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I was closing the door for the wife with my usual pre-prepared responses ready for anythign that might come (never know when a missile might be lobbed my way, hehe, and it ain’t from Russia either. ;)).
I love Russia – hehe.
Point is this – with WOMEN – you never know, my friend.
And so I always have pre-prepared responses ready in my mind to even the most outrageous and illogical things she does – dont ask – all starting with “oh, I know” or “oh, I dont know, but thats fine”.
Equally illogical, but brick walls only hammer back – hehe.
Anyway, it ain’t all women like that – certainly not, – the vast majority of folks I work with and am exceedingly happy with are – get this – women – including women my wife previously hired (the maid whose apparently my girlfriend now -???) (;)) – and is now dissatisfied with – the rational male will know why. LOL.
Anyway ……….
“I’ll be back in 5-7 mins”
So she said.
Within a min there was a knock on the door, less than a minute – no doorbell.
I didnt know who it was, got up from pushups to check , it was her, she claimed to know “why I locked her out”.
I was so into pushups I looked at her happily and grinned anyway.
“But I just did 20 pushups, you said 5-7 minutes, it ain’t even been one” I quipped.
We’ll christian you 20 pushups from 500, she trilled.
OK …
Yesterday it was “the 100 squats guy” as they (wife and daughter) “made” me knock ’em out in front of the kitchen where I made a joke about what if farts potentially escape – 1) explosion, hehe 2) there’s a Goddess – one of many my wife supposedly worships – right behind me.
Oh my, went the wife.
She’ll kick my ass, I grinned.
Do you know where’ll you land, she hollered back
Likely at another Goddess’s feet with the plethora all around, I grinned back.
I can’t help it. Hehe.
500 pushups – 100 squats – 20 pushups (made so tough even I was out of breath doing ’em and felt super good!).
All in a day’s work, my friend.
All in a day’s WORK!
And Pushup Central shows you how.
Get it NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – No, I am NOT going to let you back on the list unless you give me a damn good reason to do so (those reading this know who this is targeted at). I hardly ever let people back in once I make the decision to let ’em go, sometimes I do, but only if they prove themselves WORTHY. Prove being key. Actions speak louder than words, friend.
Ps # 2- And then I got interrupted during 80 pushups to …
Kill a roach.
My mom can’t seem to stop attracting houses teeming with them, the wife, well, I was supposed to be the one “dead scared” “petrified” of them, curiously enough I Do the killing … LOL!
Ah, my bachelor pad which I’m going to return to soon which I got sprayed before moving in or putting down a cent in deposit – for some reason, these women (and apparently the man paying for some of it – one of them, or two – at least) dont believe in it. UGH!
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