My hashtag mentality to growing my biz
- Hehe - but it's tru!

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Its interesting, the way people try and grow their business via social media marketing – so called – which given how smart these damn systems are these days – they can almost PREDICT your thoughts eh!? … is pretty much pointless. Much like SEO itself became redundant a long time ago, yet companies are still minting big bucks selling said services when the SEO guys do exactly “F ALL” to be honest.

At THAT job – one of my last colleagues exhorted me to get the boss to hire her on as a temp SEO professional – now I Thought she would do a good job, but so typical – when the company hires you on a full time basis, and you have to come to the office or else you dont get paid – they do a good job.

Allow them to work from home and pay them, and they view that as a free pass basically – exactly what happened with Rashmi in the above case, ugh.

To his credit, the boss did not penalize me for it – he knew what happened.

He cut his losse, and didnt take it any further – which I agree with him on that. But thats why companies want people to work from the office, this work from home shit was never going to work – not everyone is a business person that believes in work is work, no matter where you do it from.

It isn’t just her either.

When I had the web development company, I’d hire people on a temp basis – and these people would ALL be entitled brats mostly with some exceptions.

I still remember a designer “Gurbaksh” that wouldn’t redo designs after the first try when the client wanted it, would take payment for half done SHODDY work – and would demand more “per iteration” which in the web dev biz is utter BS – go into any company, you’ll see these guys do multiple iterations for one fixed salary until the client is satisfied. They never are sometimes, but thats a different tale.

(and more to do with the companies themselves than the clients – believe me, I’ve worked in these companies, and I know!).

For some reason, people take “work from home” to be a free pass…

Or, contract work. Ugh.


Point I’m making here isn’t that. I got sidetracked. Point is this, a lot of SEO guys, and people using Twitter etc in general use hashtags to “grow” their reach and so forth. …

Yours truly?

I’ll let you on on a little secret no-one will acknowledge they got from me – but they’ll use it anyway “freeeeeeeeeeee” secret.


That being.

Hashtags might be required sometimes.

But for the most part, if you’re looking to grow your reach, you do not need them – in fact you should NOT be using them.

I was guilty of this myself for years.

Yet, I kept noticing my posts without hashtags mysteriously found new followers with me doing nothing – and then new sales.

And then I got it – the system is too smart!

Dont get me wrong.

Hashtags are great to direct your content to those specifically looking for it via searching on these platforms.

But – they are associated with marketing.

And therefore, these platforms assign far more value to organic off the cuff tweets which much like these emails are what the person really feels AT THAT MOMENT – which is REAL. Which is what these platforms were set up to be.

And real resonates.

Look at any influencer, anyone with a huge following.

They j ust write.

They dont bother with hashtags and such …

And that alone should give you a clue as to why.

How does this apply here?

Well, we dont go OUT of our way to be found. Hehe.

No paid ads for the most part, and hell, ever since the Amazon mess last month, which might be a good thing in the grand scheme of things, we’re not even on Amazon anymore .

We’re HERE.

And a few other platforms, but basically HERE.

And thats how I prefer it to be.

We sell EXCLUSIVE stuff not found anywhere else, my friend, and if you want in, well, you’re welcome, if not, I aint gonna chase you to buy, buy, buy… I dont need to, to be honest.

You’ll buy anyway, because you see the value!

And that, my friend is that.

Value plus real world results = a need for very little “direct” marketing …

And thats that bottom line.


Rahul Mookerjee

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