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I love extremes.
I write about it all the time. I live that way. I do THINGS that way. And my books – fitness routines – they’re ALL like that.
You either love me, and can’t get enough of me and what I Say (not Bozo style, I mean you either “really like me”) or you just hate my very sight, guts, and can’t seem to find enough opportunities to criticize me.
Growing up I often felt sad for being treated this way, yet, of course, I didnt know what a natural innate GIFT I HAD!
That, to be able to do it naturally – is natural sales and marketing – the ability to adapt on the fly – to power through circumstances and situations that would defeat 10 normal men in a jiffy – is a talent to be nurtured and admired, not “feel sad about”.
Thats OK.
I was young!
But anyway, I never consciously tried to be this way despite what the Tom Tom’s claim
The wall of positivity I created around myself from a very young age – not a conscious decision either.
The spirit of the great and immortal Napoleon Hill was there with me since I was BORN!
It isn’t for nothing I’m called a seer by many (and an utter fool and worse by many more, hehe).
I’ll take it!
Anyway, I wrote about how life comes full circle – always – regardless – on the other site. And in a bestselling book I wrote as well.
It’s one of the opening comments.
And the book , the way it proceed, it literally takes the protagonist through a journey good ole Rahul at the age of 19 would never have dreamt of but wrote about years, and years later.
Charles, the friend or former or current or whatever it is, who always hated my very guts.
Who’d NEVER call out anyone for anything, but me saying it like it was, always had a lovely hissy about it. Hehe.
Who while he might not have directly created the memes Bozo so loves about it, was equally complicit in the racism because he never told me about it even once.
Till this date, never.
I haven’t asked why either.
For a guy who claims “only white people can speak English well” – … and then camouflages his rubbish by saying “they (chinese) want the real deal”, and attempts to pass off the racism as “I’m not racist because I bought stuff from India (of course, his girlfriend hates “dark people”, explains why Charles despite tom Tomming his desire to visit INdia never has, never will which is fine, I dont think India wants him either! – and of course, first thing his girlfriend did upon getting the stuff “he stole our money” – when it was the opposite – I literally begged Charles to take invoices, I literally asked him DOZENS OF times if he wanted do this, and so forth! – but yeah, “India man steal money!!!!!” – DUMB!) … and of course, the usual “I’d rather have Indian food cooked by an Indian than anyone else” (which is inane, look at me, can’t cook damn near anything other than a good ole steak (ok, I do up some pretty good rump roasts too Glyn, hehe) – and someone that can – just because of race … I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!!).
So, I haven’t asked.
(and honestly, I let it all go until his last comment about restriction my freedom of speech when the Chinese intruded onto Indian territory, as they have done with so many other nations.
Oddly enough, he was happy to let “people post angry comments” – they had the right – I didnt – he’s never explained it, but that really did it for me.)
(thats ok. takes a while to show one’s true colors).
Then, we have the outstanding Charles Mitchell, ex cop, and a man that embodies why I do all this!
Doing handstands and handstand pushups at an age way beyond 60 (most men call it quits at half the age), cannot get enough of REAL MAN TRAINING – advocates it to all – follows my emails, replies with intelligent comments – which is the whole point, not simply “agreeing” …
Bought so many of my books, left great reviews, not all, perhaps some aren’t favorites, but some are, whatever it is – a man that GETS IT – and a man that came into my life – ok, I said that the wrong way, hehe – I should say, the “customer” that materialized right after the other Charles got something from me that was SO Meaningful to me yet he just tossed it away …
Thats OK, Charles.
And thank you, Charles!
Think it’s just “Charles”?
Think again.
Herschel Walker, the guy I admire so much, and then another customer of mine John Walker – both unnrelated.
Then the spammer from Greece I was “foolish” (yes, foolish – I should have listened to my gut and never done business with “Feetus Footis”) to do biz with … and my great customers from Greece, probably the one I’d talk about most is Panourgias!
And so forth.
It beats me why people dont understand the concept of give and take, and that everything in the Universe, money included is cyclical.
Emerson and any great seer down the ages wrote about it, but I’d really, really recommend YOU to read the Laws of Compensation by Emerson.
No I dont sell it, no, I get nothing from it, but YOU LEARN some very valuable lessons – thats why I tell you this all the time!
You give FIRST, you get MORE in return, its that simple …
People just focus on the end goal “get more”.
Thats fine, but every action does have an equal and opposite reaction, thing is, you gotta be willing to TAKE that action!
Life, my friend comes full circle.
It truly does.
Always has, always will.
And as the books ROAR on the other site, I’m out.
Remember to pick some products up – whatever you guys have decided – NOW.
I’m out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – We’re soon going to be adding wish lists and more to the site – stay tuned!
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