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It’s an oft quoted bit of wisdom your Grandma probably told you or your Uncle perhaps . We hear that about swimming as well, and it’s true!
But walking, my friend, is easier than swimming and natural to all of us.
Requires no investment, nothing, not even the 0 Excuses Fitness Philosophy – or System, hehe.
I knew there was a reason I saw “ploughing through minefields” in a dream last night. Truth be told, there were two reasons behind that dream but we will stick to fitness.
And freeeee fitness at that. Hehe.
Ive often spoken about how nothing but walking up steep hills in oppressive weather most would be scared to step out in “I can’t see how you work out in that blazing afternoon heat and humidity” said Charles – weather that makes you feel you’re breathing in fire – weather that is like you’re in a subtropical jungle (which it sorta was) “one minute your shirt is soaked with rain, next, sun’s back out, your dripping with sweat again!)…got me in the best shape of my life. Hehe.
A certain Brooks kubik and his then famous email on Rahul’s hill walking workout from China knew it too. Hehe. He probably still has the email!
In his book Dinosaur Bodyweight Training be says the same thing. “walking is one of the best and most underrated exercises there is”.
Most would scoff,.like they do at animal workouts and say “boring, too simple”.
Maybe if you do it like most do, purposelessly, aimlessly….
But if you always have a brisk stride that folks struggle to keep up with – like a certain African silver back Gorilla once complained about “slow down! I’m not your bitch!” Hehe- or the Marines tell you it’s done how they do it (no, I’ve never been trained as Marine. It always came naturally to me, natural is always best) “chest out, shoulders back my brother!”….then chances are you’re doing it right.
So today, a few ways to get ruggedly super fit with nothing but creative walking with the right breathing that I cover in Advanced Hill Training (the breathing part that is and without that you might as well not do it. Along with that, I cover the right way to walk which most people might think is astounding given they’ve been “doing it all their life”, but truth is most donut dead WRONG – and their results or lack thereof show too -myself included for many years)…
Walk through a field knee deep in mud. Or even ankle deep. Jog, run through it.
Do so slowly while carrying buckets in each hand.
Pull a cart behind you (you heard me) as you do it. Or an old style “rickshaw”….
Keep a steady pace while doing all the above.
Hike steep hills while carrying weights of any nature, or maybe your gal up the hills.
If all of that is too extreme, simple do power walking where you’re walking hunched over, with a PURPOSE – that being to ACCOMPLISH something!
Just a few ways to get in a great workout or even warm up. Hell, getting most folks to get out of their damn vehicles cab br a chire these days!
In india they have a saying “walk a 100 steps after each meal”.
Makes perfect sense.
In China, it’s ,”walk a 100 steps or maybe 99, can’t remember – to live until a 100″.
Other ancient cultures have extolled the virtues of walking too…
And if you do nothing else today – breathe in deeply and correctly – and go for a long walk.
Will go more for you than you ever expected!
And yes, the creative mind flows too when walking. Oh yes it does!!
Back soon.
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