How I seemingly inspired even the ruffians.
- that I do NOT like, hehe.

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’twas 1:22 PM, spring’s in the air, summer’s almost here, I was so relaxed you could have knocked me down with a feather, damn near!

This relaxed state persisted throughout my workout – which today was another one of those  rigid form workouts – 90 pushups, 10 pull-ups -the ab movements I showed up -grip work – and walking – and lots of stretching.

Its one thing to touch the chest to the floor and go ALL The way back up during pushups.

its quite another thing to do both of those things, and then some, and only those that DO – and do regularly will “Get it”  and it’s only for those people, truth be told honestly.

Ruffian pauses, “says hi”.

“Now your time is starting!”

I didnt quite understand initially. HEhe. Then I got it.

“Right, I laughed”.

122 PM, 8 minutes to go!

And he’s right in that regard.

I said thank you!

Then he told me how “I should thank you” i.e. he should thank me – which flummoxed me . . .

“I watch you do, now we do every morning”, he went.

You mean, you started after watching me do it – I asked.

He replied in the affirmative.

I’ve no idea if he’s serious, but I believe he is. These vibes cannot be faked, and if I can inspire even RUFFIANS to start doing the thing, well, my friend -those on this list that are still procrastinating, making excuses, hemming, hawing, neighing, naying, whining and so forth “not” to get Pushup Central, or that product you’ve been putting off God knows why- you know the product, hehe – then if THIS does’t inspire you – you dont need to be on the list, period.

And I wouldn’t want you on it. Period.

I’d like people with a PULSE, feeling. Hehe. Hey I’m being flat out honest here!

And thats fine. Horses for courses, to each his own …

Now, why Pushup Central? 

Because my pushups, rather than pullups as you might believe, and given they’re so tough for most people I would not blame you for thinking that way – are what inspire people the most.

Those high rep pushup workouts, one after the other, non stop … Chest to the floor, perfect form, all the way back up …

THOSE inspire.

They always have since childhood, I was always into pushups, my Taekwondo teacher – and anyone with any sense – knew that.

Stretching, not so much – hehe. Thats changed now though.

Anyway, was a great, bliss filled day, and half of it remains. I am truly coming full circle, especially with the Bengali ladies clustered around giggling away, reminds me of HK in 2003, guy stops me in the middle of the road, doesn’t know me from Adam, starts speaking Bengali to me.

Some things, vibes, cannot be faked …

Thats that.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Even yours truly fails to inspire SOME people. Like dude who keeps complaining about wanting to do pull-ups, but is too lazy to try. I’ve long since blocked him out of my life, but I see him sometimes, today I did , I was trying to avoid him, but thankfully he left after a LOSER like comment, truly, this comment spells out the word LOSER – incarnate.

“Always exercising, Rahul!” went in a censorious tone, he reminded me exactly of my mother saying that … right down to the tone.

And his lack of achievement in any sphere of life shows this.

All good, takes all types … Hehe.

“Darun”… the ladies went. Means superlative! Hehe. (yes, I know  way more languages than I let on to . . . )

And, what ruffian said was the greatest honor ever. Thats what this is all about, inspiring, and if you skip a chance after reading this to start not just doing, but inspiring, I mean its one thing to “do” – yet another to INSPIRE! … then, not sure what to tell you except you dont have a pulse. Motivate, uplift through ACTION should be the order of the day, so many people miserably fail at it.

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