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Watching the Saffers and Kangaroos battle it out at the Wanderers, I’m reminded yet again why I love this great game of cricket so much – especially in Australia and SA where they turn it into a party for the crowd as it should be!
Bbq, the beer flows, the girls dance -all of it! Though we all know India is where the real money is for cricketers, the atmosphere at the stadiums is unfortunately nowhere near as nice – though don’t get me wrong, the games are as solid obviously!
China, lots of folks complain about it, fact is, India is really the one that needs to catch up if it ever does. They have as much of a party environment in their sports as the West, as it should be.
Crickets not always a party or hitting contest. Many bitch about the batters being given too many unfair advantages these days, maybe that’s true, but when you get smacked on the guard with a hard 13 ounce leather ball moving and swinging at 145 km/hr – it ain’t fun!
Growing up, myself, I was of course always told “you can’t do it” when it came to cricket and soccer, anything physical (swimming was ok for some odd reason, as was tennis, my mother’s all about fake show, appearances, keeping up with the bloody goddamned Jones)…
I tried anyway. .
Didn’t even know how to kick the soccer ball, got an ingrown toenail problem that stayed with me for years until I was 25.
Cricket, i remember getting hit on that shin with that ball. No guards for us back the . Ouch! That fucking hurt man…
Survival of the fittest back then, lucky re bowler wasn’t that quick, lucky i didn’t get hit down there.
Anyway. Despite my Dad’s lack of knowledge on anything remotely physical he told r to wear a guard when learning Taekwondo – gotta give him credit there.
Anyway …
Recollections aside, they bitch about cricket having turned into a slog fest.
But regardless of batting advantages (that’s a fair point – fair dinkum as they say in Oz) – technique is always still key.
The best batters aren’t the sloggers. It’s those with proper technique. As Dad rightly once said, a proper batter can always hit better, as opposed to the common thinkinh of a “,)well built slogger” smashing it out of the park.
As I watch the diminutive David Miller smash it out of the ground at Wanderers, doing pushups between the overs – what he said – as a kid, or perhaps was told – comes to mind repeatedly.
If it’s in the arc, it’s out of the park, if it’s in the V, it goes into the trees!
You can only do that productively with proper form and technique.
Doing 40 pushups during the break, slow and steady – this hit home again, you’re never too good for the basics. I’m not either. I might be Mr Pushp Central, but I ain’t and never will be too good for the basics at anything I do, business, sales, writing, fitness, the more you drill the basics, the more your technique is honed, it’s part of the reason I rant against idiots and morons who complain about the basics being too boring. Ugh.
Their results show tho in all spheres of their lives, so what can I say. Hehe.
Do pushups right or not at all, most do this great exercise completely wrong.
My great course Pushup Central is the greatest and bestest – yes, hehe – out there in terms of getting you from 0 to HERO at pushups, bar none.
No course like it out there, no wonder it’s one of our most popular courses.
Grab it NOW and see what the fuss is all about.
And that’s that!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
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