It ain’t really sex she’s interested in withholding…

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Lots of bitching going on since ages with men whose women so called “withhold” sex.

I got something to tell ya – and listen up carefully, pal..

There’s a reason, and usually a darn good read why they do and it’s simple, the wham bang thank you Ma’am most guys substitute for sex – not to mention waking her up in the middle of the night for this quickie, unsatisfactory to the T for females.

Most men barely know how to please a woman.

And those that do can’t stay hard for any length of time.

Or “they just want blowjobs” with no reciprocation.

Let me tell you one damn thing, women enjoy sex just as much as the next man does, if not more. Biological concepts are why – women can go forever without the low after a mind blowing orgasm – men can’t.

Simple, basic human biology. They get just as horny if not more, especially on their periods.

And even if she doesn’t really like you, withholding sex isn’t to her advantage unless it’s tied up with, which it usually is in some way, shape or form…

Women really withhold other things. Sex is just a manifests of the irritated frustrated mindset often towards a dead beat male who doesn’t do the very thing he was meant to – give her money, and lots of it.

True, that doesn’t apply to all men this happens to, but it does in some way, shape or form to 99.99 % of men.

Physical is a huge issue too.

Most men are fat and unfit. Women too, but like an ex once wisely told me, guys are the ones that need to get – and keep it up.

Most men neglect the important of CORE training….

Most of all, they don’t understand that Viagara is but a stop gap solution.

If more men would focus on workouts and stretching that focus on core lower abs and grip training, you wouldn’t hear so much bitching about this.

BELIEVE it or not, denial works a lot better in terms of strengthening not just your organ down there guys – but the intensity and duration of your hard ons.

Try telling that to most men tho.

Word to the wise, maybe uninitiated. But ok, let’s assume you don’t want that, which is fair enough (tho you ask achievers down the ages, read think and grow rich, specifically the chapter on sexual transmutation – it’s an open secret, friend).

Workouts such as those in Battletank Shoulders, my books on isometricsAnimal Kingdom Workouts and such are by far a better and more viable solution to, well, Viagara… and sitting on your fanny pumping at machines at the old Jim ogling babes in shorts on the treadmill or what not.

Now, flip side, what do women withhold with a vengeance?


Most women will be way happy – Nazi fems as I should say – to whine about men not giving them money even when they clearly do, even when they’re free loading.

“But I don’t have money ….”

Oh yes they do. Even if they didn’t, they’ll never ever tell you when they DO. Even if the man has literally just bust ass trying to get her what she wants. Usually a host of unreasonable demands.

As Michael Harding who left a great review for 0 Excuses Fitness (Philosophy) once said about his ex whining about child support when he literally had no money to even eat, let alone send her dough.

“Just sent her what i could. Yet she’s complaining. Brutal”

Discussing with Marc about his ex and how she boasted about doing well, but never returned his dough that he gave her when she needed it, my own ex who hardly ever pays what she tells me she will on time, the list goes on and on.

As Marc and i were discussing –

“Shell never tell me when she has money!”

She (my ex in this case) vacations in 5 star hotels, lives like a bum at home, and never has any money. Go figure?

So it is, friend. Only the truly rational male not only understands it but knows how to win against it, no, direct ain’t the way either.

Money is what women are all about, despite the common thinking of women operate purely on emotion.

I’ve said before women aren’t really just attracted to money.

It’s POWER they are attracted to.

And female thinking and most men – money equals power. It isn’t, and i did a very lengthy video on why, but … well, gotta open your mind to recognise reality for what it is. Most refuse to.

Emotion goes out the window once money comes into the picture. The monkey branching women are biologically wired to do naturally causes this – and if you can prove otherwise, I’ll be a monkeys Uncle. And eat my hat too. A non existent one…

Yours truly “Indian porn star”, bodyweight exercise Guru and all the rest is by far the best to tutor you on all this.

Whether or not you learn and benefit is, well, completely and entirely up to you. I sure don’t need to run after you got it, and refuse to.

If you’ve been on this list any length of time, and aren’t metamorphically, perhaps literally too – hehe – begging to crawl over broken glass on your elbows to get the courses above, you’re not truly into fitness my friend at the highest levels, neither do you want to expect miracles and magic manifestation of every nature in your life. (which only occur with the right vibe when all is in sync).

And if that’s you, I’m fine with that…

You decide what you want to do it and how you want to do it. Make your own decision.

And, I’ll always be here for the truly initiated!



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