On paying PEANUTS, expecting to get “kings” instead of Bozos and monkeys, and complaining about “not being able to find the right staff”
- What idiots!!

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Employers in general these days, and indeed in general even back in the day when I worked a job.

And other than the hassle and nuisance, it’s one reason amongst many I never ever work for anyone and haven’t for years, and NEVER WILL.

Not saying there aren’t good ones out there, but I haven’t been fortunate enough to meet too many.

Anyway, Madam Dani – I believe I wrote about this lady before?

Well, she’s a translator for the other business, and she emailed me this morning asking for a reference.


Apparently the clowns that hired her on contract (an excuse to not pay benefits obviously) – didnt resign with her, because “they dont have the money”.

They would resign only if she’s willing to accept LESS THAN HALF of what she made before.

What idiots. lol.

Thankfully Dani told them to go piss off.

And thankfully she’s got the letter of reference from me as well which I was more than happy to give out, because she’s a good girl, and she translates damn well!

(Speaking of which, I’m currently having Isometric and Flexibility Training translated to Portugese by another person, but Pushup Central is already in Spanish – but another translator)


Pushup Central

So if you know somewhere in Spain that is hiring good translators, let me know – I’ll pass it on to her.

But anyway, this brings to mind the same thing employers told me.

The Bozos told me “We won’t pay you what you’re worth because no-one will hire you with a resume like that“.

They didnt say the first part, but that was their import.


Well, guess what dude.

I dont want a crummy job anyway.

Never have.

Fitness wise, how does this relate.

Well, you pay peanuts, get monkeys.

And thats why – – amongst MANY OTHER REASONS – this Stella Artois of Fitness, the BEST there ever was, ever is, and will be (ok, I copied that from the inimitable “Bret Hart”, hehe) will NEVER EVER either make his workouts easier, or his info less hard hitting, or his products cheaper.

Take it or leave it.

I’d rather be ELITE than a monkey. 

And the rest, of course, as they say is up to “Providence”.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And proof – along with my other products – my latest course on handstands – price WILL go up next week. Dont believe me? Well, watch this space for MORE.

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