More on TRUE and real leadership.
- It comes from within.

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I’ll never forget the day I discussed my lifestyle with a customer and friend John Walker, how I live alone, how I do NOT get entangled in the web of Nazi feminism like so many other men do – and so forth.

“You seem to be a man who has figured out how to live life on his own terms” was what he said, after discussing what Thoreau said …

(the great philosopher)

“Most men are content to lead lives of quiet desperation”.

So are most women. Hehe.

Or whatever you “identify” as … since this is the Biden era. Hehe.

As I look at a certain someone lazily sprawled on the bed, blaring out idiotic soap operas from a dumbphone she feeds her brain on from morning till night … voice dripping with frustration every time she talks (should be YELLS) – I think of …

well, I’m not going to mention THIS certain someone.

It could be my “wife” (so called) – it could be a partner – it could be anybody.

It could be any of the “sheep” I keep talking about so much in this world – content to do nothing and be led to the pastures to graze, or the slaughterhouse. So long as they’re led and fed, all is fine!

So long as they never need to take any real initiative or responsibility for their own lives.

Since I said “not just men” above – I’ll say this here – “not just women”.

It’s people in general my friend.

There’s tons of men equally frustrated sitting in their office so they dont need to return home to the nagging spouse, tons that bitch more than girls do on the phone (you’d be surprised at how a lot of men TALK – much like women do – another reason I hardly ever get on the phone – those bitching sessions, ugh – I mean dont get me wrong we all need ’em ONCE in a while, but I limit mine to a few minutes either way, most dont).

People in general.

Anyone y’all that know me know that fitness is just one area I write in.

I dabble in many others.

I have a thriving business in another regard writing about Nazi feminist females – in China – and I write about MEN in those books under those women – from a “submissive standpoint”.

ie the men that enjoy that sort of thing.

If you’re wondering how I can write those type of books and be successful with it (given my own mindset) – well, hint hint.

It’s about TRANSPOSING yourself into another person’s mind, and writing from their mindset.

Or, to keep it simple “write what Bozo Schofield likes minus the lunacy”. Hehe.

It’s easy if you know how to do it – we can all do it, much like we can all take charge of our lives and fitness, precious few DO though …

With all this in mind, remember a lady Paula who said this about me? (she certainly ain’t the only one) –

Congratulations Mike! You are a man who while you appear to be weak, you
are totally strong in reality and with that you have them all the time, without them
realizing it.

Dear readers! If you want to be like Mike it is. Do as they say “Follow the leader”,
“Just do it”.

And I wrote about that before … (remember, she said “Just do it” without knowing this was the tagline I use HERE on this site. Truly  a case of thoughts TRANSMUTING!) 

With all this in mind, let’s look at an interesting review she sent in for a book I wrote on a certain “Krystal” (I still remember those lovely legs and the white skirt – Gorilla Girl loves those white skirts too, hehe) …

… a review that deals NOT with superficials ie the “erotica” content – but the MINDSET behind the erotica.

Which is what I really like about this girl and others that give me REAL reviews, not just the usual blabber the sheep expect, but from a THINKER perspective!

I guess I could always ask for reviews from a sheep perspective, but I dont – I guess I could make even more sales that way – but I WON’T – I’d rather stay honest and true to what I told Charles Mitchell once here.

He was talking about making my workouts easier so I could sell more – and DONT DO IT! (because thats not you, and because you challenge us, and keep doing it, and that was music to my ears – I never will).

Same thing for reviews for my other books … I’d rather as I keep saying, people believe the MIND Is the most powerful weapon (more Rambo II there, hehe) …

and review my books from THAT angle (the non fitness ones, because the THINKING is what is most important!).

Same thing for my emails, I could so easily pander to the “most people think like 8 year olds” marketing mindset and send you emails along those lines, especially “since times are tough” (nonsense) … but I won’t, and refuse to.

That ain’t me.

And that ain’t who I want buying, I’d rather have long term devoted THINKING followers and buyers, not SHEEP! (and THINKING DOERS!). 

Anyway, read what she said –


Chinese women hate a foreigner, because they don’t understand his English, but
what’s behind the scenes.

Well, a teacher hates his student, because he cannot satisfy his desire for him. In
the case of Mike, Chinese women want him very much, but they will not satisfy their
sexual desire for him, since they were taught in that training, that is, not to give
themselves for love, but for money. Mike knows this and exploits it very much in his
favor, since he manages to give them oral anal sex, makes them appear naked or
very provocative before him, of course … (I’ll let yall guess the rest, too “provocative” to post here. Hehe). 

He is there for
their eyes and the pleasure they make him feel all the time.

Thousands of people live longing for freedom, many of them sometimes do not know
what freedom is and much less how to use it, others manage to be free but what
they do with their freedom is to decide to be submissive people, why? Humanity
throughout its history has developed gods, myths and oligarchies that bring with
them submission to the masses, although these thousands of times bring with them
injustices, they must also give satisfaction to the masses, why? Perhaps human
beings by nature have a bit of masochism among us and that is why thousands of
people fall easily seduced by someone dominant in the case of couples, in addition
all the leaders that humanity has always had strength and desire to command ; There
has never been a submissive leader, he simply would not be a leader, even Gandhi
had to make his ideas known with perseverance without admitting doubts, otherwise
the Indian people would have persisted in seeking independence from Great Britain.
The masses succumb to the authoritarian, above all because they prefer security to
freedom, as long as the majority of human beings prefer to have less freedom in
exchange for security, as long as the masses do not want to fight for their
independence and want a state to solve their needs. There will be authoritarian
states, religions promising people heaven for being submissive, and couples
dominating their partners. More than due to masochism, ignorance or weakness, the
masses in all of human history succumb to authoritarianism, it is because those who
solve their problems, who guide their lives, who give them security grow old; In short,
the vast majority of human beings try to evade responsibility for their lives and for
this they look for something that dominates them, be it a religion, a political issue, a
dominant partner or others.

