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That was the lovely 24 year old Venus who said that (I gave her, along with another girl I know that name).
Somehow “Venus” for me has always held a nice connotation, not necessarily because she is supposed to be the “Goddess of Love”.
But because, I dont know, the name just sounds good, and since men are from Mars, women from Venus, and Bozo Schofields in between are from planet Earth (nah – kidding – please, trans guys or girls or whatever reading this, I’ve got nothing against your personal choice, but when it comes to transgender sports competitions, glorifying all this as being the “norm” and anything else as not, adoption – and such – well, then I say NO – because it ain’t fair towards the very women a lot of “men” like Glyn apparently want to be- and well, just for eff’s sake leave kids out of it).
Sorry, I had to rant a bit there – lik eI just did on Twitter.
But Venus, her of the “I like man and money, but I like money most!”
Coldly practical, yet sensous … much like the OTHER Venus I know. Hehe.
The same age, both of them are.
Wait a minute, this ain’t the “other site” is it.
Hehe. So I will stop describing them, but that was the comment she made to me once she met me – and keeps saying it till date.
“Oh my God!” You know me too well!
and then again…
“You’re a man of purpose!”
We won’t get into my purpose with her here. hehe.
But it’s interesting, people either call me that, or the other extreme.
Interesting indeed the contrasts, but you know when Chinese girls with one purpose in mind -business – and nigh nothing else, all else secondary (for the most part!) – say it over an dover again, there’s gotta be something to it.
I dont know why I felt compelled to share that, but somehow I feel a lot of YOU feel the same way about me.
Always a purpose, always a reason – nothing is random, even though it might seem like it – I took that straight out of the Bourne Supremacy, did I not?
My own life.
Anyway, man of purpose or not, there’s no doubting my purpose when it comes to these emails.
One, to SELL.
Yes, I said it.
And two, to make sure what I am selling, what you BUY – emphasis on BUY (I’d rather be upfront about it) – helps you more than any other fitness (or if it’s the other site, other) products you buy. (or use, whatever).
My workout today was 450 squats and LOTS of deep stretching, I can feel my hamstrings singing right about now.
These workouts, my friend are workouts YOU should be partaking of – daily.
And the man of purpose sayeth so.
Here’s an interesting question I’ll leave you with.
It’s one Napoleon Hill asks often in Think and Grow Rich.
What is YOUR purpose i.e. that ONE thing you KNOW you were meant to do?
Good, bad, ugly, Bozo, socially accepted or not, familial acceptance or not, anything I’ve left out…
Write back – let me know!
And be sure to review your purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System too, my friend.
I’ll throw in a special discount for all those that do!
(as I always do).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Almost forgot to mention something interesting.
Last night, the PM of India showed up repeatedly in my dreams – umpiring a cricket match of all things, dressed in one of his sage “suits” (btw, why do Indian politicans never wear real suits. Hehe. The Chinese seem to have figured that one out a long time ago…) … and looking dapper and happy for one!
And smug, satisfied.
Now, I’ve no idea WHY he showed up.
Trump, I can understand why.
But while I admire Modis style of marketing, he does a damn good job of it, I’m pretty “ambivalent” about him otherwise …
Who knows. Hehe. Guess we’ll find out!
(no, it ain’t some latest repressed desire to be a leader of a country. The title might sound grandiose, but the hassle? Hell nawl!
I’d rather just PM or President the Ship!)
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