reporting back?
“Years of back pain and stiffness disappeared within ONE workout”, said one gentleman from KY.
(And he didnt even get past exercise #10!)
And he isn’t the only one.
The price is set to go UP on this one- big time. Get your thang on NOW.
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