Top 10 signs of complete losers and go nowhere types that I do ALL I can humanly possible to BLOCK and REPEL asap.
- Business wise, life wise, every wise ..

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So sayeth the wise man.

So should doeth the wise man.

It’s very well know around these parts that I  keep my circle very small.

I’m always looking for reasons to CURATE, not add people to my list. For good reason. The vast majority of folks out there, and it’s getting worse, are chespskates, wankers and utter losers unable – or rather, unwilling to take action to improve their lives. Complainers. Whiners. Moaners. And so forth. It’s a vibe thing, I don’t want that sort anywhere near me.

Some, a lot find it incredulous but this extends to customers too, some of whom I even ban outright from making future purchases from me. Yes, you heard me. Like I said in the coaching video, i outright refuse their money/purchase.

I want doers getting my products, not wankers, the former category is who they’re aimed at, the elite, the best for the very best and do forth.

Last night i received a long overdue note from a contact who I hadn’t spoken to in ages.

First thing he said?

Life is soooooo tough!

Everything is sooooo expensive!

Was another test for me, a former colleague – I blocked him promptly.

And so, in no particular order –

Numbero uno, if you’re connecting with someone after a long damn time and first thing you do is whine.

Two, close second, ESL and the garbage that so called chooses to work there. Yes, if you know the industry is utter garbage, and do it to make ends meet while all the while focusing on something more productive, then hats off to ya, but most are happy to take the unfulfuling check, bitch about life till it comes – then when it does, like Boxo Schofield, do an about turn claiming it’s the best industry since sliced bread, get drunk, high, forget about it till he’s broke and can’t scam nobody – and vicious cycle repeats.

Not my type.

Three, idiots and wankers that live on their significant others schedules , especially cuckolded men that are basically slaves to their wives right down to the point they monitor, control every aspect of their sorry pathetic lives – to the point they have to ask for permission before requesting 15 minutes in years for themselves (you read right, request to request) – are shit scared of their women (they control the purse strings) – have joint accounts or otherwise cannot buy squat for themselves unless it’s approved by the “ball and chain”.

I can’t understand how folks choose to live that way or WHY, but again. Not the sort i want infesting my life.

Four, folks that never reply to your questions, but expect answers to every one of THEIRS.

Fifth, idiots who claim to support you and praise you till the heavens, but anytime you ask them for money, they go incommunicado.

Sixth, entitled Bozos who think the world owes them a fucking living.

Seventh, staring nutjob wanker sorts who cannot keep their noses out of other people’s business, even when the other people go miles out of their way to avoid them. Like the wankers showing up when I workout pestering me with inanity that I’ve mentioned so many types. Be one thing if these people were actually looking to improve, but vast majority of not all of them are looking to shoot the bull and waste time, “timepass” as they say in india, and few things irritate me more.

Eighth, wackos that are out of shape and make every excuse in the book to cover it up. “I’m big but not fat” when the tummy bulgeth and they wear plus +++ size.

Or nutwads like the ex who claim “but there’s others fatter than me”.

Ninth, jokers who place their trust in beads and chains, amulets another inanimate objects, chant “I am rich” 108 times/day when they ain’t, then whine about “I never attract it”. And won’t listen to why they don’t. A close one here is those who place more faith in the size of someone’s so called usually fickle following as opposed to the person themselves….

Tenth, and im pretty fuckin sure i could find a 100 more, those that take unfair and undue advantage of power handed to them they don’t deserve. Like in “Sarkar”, the Indian version of Godfather….you can’t replace the Don, not because of the power he wields, soft spoken with a massive stick, but because of the sheer respect he COMMANDS regardless.

That sorta shit is earned, never, can’t be, “given” or awarded.

I didn’t mention pedos like Glyn in the list. Those are a cut above, and Ron De Santis would agree, I’m sure. Id go one step further and say child rapists and pedos, once guilt is proven beyond a fucking doubt deserveba speedy bullet to the head. Like in China, bill them for the cost of that damn bullet too.

Rapists in general yes, but that’s a grey area sometimes, but child rapists – fuck that shit.

And that, my friend is that.

Our products are for you if you don’t fall into if any above categories and any or all related.

If you do, my forefinger awaits…


Rahul Mookerjee

Ps- piece of advice I keep telling my daughter when the ex yells, bawls and otherwise does her damndest to take her frustration out on her.

“Just nod your head, say what she wants to hear, don’t even say sorry as she’ll whine more if she heard that word”.

The star of Kiddie fitness gets it. Truly that chip off the old block and that’s that! Back soon.

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