Young man Rahul calls the “plump ‘uns” – or the Plumpinators – out, hehe.
- Not the Trumpinator!

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Nah, not the lovely Trumpinator!

I’d never do that, I love ole Trump!

But I mean, them plump fools – or not fools – you know, those BIG guys that claim to be strong but not fat, or despite the shopping at “Xtra” stores, hehe – and the embarassment that no doubt goes along with it claim despite the mirror painting reality as it IS for them that they’re “big” and have a different body type (hey, the liberal foolish era as it were!) …


To put it succinctly like only I can?

Fat nutters of either or gender pretending to be fitness virtusos when they’re the polar opposite – again hilarious it is…

Anyway – while doing pull-ups, I believe my … 32nd rep, Prem walked by.

“How are you young man!” he chimed in.

Young man, I laughed back.

“hey man”, I said. “I’m almost as old as you!”

And I am!

“No, because…” he pointed at my midsection and made a “wow” gesture with his hands at me doing pull-ups, repping out set after set nigh effortlessly, CHIN OVER BAR, pause at the TOP!

And he’s right. Hehe. Everyone says it, I feel like 20 – though I’m more than double that!

Birthday coming up very soon too.

Now, Young man uses a term for this one that he doesn’t usually – a cute little term I was once teaching Carol and her lovely girlfriends in class about “plump” .

I was wondering how to describe it, the girls were all, barring one, rather plump.

And I did NOT want to be Bobbitted, neither did Carol (y’all know the history there!)

God she’s gorgeous, spectacular, even at her age. And this is me saying it, >400 in and counting!

Anyway – Carol did the explaining better than I could, happily the way only women can be when they’re happy and getting lots of it (they put on weight – every woman does. Hehe. Getting fat together!) …

“Yes”, she giggled.

“Like me, I’m plump!”

Now for her, I dont want her any other way. She’s so cute when soft and plump!

NOT fat – she’d still do handstands with me supporting the feet.

But anyway – as I was thinking of which video to put out for my rabid fans this afternoon, it struck me – the ONE pose, not the pull-up or anything related that will call fat boys and people out more mercilessly than any other – something I’ve covered a lot before too!

It will BRUTALLY expose a weak core and PHAT around the midsection – even the basic hold will my friend.

There’s no two ways around it, this morning I said you can’t lie to yourself, neither can you to this exercise.

I haven’t done it for ages, yet, I tried a 60 second hold, came out easy peasy, I could EASILY have gone for 30 seconds!

What is it?

Well, watch the video for more –

And ……………… I did another one after that – the KNUCKLE PLANK!

Now, I dont do knuckle anything – yall know I find it ridiculously easy – I do FINGERTIPS.

But I figured I’d do this one knuckles within the brambles, scraping myself up as a real tiger might …

Enjoy – another one of those poses you wont be able to hold for very long if you’re fat and unfit, or have too much junk in the trunk, but truth be told it’s a lot easier – pushups, and planks, you can sneakily adjust the positioning of hands so it’s easier – not easy, but easier to do … Hehe.

I dont do none of that

I hit it hard, and tough.

And you’ll see me doing the thing here again ! –

Last, but not least my tiger crouch?

Well, Advanced Plyometrics my friend will have you leaping like the below – literally, a REAL tiger once you get on the routines therein.

And if that above picture appeals – well, get the book – or place the pre-order NOW. Truly a ONCE in a LIFETIME Book it is, and as my daughter meows at every cat she is, as every dog rushes up to this here “Bengal Tiger” (Prem asked if I speak Bengali at home, I said no-one speaks to me at home, and thats how I prefer it, hehe – they all hate me, so be it! Except the daughter) tail WAGGING away – I’ll say adios!

Well, he asked me a bunch of other inane stuff too, but I kept telling him.

“Hey man, so can YOU – if you DO the thing!”

I repeated it till he probably got tired of hearing it. Hehe.

But somtimes it pays to be a stuck record, quite literally.

I’m out.


Ho, ho, ho!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – this here email would NOT be complete without an “ode” of sorts to John Walker, that ASS KICKING HE handed out – rightly so – on my last birthday was the best present I could have ever gotten, y’all know ALL ABOUT IT!

True, I was hardly unfit then, true, I could still do things that would kick most so called advanced men in the CAN. Big time, and it showed.

But, I was slipping – below my OWN lofty high standards.

He was the only one that noticed the bodyweight exercise Guru slipping. (albeit only below his own very lofty standards, but that matters!)

And, like everyone, I need a kick up the WAZOO sometimes too, hehe. I got it, and I can’t thank him enough for it.

(He said he didnt know what my current circumstances were, tru, they weren’t ideal – but bottom line? ZERO EXCUSES – NO EXCUSES – and thats that!)

Maybe I’ll send him Squat 101 for Xmas if possible!

But either way, John made the comment about “with your work ethic and discipline, 2022 will the year you’re in your BEST form”.

And he meant ALL around.

I confirmed anyway, did he just mean fitness.

“No, I meant what I said”.

And judging by the results as the year hankers to an end, he was right!

So be it.

So it will be.

Thank you, John. Guys like you make all of this SO WORTH IT!

And, I knew there was a reason I wrote down the main points on this one first! Hehe.

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