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This morning I caught myself doing what most would never even think of.
“How do I send my hosting company more money”
Now, I don’t “need to”.
But I “want to”.
But this isn’t about need or want.
There is no service I want to buy from them at this point. Yet, I “want” to send them money … Why?
Because it’s FUN. No, not the checkout process, no, not what I buy from them.
It’s the X factor.
The human touch.
They have it. I always have!
How many of you think paying your landlord, or landlady rent is FUN?
I bet none.
Yet, that’s how it was for me in China all those years I was there!
I still remember asking a certain Elizabeth if she’d spend the money instantly. Hehe. I’ll let yall guess the answer!
Hey, enjoy my money. Lol.
Once you can get your biz (no, this ain’t got squat no pun to do with the content of your biz , what you’re selling etc) to that point?
You’re golden.
We are at that point, or at least the first part of it now. And despite being in biz for years I’ve only truly learned this myself now – and continue to.
Make it fun for customers to send you money ..
… to the point where even if they don’t want or need (the two are different) anything from you, they’re actively thinking of ways to send you money.
Not possible?
Watch the video – you’ll see!
And enjoy.
Rahul Mookerjee
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