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I’m in a bit of a rambling mood today.
But ramble or not, this is another true story – not so long ago, I sprained my ankle walking on the beach.
It was Friday night, and in the Middle East where we were at the time, Saturday and Sunday are working days (Thurs and Fri are holidays) and so it was work the next day, I think I’m right on the days, not sure – but I think so, if memory serves me RIGHT …
It was a long walk on the beach, like hours, and then at the end of it all I had that nasty ankle sprain where you turn your foot “inwards” (from the outside of the foot) inadvertently and your whole weight lands on it.
A year or so later, I had a case of the “swollen ankles” when I was truly PHAT – water retention I believe, it was so painful I could barely TOUCH the damn ankle – literally.
I’m no stranger to injuries, of course, but we’ll touch upon these two here.
Anyway, injury number one – I could barely WALK the next few days, it was that painful.
Back then I worked a job which required a lot of walking between desks, so when I did make it in to work, they told me to “take calls sitting down if possible” (I was IT support back then, hated the job, been there, done that, threw away the T shirt if you get my drift).
But I remember people telling me, as they always have with injuries “go to the doctor, get that plastered up” and so forth.
I remember a certain fat guy himself telling me this …
“Your weight all goes there! Reduce your weight!” he chortled, then pointed at the groin.
“Gand pe nahi jata!” he chortled again.
(hindi for “it doesnt descend on your balls!”) (he was Omani – “Baluchi” – those guys are more Indian sometimes than Indian themselves, hehe)
I dont know if that was his idea of a joke, not to mention “Khaled” was hardly qualified to say what he was. Hehe. But all in good fun …
YES, I was overweight then. Big time.
I still had the gorilla grip and such, “Strong” as people said, but I was fat – period – no doubt over it.
People said it too, while I didnt much care as I still dont, I never really took any action to remedy it – or at least not the right ones.
How life comes full circle, eh.
Doesnt it always have a funny way of doing so?
Anyway, a year later, I was even phatter, even more obese, and then the incident – the swollen ankle I’ve written so much about.
Went to an Indian doctor who made a face when I took my sock off as if I was infecting him with the plague – sort of like the Indian doc Uncle Bob went to when he had the flu, and she looked away when he coughed like “stay away from me!”
Doctors, indeed the biggest con artists and criminals as they say for the most part, especially the lumpooons who force women to have C sections when they should, by all accounts, have NORMAL deliveries …
Women doing it to other women – dont get me started on the hypocrisy, of course. Hehe.
As for women, a certain Madam Rachna demanded to know later “why I didnt give the doc a piece of my mind”.
If I had, the doc would have dropped dead there.
And if I had, more importantly, she’d be bitching about “how I need to control my temper” and other crap.
Can’t win for losing eh. Hehe.
Anyway ……………………
Why these two trips down memory lane?
Well, LAST night – I had this nasty ankle sprain similar to the above which popped up – out of nowhere.
Same pain, I could barely walk etc.
I dont know how it happened, maybe I needed to rest from doing 250 plus squats daily, but I really think it was some of the side kicks I’ve been practising against cement as of late, and my foot twisted on one, that was it, I believe.
I dont know, maybe the “leaping kicks” I’ve been practicing, not because they add any real value to real world fighting, but to prove to myself I could do it, thats all (you’re far better off focused on being stable on the ground when fighting, for that matter).
Whatever it was, damn, it popped out of nowhere, and funnily enough after a shower. NOT when I was working out.
I could barely sit, it was that painful.
Regardless, what I did last night I stretched the foot out in various directions, and then went to bed hoping I’d recover.
(I also gorged on sweets and chocolates, kind of overdid it – maybe I needed it. Hehe. Strangely enough, I dont even feel any lethargy after doing so, which normally happens to me after that)
This morning, I tested it out …
Holy Mary, that pain – it might as well have not been there.
I did 50 squats.
Not there.
I can still feel the soreness, the slight swelling, but I did NOT expect an injury of this nature to subside that quickly!
The foots fine, the only problem with it is Glyn … uh, I mean these annoying mosquitoes snapping away at some part of it. Hehe.
The lesson here is two fold – reduce the weight, for one, and you reduce not just your own health problems in general, but recover much quicker from everything else.
Trust me on this one.
And it’s when people start calling you out on “shit, you’ve REALLY lost weight” – is when you know you’re getting someplace.
Again, trust me on this one.
And second, proper stretching is key my friend.
Isometrics, I cannot over-emphasize the value of them done right and done for TIME. They hurt like a SOB last night, but I did it, and combined with the, well, optimal “body mass” I have – it no doubt all recovered to a very speedy – shockingly so – recovery (and the book linked above has the exact stretches I did last night in that regard, foot related).
And thats that for this one.
Lets hope the ankle keeps up with my kicking workout today. I got a feeling it will!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Squat 101 is a book you guys really need to place a pre-order for NOW – this one’s going to be nigh awesome.
In the meantime, get started on the 0 Excuses Fitness System if you have not already, it really should be your constant companion everywhere you go.
And, just to have some fun, this one from … Bangladesh, I believe…
“Mohammed Jony” sent this in. (to another email address). (I believe on www.rollsroycepublications.com).
Sorry, first of all, lemme introduce myself.
My name is JonY from BangladeshI have a several questions
One of dam isIn that rolls Royce aircraft has big n thick ware that is wrapped with thick plastic which is also all of ware before mechanic get shocked once he goes for repair it when he or she feel to repair it( aircarf)
2nd how long the rolls Royce aircraft does stay over sky? And what is the voltage range of rolls royce engine capacity to be safety for all kind of passenger or travellers?I have few more question to be answered by your inventors then I will forward these all mail the court as a matter risky for lives. Sry 4 being disturbance fellow
Bye 4 now.
That tongue be tied, hehe.
While I dont quite know what to tell “Jony”, I’m sure this will be a call for me to get that email list along with two others that are dormant going as well.
Lots of fun, hehe. A certain “Princess Joanie” would approve!
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