Best Emerging Fitness Publication 2023 – USA
- Well, well!

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The accolades keep piling up for the bodyweight exercise Guru!

Actually, they keep piling up for US.

I participated in the GHP awards (basically a magazine that’s been around a while that rates fitness businesses etc) a while back (they contacted me) to see how it went.

And lo, today – as I figured we would, our content is unparalleled (i truly believe in the Denzel Washington theory of simply outworking your competition, with my work ethic that ain’t hard to do) in the fitness industry, our books, out output, all of it.

I never even got the ladys first email. It was while setting up the tripod for squats, then rethinking that and such that I saw two missed Calles from the UK, I thought it was Amazon (story on that coming up) but it was them.

Great stuff. We will have more on this soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

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