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Yup, it works wonders, and quick!
Fat loss, core strength, stability – all done old fashioned and “Indian wrestler” style.
Over the past month or so, I’ve been doing two of these “hybrid squats” I have NEVER covered fully, but will in an advanced book on squatting once I “get to it”.
There is so much more to squats than what I teach currently.
In the past, I’ve focused exclusively on teaching you Hindu squats, and these are great, but …
For SOME people, when you first start, you tend to ignore two things – or three, those being deep breathing – the right way – bringing the arms into it – huge – and the BACK of the body – even huger.
The focus tends to be on reps and thighs which I can understand, but this is wrong.
An excellent alternative is the bodyweight squat that doesn’t make an appearance in any of my books until date.
These are done “slower” than Hindu squats, but still give you a superb fat sizzling workout like few others (and they’re not done super slow).
These also tend to emphasize the hamstrings a lot more, if just for the sheer difference in HOW you do ’em i.e. motion.
Now, I’ve written to you before about the “sledgehammer squats” which I’ve done over the past month, and which gets the heart thumping like none other.
Wait a minute, let me link it…
But today, it’s the Indian wrestler style hybrid Hindu/bodyweight squat which combines the speed of the Hindu squat – the BACK BREAKING nature of the “hoe work” that (dont remove the e, hehe) Indian wrestlers do while digging mud pits – the STABILITY you get from bodyweight squats – and deep breathing bar none.
These are hard to explain here, but basically…
You incorporate the arm motion in a swift sideways “circular motion” not quite like Hindus, but it’s as if you were digging stuff off the floor with your fingertips pointing towards the ground in a perpendicular manner.
You do these FAST, as fast as Hindus.
And your lower back stays BENT – but “straight” during these.
It is like a digging a pit back and forth with a hoe rapid fire, except … you SQUAT as you do so.
My, if there any better butter burners than this one, I’m yet to hear – see – or feel it.
Not to mention BACK (lower) strength which is different from that which you get from any other exercise, and the way your core, especially upper abs, work throughout the entire movement – and of course, the lung busting!
You’ll have to DO them to really feel it.
Incorporate this into your workouts, and let me know how you do.
And in the meantime, remember …
If you ain’t yet gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System, DO so now.
And, if you ain’t yet placed a pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, again, do so NOW…
And I’ll be back!
Rahul Mookerjee
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