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Everyone is coughing around me – including my little daughter, whose been going for MONTHS literally coughing – though in her case it’s more indigestion, addiction to the dumbphone which is just increasing as she grows up -the wife yells at her for it, but thats all she sees, the wife herself is so into the dumbphone! – digestive issues from chowing down on way too much junk and a lot more …
I so miss the handstand pushup days with her – perhaps thats one reason little Finn, all of three years old and probably that tall too, hehe struck such a chord. I was telling my daughter about him last night, about how she was just a bit taller than him (age of 5) when we first did handstands together in 2018…
Memories, memories, she’s changed a LOT – daily – but given all the influences around her, well, that happens.
Not to worry.
She has her father’s mind.
And she will ULTIMATELY learn – and triumph over all, which is what counts.
But anyway.
Mom’s sick. Dad’s apparently sick. everyone else I see is coughing away “to glory” as they would say in ole school ole Blighty, hehe.
Here sitteth the dude with the so called worst habits, the caveman who was told he’d die by 30 if he “kept it up” – and so forth.
The guy whose medicine cabinet doesn’t even have Paracetemol – I dont even HAVE a medicine cabinet, I only remember getting sick once in 2016, once in 2017 – and then I walked to the store, got what I needed, within 2 days – back to normal!
Same thing most of my life – I rarely fall sick, when I do, its bad, but I recover quick.
Now, how – with my habit – do I stay so healthy while all around me are “falling like spades”?
Or dominoes, depending on …
Well, my HABITS.
Yes, my pushups. Yes, my fitness routines. Yes, my deep breathing. You already know all this though! Yes, the 0 Excuses Fitness System, but what you might not have thought about – my OTHER HABITS!
Mentally for one, I dont prepare to fall ill by stocking up on meds “in case something happens”.
I expect never to fall sick no matter what – and I dont.
If I do, I’m secure in the knowledge that my MIND will conquer all, I’ll get better if I do fall sick – without medication, with nothing but a lot of water to flush the toxins out.
My sexual habits – yes, ABSTINENCE is something you probably would not associate with me, especially given the other biz, the girls and all that, eh?
Yet, abstaining is something I highly recommend for all males if you can handle it. Ask old school boxers, wrestlers, yogis, anyone you trust about “why” – or ask me – but suffice it to say – you will attract what you want – in all spherers of your life SO MUCH QUICKER AND BETTER – on auto pilot – simply by adding this ONE trick into your lifestyle – DONE RIGHT.
Getting frustrated is NOT the way to do it right, by the way.
That way, you might as well not consider it.
The sheer bliss of abstinence, and the HEALTH benefits, I could and (hey, idea for new book!) write a new BOOK on it.
Let me know if y’all on THIS list are interested, and will do. Hey, I’ve already written one for the other list!
Third, my cold water showers.
Trust me, what doesnt kill you will make you stronger, mentally, there are FEW, if any things – LESS pleasurable than an ice cold shower in the middle of winter -when you’re living in what is essentially (not my choice for now, but it is what it is, until … well, I’ll get into that later) – an unheated “ice box”.
People call me crazy for doing it, wife pretends not to notice, but she does . . .
Believe me, the way it affects your metabolism, the way it changes how you digest FOOD – the way it JOLTS your entire system in a good way, especially immune -I could write a tome on it.
I’m fully aware most of you reading this will pooh pooh it, and say “thats for yogis” or what not, and thats fine, but remember – if you truly want health that is UNPARALLELED in terms of what is considered to be healthy these days (apparently “just a runny nose” is fine!) , then you do things no-one else does.
You put yourself through pain willingly so you emerge out on top – VICTORIOUS. It’s as simple as that. Do the things that make you uncomfortable. Do them daily, regularly, and get good at them to the point you dont even feel or think of them as uncomfortable or if you do, you dont care – and thats when you know you’ve got a ticket to the REAL races – a winning ticket.
My tea – green tea.
And a host of other little things, mental being TOPS which everyone ignores …
Maybe I’ll write a book about my lifestyle!
But y’all know it already.
Probably better to write a book about my much storied life – but I’ve written a lot of that already. Hehe.
Believe me, its been nothing but adventure for the most part.
Anyway – this sort of lifestyle – and the benefits dont come “free” – and I dont mean money.
You have to sacrifice a lot for it, most aren’t willing to take the first step, and again, thats fine.
Now, where does this leave you reading this?
Certainly, you dont have to deprive yourself – and go without your cold beer – or hot showers – or women – or men – or in betweens – or the trusty ole “hairy palm” for some of you, or any of that.
Eat what and all you like – within limits. Simple as that.
I’m hardly a saint myself my friend.
But there are things you can do, daily habits you can form that REALLY help, and you’d be very well served to incorporate some of the above into your life as far as possible – not for me, but for YOU.
Do, and experience, and then get back.
And fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System builds ingrained habits in you that you’ll find hard to break free of even if you “want” to, and that is truly a great, fantastic, superlative thing.
Learn what the fuss is all about here – right HERE.
And that’s that my friend. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS / Edit – Fasting (periodically) is another huge reason. So many more, but sexual abstinence done right for prolonged periods – fasting x 10 and then some, do BOTH … well, you get the drift. I’ll write more on this later, of course.
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