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Squats – amidst all the other great benefits of squats (which is why “if you ain’t squatting you aint training” is indeed a very true TRUISM) – aid in something else as well.
Lots of us have upper body “niggles” and aches, pains etc from training HARD, hard, hard – and while massage, sleep etc can aid in recovery – not everyone recovers at the same pace, or same level – and me, sitting here right now after 700 pushups a day – damn, them shoulders BE sore – especially with all the advanced level pushups I pump out during my workout.
It isn’t “injury sore” – but it’s soreness that tells me “SLOW DOWN A BIT”! (or, recover first).
And so these days, I’m alternating high rep pushup days with high rep – SQUAT days!
Man, let me tell you this one thing.
Pushup workouts work the entire body.
But squat workouts – BLITZ the entire body. Train the legs hard, like I experienced that first time I climbed the hill, you’ll feel like a Mack truck ran over you!
And while the T boost (the greatest you can get is by training legs) does a lot for the upper body indirectly, it helps in blood flow to those sore shoulders, forearms etc – and you recover a lot quicker than you would by just sitting around and posting “oh, no, it’s a rest day today” on Twitter and such. Hehe.
Although the lady who posted that is lovely indeed, and has bigger arms than a lot of men, and looks great. Haha.
Thats what I plan on doing today.
Thats yet another reason my friend “if you ain’t squatting – you aint training”.
Steve Austin once made the comment about “I dont care what else you do, if you squat, you’re going to grow!”
Then you have someone like a Brooks Kubik “in the trenches for years” who despite being a 500lb drug free bench presser once injured himself (from all those benches) so bad that he could barely do pushups.
Thats right, the man couldn’t do pushups – so painful was the injury – and pull-ups either from what I remember.
What did he work hard in the interim?
You got it.
Squats, my friend are an absolute essential. Climbing hills is great, so are sprints – but they dont replace squats. Stepups which many fat folks use as an excuse to replace squats – nothing doing, they dont even come close (though dont get me wrong, if you’re way out of shape and want to work up to squats, by all means use supplementary exercises like step-ups which can be pretty tough if done right by the way) …
Nothing replaces that up and down “ass to grass” motion … so doing half ass reps wont cut it either.
And no, weighted squats dont even come close …
Conditioning wise, ask any doer – and they’ll tell you the same thing.
And all of this, of course ends off with that old truism …
If you ain’t Squatting?
Then you aint TRAINING!
And thats the bottom line, pal.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the best course on squats ever which goes into detail and “in depth” on this magnificent (both in terms of simplicity and EFFICACY) like NONE other ever has and likely will, or come even remotely close to – Squat 101. Don’t forget to pick up the workout videos too!
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