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So says Mr Quick!
A long time ago, I replied to one of Vince Palko (y’all remember him? hehe)s emails that I was signed up for at the time with a question.
About quick workouts – and the name I used was Velocity.
Vince, being the marketing genius “The Godfather of Internet Marketing” as he used to call himself, and as he still does probably hehe (respect) – replied back saying “Velocity, thats a cool nick!”
And it is.
As is Mystery, which should also really be my middle name, and probably is in real life – hehe.
Mike too.
Michael “Brown” too – I’m NOT even going there.
But anyway – it’s stuck with me . . .
I think it was back in the day when I wsa 19 or so, bored as hell occasionally in the college dorms on campus (before I moved out) and I didnt really have much money to spend at the bars etc like other dudes did, so I used to haunt the late night chat rooms at the computer lab (often times after hours sneakily, hehe) – and used the “Velociraptor” nick name.
All cool nicks, the trolls often trolled it as “Velocrap”. lol.
We had a lot of “fun” there booting people and what not …
But anyway, speed has always been my middle name.
If you do it, do it quick or not at all – it could be a simple walk outdoors to take out the trash, get my daughter back from the bus stop, maybe just walk out to grab a beer and smoke (when I did smoke) – but I do it BRISKLY – naturally – always.
Of course, there are times I do the polar opposite.
I often, and this is NOW, take long, long walks in the gardens around my apartment in China – just long peaceful walks, me and the birds, often times I’ll feed the fish for hours, “talk to them” – and do nothing except just walk about.
There is a time for both!
Yin and yang …
But mostly, in life, I get her done – QUICK.
Products – QUICK.
Emails – even the long ones – QUICK.
Sending you those emails – quick.
Workout wise, same damn thing.
I’ll get done with a workout which most people will dwadle for hours over before even doing in 3 minutes flat or less – like 100 squats.
And then I may do more, or I might be done for the day or I might do 100 more while waiting for my green tea to brew.
And thats my 200 squat workout for the day, more than people do in weeks apparently …
I dont think, I dont meditate over it, I dont ruminate over it, I drop down, do, do quick and then I’m DONE.
Is it any wonder I get the results I do?
The Universe – and fitness – and money in general loves SPEED, and the attitude and all the attributes that go along with it. So does Mother Nature – ask the big cats for one.
Or the grizzly.
when something has to happen, it happens QUICK.
Grab some of my workout techniques NOW to incorporate this sense of speed into your life – and watch your life change before your very eyes.
Rahul Mookerjee
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