Good submissive reading!

Mike is a good teacher, you just have to follow in his footsteps.

Paula Banda Rendón.


Lady, you sure have it spot on! (the submissive part, remember I wrote this book from a guy’s perspective dealing with a Chinese woman who is … ah, but that part isn’t important here, let’s get to the part that is!) …

She is RIGHT – spot on about why the “masses” follow leaders – and why leaders are truly in the minority ,and HOW they lead. 

Confidence, repetition of the same chant, and SECURITY – YES! 

Most people would rather have a secure stable job their entire lives, for instance, than do what their heart cherishes and desires the most – and take the FALLS for doing so.

Most people would rather live in what essentially amounts to “sham” marriages from a satisfaction standpoint as opposed to actually – ADMIT their “deepest and darkest” (not always “dark” by the way, I’m using the term since society seems to love putting that tag on those of us that follow our HEARTS) desires…

Most people are risk averse.

Most people see problems – not solutions down the road.

And so forth.

In short – the sheep are more than willing to be led to the pastures – or the slaughters – so long as they’d “fed” and led, this is all they want.

I dont know so much about Gandhi, but he was a leader yes – he DID mobilize the masses of India big time – now, of course, he was also two faced in that he himself didnt do a lot of what he said, sleeping with underage women etc, some extremely weird habits too – and so forth …not to mention he was indirectly responsible for India being partitioned into Pakistan and India, a mess that hasn’t been resolved to this date in the subcontinent (ever wonder why Gandhi was never sent to the concentration camp style jail the Brits had in India? There was a reason! To me it was the other freedom fighters “Bhagat Singh”, “Subhash Chandra Bose” etc that played a far more important role in India’s eventual freedom from the Brits, not to mention global events like WWII weakening the ”imperial” empire to a huge degree and so forth) …

… But from a leadership standpoint, even he had it spot on.

And all true leaders from Gandhi to Churchill to Napoleon Hill to Mike Watson – they all have one thing in common.

They LEAD – they are fearless, courageous, have belief, gumption – and something else “internally” that everyone has, but precious few foster.

I’ll let you guess what that something else is, it ain’t got nothing to do with sex either. Maybe it does, but thats not the main point.

Anyway ….

It’s interesting how in writing all this she very accurately points out my mindset!

Congratulations Mike! You are a man who while you appear to be weak, you
are totally strong in reality and with that you have them all the time, without them
realizing it.

Dear readers! If you want to be like Mike it is. Do as they say “Follow the leader”,
“Just do it”.

And she’s right!

True leadership comes from SERVING – first.

You have to serve first before you GET.

And you have to do so with an open heart.

And if you enjoy it, so much the better, most true leaders DO!

Anyway, why do I mention all this here?

Just to tell you that it ain’t all about just following your heart, doing what you want etc.

You have to inspire people to DO as well – THAT is when you can be considered a true leader, when people follow you – look up to what you say – LEARN from you – and when YOU yourself have been in the trenches LEARNING (or “submitting” as in the book – as I keep saying, you have to GIVE first before you GET) …

… I dont know how true this rings for most of you.

but it rings true for me, therefore I shared it with you (and if you’re interested in “which books” – well, give me a shout out, I’ll direct you to them).

For now, remember the 0 Excuses Fitness System is not just the baseline everyone MUST have if they’re interested in any sort of real fitness (no, not becoming a fitness God as the trolls keep saying, hehe) …

… It’s also by far the best and most exhaustive, but that isnt’ the best part about it.

The best part?

The RESULTS you get, yes.

But there is something EVEN better.




That “something” inside which not everyone chooses to nourish and foster, that spark that eventually becomes a firestorm – every true leader KNOWS What I am saying and talking about here.

That X factor…

Napoleon Hill said this in Think and Grow Rich.

“I could give you the secret right now, but that would deprive you of most of the benefits you’d get by discovering it for yourself”.

SAME thing fitness – or life wise. (Hill wrote that from a life perspective, but it rings true in all spheres you choose to engage in).

It ain’t just a sales pitch either.

And it’s so true, my friend.

Therefore, I shall leave you BE on that note.

See you soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The “Stella Artois” Of Bodyweight Culture – just DO IT!

And its interesting how she talks about me being a teacher – lao shi – or … Shi Fu, as I’m called here. Hehe. I look at myself as a writer primarily, someone who is helping others solve their problems and issues – but she’s right – that is what real teachers do – not in ESL though hehe.

Yes, leaders TEACH – they inspire – they also SERVE by solving the “masses problems”.

Hence, they lead.

A concept not everyone gets…

And she’s right, all my life I’ve had women ask me “what I want” etc to the point of me wondering “wouldn’t it be easier to let go and let HER just do what she wants”. Hehe. (not to mention more productive as I write about HERE ) …

… And when I got irritated at them for being bozos or whatever, they’d ask me this.

“I’ve done something wrong again have I not”?

Now, this isn’t a treatise on how to pick up women and so forth, but the “teaching” part done naturally applies. I’ve always done it naturally…

… Until my mid 30’s, perhaps even later, I never had a true understanding of the topic (most dont till they pass, even then they dont) …

I do now though. hehe.

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