“Yes, the goatee is the main thing”
- Sage, Guru. Sage.

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Back in the day at USM when I was neither the bodyweight exercise guru nor was called that – i remember Juan once ponting at my stomach (an older friend – for some reason most of my serious relationships of any nature have been with folks much older, – right from my friends in high school – to an ex 10 years older who remarked how much more mature I was for my age, as a lady Irene once remarked in 2006 ” wise beyond your years!”) … and saying this .

What’s happening!

He was referring to the bulge. Hehe.

No, not the Dickie doo award either!


Anyway, we had this thing going on about goatees.

For some reason, we all in a certain class CSC 413 – the great Dr Ali – artificial intelligence no less – I had to pass that to graduate, would have the semester before but an idiot gave me a D on the same class last semester….

… ended up getting a Math minor with the extra semester so it was ultimately worth it as it always is!

But goatees.

I’ve always liked sly stallones look in get Carter, tho the movie itself isn’t a patch on the orginal, and back in 2006 by chance or not I had the same thuggish look to me ina pic most said looked smart. I said thug. Hehe.

Anyway, this was before they, and all the rabble rousers sat at the back of the class, and Ali passed us all though probably noone deserved it, least of all me.

He used to be my academic advisor when i was fresh at USM, them days where people couldn’t even understand my accent – well, the black dudes couldn’t. Hehe.

And we all had goatees, different sorts.

It was by Alis grace i passed,nrhen graduated. The ceremony used to be before the actual grades were handed out, but Juan sagely told me “don’t worry, he was once a foreigner here, he knows how that goes – he will pass you”

I had faith, went to the graduation ceremony i still have a cassette of, probably a video somewhere too. Camcorder is long gone – given to a school in Southern India. I hope they found good use of it!

That class was one after which we would head down to the Chinese buffet to gorge. Post which he would head home,.me to the beer store where I was never carded – hehe – bearded pard- and then off to work in the computer labs if you can call it work, talking to a lovely girl Michelle who had the shift before me.


Being called Guru in that class wsssbt enough as Juan noted one day.

One particularly pernicious rabble rouser with a pointed unique goatee was the Super Guru.

“Super duper” as Juan said. Hehe.

Wondering how class equates to rabble rousing?

Well –  the perfect mix of boisterous sorts and older “eccentric” (like an idiot once told me “you’re an odd dude”! When i blocked him from one of my groups) professor sorts who were usually cool with except a certain ole fart from Britain who gave me a F on CSC 204 all because I forgot to quote something used in a term paper.

Kinda harsh, but so was I on him, and he was right “technically”.

As Chris, a friend of mine said maybe he’d have cut you some slack if you had gone easy on him. Hehe.

I never did that, do I? Including on myself ..

Any time there was an issue, or problem?

The goatee came up.

Yes, the goatee is the main thing!

I still call Juan guru.

Actually a friend of mine coined the name because of his C++ programming expertise and “wise” outlook. Hehe.

We still reminisce about the good ole days. Those times .. I miss them, but they return daily for me.


I was reminded of this while shaving today.

Not sure why im sharing it…

Certainly not a fitness recollection!

But, I hope the tomfoolery brings a smile to your face anyway!

And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – none of my fitness programs require a goatee or even a stubble, or clean shaven for that matter- rest assured. Hehe. You’ll get results anyway!

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