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Oh boy!
I was just thinking of John Walker, the DOER I mention here all the time – rightly so, the man deserves it and then some (every bit) – and presto, his email shows up in the ole Inbox right down to the precise email address I used when I first started chatting with him back and forth.
If that ain’t yet another example of visualization working and HOW, I dont know what it is.
Anyway, its been a magical day thus far as usual around here.
Lets start with REVIEWS, well, lets start with John’s email to me!
Dear Rahul
It’s been ages since we last communicated so I thought I’d check in with you, I sincerely hope all is well with you.
I don’t know if you still monitor your amazon reviews? But I had to put another “price wanker” straight in response to his review.
It would appear that some people never learn and they cannot see the “wood for the trees” anyway I gave him and anyone else who can be bothered to read it what I feel is a fair and unbiased review, even though I don’t own the compilation book he was commenting on I do have two of the three books that the compilation is made up of.
Anyway my friend, just a quick one to check that you’re okay and life is not getting you down too much? Take care my friend.
Warmest Regards
Well, first things first, with all the I.T. and server moves, I took some of my long term customers OFF the list (yes, thats right – marketing SACRILEGE! Hehe, but to me my relationship with my customers, like friends is worth far more than mere dollars) – because some, including John were getting repeated emails to buy what they already had.
And I can be very “persistent” in that regard, eh. Hehe.
We’re sorting all that out, lists etc all sorted, but he hasn’t been on the list a while, so wrote in.
Now, I gotta say, reviews? I monitor my Amazon regularly, but there weren’t any reviews – after his email, I checked – I still couldn’t find any.
Then I went to his profile, and I saw it!
Turns out Grizzly Power wasn’t on my list of books for Amazon for some reason, now it’s there (I added it) – – and now it will probably show within a couple of days.
Anyway, an idiot – some “do gooder” (remember that joker who once badgered me about why I want to “train the body and not the mind” when I was doing pull-ups??) – left a review.
This nutjob apparently trolls Amazon looking for books to review (not just mine, every book he can find) – and comments mainly on PRICE – without BUYING the book, which like I wrote about just a couple of days back is an utterly stupid and moronic way to review anything, let alone books.
Unfortunately, thats the world these days …
His review
This authors books were moderately priced and then they climbed and climbed. Who is going to pay over a hundred pounds without seeing all of the content? I have checked some of the author’s other books and have found:
a) some reasonable advice, but nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary
b) some dubious claims, especially regarding the possible results, since his methods are not unique, others would have discovered if these methods are the very best.
c) He repeats material over and over, so that the books on Pull ups seem to be virtually the same
d) Most of the books are not very long, so they are massively over-priced.There are very few fitness books that are really worth ££s, and only a handful that are worth anything like £50. This author’s books do not deserve to be priced at well over £100.
I always laugh out loud when I see tripe like this.
Like dude, if no-one were willing to pay the prices, obviously you wouldn’t be reviewing it trying to hurt sales? (which by the way, please keep on trying, lol) …
c) He repeats material over and over, so that the books on Pull ups seem to be virtually the same
Utter tosh, my friend – but from someone who hasn’t even bought the books, that is to be expected.
I’ll let some other folks that HAVE bought the books on pull-ups ring in, but the exercises in Pullups -from STUD – to SUPER STUD (turns out I was right here. hehe) and the initial book – well, completely different for one, this guy has clearly not even read the sales page for the book, all he did was look at the $$ and balk.
Idiota, as Rod Steiger would say, these “do gooders” often are nothing but massive pain in the ass wanna be Mother Teresa’s (I hate to associate the great lady’s name with a wackjob like this) ..
(His Amazon name is “Hopeful Evangelist”, that alone says a lot)
This authors books were moderately priced and then they climbed and climbed.
And thats his business – how?
lol ’nuff said on that front ..
(although, here’s a little secret – his INITIAL review for my book “Gorilla Grip” came in (you’ll see the link below) when it was priced at $9.99, and that was “too expensive” or some nonsense.
I raised the price shortly thereafter, the sale I was having having ended so ..
So now “that price” is reasonable for him, but this isnt.
This is why I coined the term “price wankers”. Hehe. Illogical and moronic to the extreme for one…
a) some reasonable advice, but nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary
Well, you’re clearly not in position to decide that my friend. Especially not without further explanation … I mean, what qualifies as “out of the ordinary” for this joker? Blasting the intergalatic third strand of the sixteenth tricep while wanking your banana on a bus in Nanjing?
Or what??
Inquiring minds want to know, fool.
b) some dubious claims, especially regarding the possible results, since his methods are not unique, others would have discovered if these methods are the very best.
Well, clearly SOME have, you moron. Like I said, I cater to doers, not the herd. If that bites, get used to it, it wont change. I ain’t changing “to make more sales” either, so get used to it pal – thats life.
Not to mention this jackass never mentions what claims are dubious – and what are not in his opinion … perhaps because he himself doesnt know. Hehe.
d) Most of the books are not very long, so they are massively over-priced.
There are very few fitness books that are really worth ££s, and only a handful that are worth anything like £50. This author’s books do not deserve to be priced at well over £100.
He clearly doesnt have the brain to read page counts, let alone read the book, so I’ll leave it be at that. Not to mention, dude, it ain’t about quantity, its about quality, like I can make 10 pushups harder than 1000, I can likewise be a hell of a lot more or less verbose – depending upon how I want to do it. That dont reduce the quality of matter being disseminated one damn bit!
Its not about length, or size – it’s how you use it, you bozo. Its what you do with what you have as opposed to gripe about what could be!
Brings to mind a recent Twitter discussion I was having with a lady Jyoti about the 18- char limit, I said I wish Musk would increase it a bit.
