More on MOVING.
- Last night - heavy boxes!

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Last night, while packing shit into heavy boxes over and over again – I had a couple of thoughts.

One, how people accumulate so much stuff – or junk – whichever way you look at it, is beyond me.

While moving – or while the “boxes” showed up ready to be taped etc, I Was asked if I needed any to move.

Me? I laughed. I have a massive old suitcase thats been going strong since 1997 – been there with me in ALL my travels, huge, bulky – you know – old school – and thats all I need!

OK, my clubs – chinning bar – heavy bag – all that needs to be moved, but other than that, yours truly remains forever nomadic …

I dont know, maybe someday I’ll settle down, buy a house etc, but I’ve never seen much point in being tied down to one place.

Lots of people do, and thats fine. To each his or her own.

Not to mention, “I always have a bag packed ready to haul ASS” – like my friend from the Marines does. When it’s time to bail, you BAIL – like a certain Baba Ramdev did in 2020 – literally “fleeing” from a set up where the cops nailed him for some nonsense (again a setup) (Google’s your friend, I still remember the hair flying. Hehe).


Packing. Percie was upper most in my mind as I packed what seemed like endless sets of glassware, crockery etc in newspaper, then boxed em, taped ’em up etc – then of course, the fun part, when I tried to lift them boxes – and the daughter joined in!

She’s big enough now to lift the heavy bag up, push boxes around etc – the wife was commenting about how its good she is “allowed to join in in family activities” unlike yours truly growing up …

And it is!

I remember moving when I was 5 years old, wanting to lift all the heavy stuff up and down stairs, I think Dad gave me his briefcase to lift. Hehe.

Forever the “macho man” as I’ve been called!

Anyway – back to lifting – and boxes.

Let me tell you one damn thing my friend – lifting – heavy ass boxes upward of 50 kgs off the floor with no easy way to grip them – and without  a dolly etc – builds some serious, serious strength and conditioning that most people, especially those sitting around on the machines in the Jim can only dream of.

It builds functional strength like few other activities do!

Much like the farmer’s walk in all it’s variants, shapes and forms, it does not follow a “push pull” pattern, or circular motion as with clubs, there are some basic rules to lifting – I follow rule numero uno most closely i.e. “use the legs” – but other than that, its you and the damn weight – unwieldy, hard to grip – and HEAVY.

You either get the fucker moved, or you dont, much like with lifting heavy stones!

It is true that the get it done or dont maxim holds true with bodyweight exercises too – the pull-up being one (hey, guess what. Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS! will soon be available in audio book format too!) – you either get the chin over the bar, or you dont.

But heavy lifting this way is DIFFERENT, it builds a different kind of strength, and its as real world and functional as it gets. I highly recommend you work some sort of moving into your yearly routine, even if you dont have to move!

Did I say yearly? I should have said WEEKLY.

Yes, move heavy shit up and down flights of stairs a couple of times a week, you’ll see what I mean – especially doing it for upwards of half an hour. You dont even necessarily need to go full tilt – just do it, and you’ll see what I mean.

Or, lug split A/c units up and down flights of stairs – remember dude in China I wrote about that did that?

Or, the tales I tell you in  0 Excuses Fitness about the little ladies with tremendous grip strength – from carrying heavy bottles of water up flights of stairs all day.

Or, the massueses pumping out fingertip pushups to buld that incredible grip strength a lot of these tiny girls have!

Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness most closely approximates this sort of training “working on the docks” as it were – teaches you how to build the levels of conditioning and strength required for you to be able to DO this sort of stuff (no, you cannot simply jump off the couch one fine day and decide “lets do it” – you will injure yourself if you do) – and shows you how train with tools and implements like NO other course out there does – period.

Much delayed the course is, for some reason that last section on kettlebells, but like everything around here, “it’ll happen when it does”.

And good things come to those who wait!

In the meantime, place the pre-order for the course NOW before the price shoots up, which as you’ve noticed it already has a couple of times (it isn’t just sales talk).

So, do the needful NOW …

And I’ll be back!!


Rahul Mookerjee

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