6 Bananas, One Melon, and one apple!
- Actually, half a melon I believe . . .

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It was hilarious, that time, and another one of those “never live me down” moments!

But anyway, I was starving.

Had just got done with handstand pushups – a workout straight out of Battletank Shoulders!

And those workouts will make you hungry as a horse, my friend.

You can eat more – and weigh less – and so will THESE workouts HERE.

But anyway, that day was a “fruit” day if I recall correctly for lunch.

And while it happened a while ago, and I cannot remember the exact circumstances, I believe my wife went to the “beauty salon” or some such nonsense, and so it was my daughter and myself with the food.

Which has been mentioned in the title, hehe.

“Dont you want me to leave a couple of bananas lying around for you” I asked.

“Just eat it!”

She was in a bad mood (which is par for the course, so I didnt bother asking more. Waste of time, hehe).

(Glyn the Blowfield would love her mood – but anyway, more on that later).

I ate it.

And was still hungry!

And later on, I joked to my daughter, “there was nothing to eat for lunch”.

My wife looked at me, “wounded”!

And yelled out loud.

“Someone that ate six bananas, ONE melon, and ONE apple, and yet!”

Well, hey.

What can I say.

I was still hungry!

I would have gotten irritated, but there’s a far more productive way to handle all this, and then I laughed . I got it!

As if on cue, my little girl laughed too!

“Six bananas, one melon and one APPLE!”

And thats become the rallying chant, and a huge joke around the house, hehe.

So that is the wisdom for this one. Add in some steak with all that – and you’re good to go!

As for you guys wondering where the Bozo is (a reader wrote back last week saying this “Where’s that dude Glyn? Haven’t heard of his antics as of late“) – well, Bozo “Blow zo” is still very much around, lining up for his welfare checks and so forth, and then disappearing back to his rat hole for a bender.

He’s just not poking his head out too much because he’s finally wisened up to the fact that he’s been GOT. LOL.

And a certain Roya that he keeps ranting about seems to have signed up for the list too.

I’ve no idea if thats the real person or if it’s the Bozo messing around.

could be either.

I removed the person the first time, but haven’t for some reason this time. We’ll see how that goes!

As for the Bozo, sending inane messages of “can I be your servant, do the laundry, press your feet, carry your shopping etc” to women goes?

Well, I dont know about pressing feet. Eww.

I dont know about shopping or laundry done by Bozos. Ugh.

I’d rather do mine myself.

But as far as his “servant” rants go – the latest is he’s pestering a professional Dominatrix in the UK for “free service” – I dont know . . . there’s a pretty dusty and dirty house right here for the Bozo to clean if he wants to.

Hey, I might even let him wear the frilly maids and call him Miss Schofield as he so loves.

And that, my friend is that. (no, Bozo won’t cut the papaya. LOL. Again, I’ll do that myself!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you thought Battletank Shoulders was the BOMB – Trust me, PRofound handstands will have you floored, especially the workout part. Check ’em out now.

70 % Gorilla, 30 % Human

PS #2 – I just remembered it wasn’t papaya. It was a “melon”. Yum. Musk melon, I believe. Along with cold sugarcane juice, and WATERMELONS in China, thats one of my favorite fruits . . . (and banana too).

(I’ve edited the original post to replace papaya with “melon”, but you might still see a papaya lying around someplace . . .)

(But again, Bozo Schofield is getting NOWHERE near my bananas, lol).

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