But then again, I think its best to to leave it as is, I laughed. Forces me to be, I forgot the word I used on the tip of my tongue, lets see what I wrote .. (pithy??)
ust twitter hehe. (i was running out of space). maybe Musk
can increase this 180 char limit, though i must admit, it forces brevity while keeping meanings intact, which can be good too.
And there it is, my friend …
Anyway, why me?
This review came in in March, I never noticed it, or I would have shared it before.
And in September, John Walker reviewed it – I never saw that one either!
Here goes –
Lets Get Real.
Although I don’t own this particular book, I do own two of the books in this compilation so I believe I can give an honest review.
Hopeful Evangelist points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they’re not cheap, however, as I’ve pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you’ll miss out.
Interestingly, Hopeful states that the authors knowledge is nothing special??? Sorry I have to disagree with that statement, the author knows his stuff from the inside out and his training methods work but here’s the “kicker” his training methods only work if you do!!! There are no magic exercises or routines and that’s why most people do not get the results they expect from their training, they lack application.
It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and “jacked” what is their secret?
Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.
If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You’ve got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.
John Walker.and there it is, my friend.
There it is!
What I wrote to John addresses his review –
Hey John –
Long time no speak – how are ya??? I’ve been thinking of you a lot as well (you know, although I’ve been using a lot of different email addresses to chat with you, I was looking through my hotmail last night and remembering this one was where I first started to communicate with you, presto, your email shows up right there!), yes, been a long time since we communicated – and you chose the nigh perfect day to “finally” get in touch – see this – https://0excusesfitness.com/2022/11/06/when-the-girls-were-stronger-than-me-and-one-of-the-most-humiliating-memories-ever-hehe/ …
Truly a chip off the old block is she as you said! Hehe.
Now I do indeed monitor my Amazon reviews at least once a day, but for whatever reason, no new “reviews” showed up for Grizzly Power – I had to go in there and manually check your profile (which also pulled up the review you left for the “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture” book (Farmer Burns) – you are spot on, that book deserve 5 stars too, I’ve read it, superb old school training and wrestling info!) (Matt Furey being associated with him – well, I’m not sure what folks make of that, but either way, he did and continues to bring Burns’s work to many globally, so kudos and hats off to the “Fure cat” if just for that!).
This “evangelist” character – I’m not sure – in fact I am 100% positive he doesnt “buy books” – he left a review for Gorilla Grip eons ago (which you’ve likely seen here – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B077BHY8L1) – his main purpose, and his Amazon profile seems to indicate this as well, or it did back then at any rate seems to be “look for prices and comment upon them” i.e. which books he “thinks” are worth it, which is utterly STUPID – I mean, every author has the right to charge what they think is worth it for the book, and if someone knows his or her stuff, if someone has been through the trenches pretty much in terms of all this and then some – well, then like you say, that sort of knowledge is priceless, it’s impossible to quantify that knowledge via a price tag alone – of course, try explaining that to the price wanking sissies and nutjobs of the world (increasing in number as we speak, haha, as you are no doubt aware).
Thanks for the great riposte – quoting but one part of it –
// start quote
It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and “jacked” what is their secret? Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.
If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You’ve got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.// end quote
And that, my friend says it all – with their shitty diet and everything against them – the example you’ve given of how prisoners get so jacked (and I use this example all the time myself too) is a perfect example of how ultimately its DOING AND PERSISTENCE that brings home the BACON – in any regard.
Dare to dream, then just DO IT! (as you are aware – thank you again, my friend for the HONESTY in your words – I had no idea that review was even there, much less check it) …
I believe the reason his review (and then yours now) wasn’t showing was because for some reason ‘Amazon Author Central’ did not put “Grizzly Power” in the list of books written by me. I’ve added it now though, so I am sure it will automatically show up within a couple of days, but thanks a lot for bringing this to my notice – I had no clue this idiot was still “at it” as it were!
As for life, when it gives you lemons in some regard, well, you know me, my brother. Squeeze those suckers for all you’re worth (no pun haha) – and get all the lemonade you can – and ultimately there’s only one winner in the battle of gumption – in short, I’ll never let it get me that down, though that happens sometimes, we channel our inner warrior, and we move on – to bigger and better!
Lots of stuff going on at this end, but I’ll let YOU weigh in first – how’s life treating YOU?
Let me know, like you said, long time no speak, let me know how you’re doing – I hope not too much craziness in the ole garden, hehe. I didnt mention it in the initial link outside, but I Was training clubs with my little girl in the garden until the wife started to complain about “others seeing it” and then we came in. My response should have been “who gives a shit who sees it, this is something to be damned proud of (read the link I sent)” – but of course, women, pointless saying anything, and so … Hehe.
Thanks for the email John – although you’re not on the list right now, I keep mentioning you as an example of a true DOER to everyone, because you are – and you deserve the praise. The very best birthday present I could have gotten was what you told me on my birthday this year, and given the hammering I put myself through now, and the comments I get – well – that alone makes it all worth it, that was the best damn thing I could have heard on that day, trust me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart again for that honest and heartfelt remark!
Rahul Mookerjee
And thats that, my friend.
Thats that!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – A common answer to the why are prisoners in shape question – well, this – “they dont need to work for a living”.
To an extent true, but dude, it’s hardly a cakewalk there behind bars, it’s not like all expenses paid hotel where you do nothing but train, there’s plenty to “worry” about.
They do because they have to, in prison you either whip ass or you get … well, we all know.
There’s no in between.
You either adapt or become a sissy.
You either get in top shape with the tools you have which is usually just your bodyweight, or you dont.
And you either focus like a maniac, or you dont … its that simple.
That explains it, in a nutshell, I’ve written about it before, I’ll try and find it..
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