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I’m not sure if I wrote about this before – now that I “come to think of it”, I probably did.
But anyway, the thought struck me, so I gotta say it.
The Bozo sent me some inane emails about my significant other (I wonder if he even knows, hehe) a month or so ago that I believe I wrote about on the other site …
Check out the other site – it’s their in “all it’s glory” like the Bozo himself in the archives somewhere. I can’t be bothered to dig it up but basically the Bozo was projecting his cuckold tendencies and other inane nonsense on to me, but the point of this?
Is to say, that a friend of mine MJ – makes some damn good pizzas.
If you’re ever in Southern China – let me know – I’ll hook ya’ll up! Almost as good as the NY pizzas I had back in the day!
I HAVE mentioned that (both of the above) before, so I’m doing it again
But maybe what I didnt mention is his wife Susan, a great lady who helped me out in July 2019 (thank you SUSAN – YOUR help was nigh INVALUABLE – and a lady who I’ve enjoyed our very occasional chats) is a “firebrand”
She once took a fire extinguisher to a Bozo’s cranium – literally (I believe the guy was breaking into their house).
MJ, who said he did martial arts “back in the day’ wasn’t even required.
They make them BIG, TALL and STRONG up there in Northern China.
Sons and daughters of the soil (when it comes to latter, I dont mean big as in “fat”. No.).
I mean really big, unlike some of the nuts who’re fat – cannot do pull-ups and say they’re “big” so they can’t do them.
But anyway, shes actually petite – but damn, that lady is strong!
And my own significant other is from a similar part of India where they let their fists, wooden batons, oiled “bamboo poles” (NO, Glyn, not the hockey poles you so love to “blow”) and such . . . do the talking rather than their mouths.
Well, they “ask questions later”, I should say!
So I dont know if the Bozo knows this.
Probably not, hehe.
And my wife’s been known to do similar things in her hey day, though I believe they didnt have fire extinguishers back then (at least not in her home).
I, for whatever reason always have had one in China. Not for Bozo, hehe. But the landladies, especially a lovely lass “Elizabeth” have always been kind enough to hook me up “just in case”.
Thank you, again!
But anyway, point of this?
Think about this, my friend.
Can YOU lift up a fire extinguisher and use it as a club if you need to?
An odd object like that, my friend ain’t exactly “light” and easy to lift like one of those silly handled dumbbells in the Jim “Shim”.
And to swing it around like a club – boy!
That requires some STRENGTH, my friend – shoulders like BARNSTOMERS.
Which you might think is a pitch for the book.
In some ways it is.
But it’s mostly to tell you that – serious workout fanatics – fret – NOT.
The book on training with implements will be out sometime soon, and it’s unlike anything out there, and anything you’ve ever seen from me.
Animal Kingdom Workouts is probably “my best book ever”.
But this one might top it – who knows!
Stay on the outlook for it – and in the meantime, the closest thing you can do to get to “part gorilla” status is to pick up and get cracking on the BOOTY KICKING workouts in “Profound Handstands” right NOW.
Do so, and let me know!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Maybe another couple of weeks on Lumberjack Fitness, I dont know . . . The wait will be WELL WELL worth it though.
PPS – And if you’re the “it’s just this” and “its just too easy” and “its just too elementary” sort of lampooner nutwads who can’t DO the thing – then word of caution and request – please (nice please) DO stay away from not just this book, but ALL my books. Thank you!
(I dont like Bozos on my list, so …)
(Pretty please with a cherry on top, or several)
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