The blind can do amazing things ..
- So can YOU if ...

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Last night I was watching an interesting movie “Don’t breathe”!

Typical “thriller”, or sort of – i didn’t find it all that thrilling at all, three robbers break into an army Vets home (he’s blind) and the movie follows what transpires. To me it’s one of those zone out movies, allow the brain to think of something else while you watch the antics on screen.

But lying in bed today, waiting for someone to get back to me on business, i was thinking of YOU guys on this list!

I’m not going to bore you with the story, or so called storyline – but dude was supposedly blind (lost his eyesight) in service – yet looking at the sort of shape he was in, the way he moved, reacted, you wouldn’t “believe it”.

But I do.

I’ve seen – or heard – my buddy from the Marines speaking of doing things in utter, complete , TOTAL darkness.

I’ll always remember my bathroom being in UTTER, complete pitch darkness once (bulb went out) and he had to take a leak (we were drinking beer) and he was like “no problem, we have special injections in the eyes to help us see better in the dark”!

I don’t know so much about that. . . (Injections)

I DO however know the utter dark and “quiet” in a jungle full of tigers and leopards in the daytime, how the trees close in, and how you can’t see your own foot at night in a dense jungle, but you can “feel” the eyes of animals upon you. It’s a feeling that has to be FELT in order to be described, and the Marines,Rangers etc – they thrive in those situations.

Ever wake up in the night screaming your lungs off because the power went or something, and you’re in pitch darkness? Man, I have in the past – now? I welcome it if it happens, move around by feel, imagine what it would be like if I was blind or had a disability – and instantly, I feel GRATEFUL —  for all I have which a lot of people don’t appreciate.

It isn’t so much welcoming the darkness as David Goggins talks about – that’s more a life tip which he’s right about,but you get what I’m saying, I’m sure.

I keep talking about whiners and moaners complaining about different body types, and making excuses about not being able to run sprints, do pull-ups (right) “because of this reason or that”- look at those without limbs, or those that are disabled and the amazing stuff these guys and gals do, and THEN whine is what i tell folks. People don’t get it do they? HA!

Lots of people watch movies on people transmuting their thoughts from great distances – doing amazing things when blind, like fighting two people – disabling an opponent with a gun (actually easy if the other guy knows F all about weapons – simply holding a gun doesn’t mean you can SHOOT it or know how to) and more…

… yours truly “modern day Gandhi” as my buddy calls me or Jesus or what have you can tell you this categorically – it ain’t BS.

I’ve spoken about predicting events before they happen, paying attention to your dreams, gut feeling, how I can literally predict stuff before it happens, visualize right and such. I’m by no means at the level Claude Bristol spoke of in the Magic of Believing where some “visualize” and do nothing else and yet things happen (even in those cases these guys DO some things, they just don’t seem directly related to what their goals are) – but believe me, tuning in to your inner self has so many benefits that you can take away a lot I have – and it wouldn’t bother me one bit in terms of results.

Blind folks have a super sense of touch too in many cases. In 0 Excuses Fitness i devote an entire chapter to massage. No, not the hanky panky sort. Regular massages, I’ve spoken about the tiny girls in China with amazing grip and finger strength that used to administer these and more, but I didn’t talk about something I’ve experienced in China – blind massage by a qualified medical practitioner.

Let me tell you, you don’t even take your shirt off in many of those massages, and the then wife when i told her another guy was doing it was like “ugh, you really want a guy to massage you?”


But it wasn’t about that. It was about the wonderful medical massage the doc gave me – I left floating on air literally.

Sports massages for pro sportsmen are usually done by – MEN.

Ain’t nothing sexual about it.

Anyway, most of my massages in China have been done by women, but blind massages – I highly recommend them.

And i highly recommend being grateful as well – think of all the things you DO HAVE, not what you don’t, which is what most people focus upon.

And …

In Think.and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wirites about how many men were so closely driven by circumstances that they had NO option BUT to succeed.

You either win or perish.

How many people, especially the whiners are or ever have been in that position?

None I’d say. Anyone that has and has lived to talk about it is, as my buddy tells me “a goddamned survivor“!

Same thing applies to when one of your senses, or limbs – isn’t there or is taken away. You’re forced to improvise, adapt and overcome!!!

Amazing things happen if you truly push yourself, most don’t.

Anyway, my great courses Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore have more on life and winning in life, and the right way to do so backed up by dint of sheer RESULTS – actual results I’ve achieved, not some tantra mantra beads chains and amulets nonsense spouted by bearded pards,Babas and do called life coaches online that wouldn’t know what  real life is all about if it hit them in the face….ugh.

Ugh, i got two annoying calls – let me save this, deal with the Bozos and then get back to you. Hate it when idiots keep calling me when I’m working, normally I ignore the phone but these calls are biz related, I gotta take them ..

Anyway, the reason I was writing this was to tell you to be GRATEFUL – not so much give you a movie review of a run of the mill movie – and oh,… one more very important thing.

As you guys are aware, you guys need an OTP sent to your email to login to the site after entering in your username and password.

This is a security measure which is very well warranted.

Last night Paula emailed me saying the system sent her a code without asking – so she was wondering what was up, if someone had stolen her email or what.

Now, that step only happens after you put in your username and password both, so maybe she did by mistake, i don’t know.

But it’s a sage reminder to all of YOU – make sure you change your password regularly so you and only YOU can access your account, paid downloads etc.

And that’s that.

Back soon!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to leave reviews for every product you buy – the link is there in the email you get with your purchase. Remember, honest and genuine reviews help immeasurably my friend, most of all others wanting to make a purchase. Ive gone hoarse saying it, a lot of you have listened – thank you – reviews on the site – and to sweeten the pot, the DEAL – you get an extra 10% off your next purchase via discount code emailed to you automatically upon leaving a review. Can’t beat that me thinks!

And that’s that, back soon.

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