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Well, well, well.
Lots of “love” to everyone as always – and it’s here – the day thats supposed to be a big day, but rarely ever is for me – Rahul Mookerje celebrates it INTERNALLY for the most part – the day I Was put on this planet here. Hehe. At 630 AM in Kolkata, I believe, in India … (It was “Calcutta” back then).
In one of those hospitals with those cute “British Indian” names – hehe. I’ll have to look at my old, tattered birth certificate – I Cannot even remember which one – I think the name will float back soon – started with a “W”, I know.
My Grandfather, a certain Dr Roy – worked in that hospital. My mother and me dont agree on most things, but though she said it for a reason other than it should be, that dude was truly a “gem” in many regards (in Indian, his name translates to “a gem you cannot put a price on”).
This link explain more – I’ve written more bout his before too, do a search ..
How old am I today?
Well, this hellion has revealed his age to the list before, but I’ll let those who dont know “guess”.
Suffice it to say I feel GRATEFUL above all, more than “special day”, just a feeling of gratefulness for all I’ve gotten – and have – and in today’s times, thats a lot I think.
Sure, I worked long and hard for what I have – and I always will. I’ve never been “privileged” on any angle -neither would I ever want to be.
And to those that have supported me, been there for me, with me, silently albeit at times – THANK YOU! There haven’t been a lot of such people – and neither would I want a lot. Like my biz model, I prioritise the QUARTERS over the pennies, albeit less in quantity – but they pack more of a PUNCH if you get my drift.
Anyway, workout update later – for now, something for YOU!
That being, another sale – certainly not something I’ve done in the past, certainly not a routine thing around here given we just finished our end of year bumper sale.
But I feel so good, I wanted to do another one for you – and so here it is – the “42% off” sale.
Why not 50? Why not a dollar amount? Well, the whys can wait – there is a reason I did it the way it is now.
Initially – I wanted to do a FLAT 25% off – of any cart value over $42. Short, sweet and simple, and again – there’s a reason I chose the numbers the way I did! ????
But then I paused, I wanted to make it more meaningful, here it is NOW –
A FLAT 42% off ANY cart value over $100 – which is HUGE savings for you my friend – and works better for me too in terms of a meaningful sale!
Think about it – almost a 50% off – which doesnt happen around these parts too often …
I could have done $42, but that would make it less meaningful for YOU my friend – doing it the way it is now, a percentage discount ensures big savings for YOU. ????
So hurry – get your thang on – this wont last beyond today – if even until the EOD today.
We’ll count sales later, for now, its time for some green tea and more workouts…
And thank you – all – your support makes it so worth it!
Rahul Mookerjee
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