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Charles, if you’re reading this – and Ben – and any of you others wanting Kindle format specifically – heads up for YOU!
And everyone in general.
Been a busy Sunday thus far, but I finally got around to checking out the Kindle issue that Charles mentionedt his morning, and many others have mentioned over the past few months.
Now, it’s not really an issue per se. The only thing is pdf’s (which are the default digital download option on the site for most of the products) aren’t “fully” compatible with Kindle devices apparently – fonts etc don’t change properly, or cannot be changed – sometimes the images don’t work well on the Kindle but do great on pdf – minor things like that.
I have never once owned or used a Kindle. Yours truly “relic from a bygone era” has NO plans on doing so either anytime int he future.
But, as I told a former publisher, thats not the way the world is going (a large chunk of it at least, or those that dont have more space for yet more paperback books, and so forth).
So, I’ve been trying to figure something out for ages, and seems I finally found the right software.
Many thanks to Phil (one part of the “former publishing team”) – he’s the tech side of things there, and though I found the software he recommended this morning, it was only AFTER he did so that I installed, and used it.
(Therein lies the power of testimonials from people you know and trust).
And seems to all work great.
So, to start off with –
I’ve got Kindle versions out now for Pushup Central and Isometric and Flexibility Training – by far some of our most popular products along with Gorilla Grip.
And … being I dont use Kindle, I tested it on the default reader the software has, and it seems to work fine … BUT!
We need people to buy it – and TEST IT!
i.e. it should work just fine for YOU.
It works just as if you buy the normal digital download – just if you want a Kindle specific instant download, choose the Kindle option on the page, and you’ll get the .mobi file after payment.
I’ll have the .mobi version out for ALL products by and by.
For now, I’m off for a bit of a break – but just a heads up – this should be useful for a lot of you that want to avail of discounts etc, but have not been able to as of yet because of lack of Kindle specific files.
And that, my friend is that.
Always something to work upon, eh. On a Sunday of all things!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – You’ll notice that the default digital download (pdf) is priced the same as the .mobi version. A bit more work to convert it, sure, but digital is digital so the price remains the SAME.
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