How the F can someone be tired upon waking up??

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This morning I heard something I hear galore from losers worldwide “I’m tired”!

And this upon arising in the morning.


I can’t figure it out, my friend – you’ve been in the fucking bed all night, yet you wake up “tired”? How much of a loser can you be, really?

This morning it was my daughter whose now reaching the age where all the nasty adult habits – laziness, slovenliness etc – are reaching her, affecting her – and unfortunately the situation with the ex “ghearoing” her to the point she can barely speak to Dad, it’s getting worse daily.

My ex of course – her lunacy increases daily. Kids got her own room, yet Mommy has to make her sleep in the same bed as Mommy “because Granny and Dad (another one of those very rare occasions where we agree, albeit not directly) want her to have her own room and sleep in it”) …

She was whining about being tired this morning upon arising. The ex responded with her usual version of “polite” which is usually a snarl and more.

Thing is, my ex is the same damn way. Far worse.

She does nothing except sit on a chair swathed in shawls like an old lady all day and gawk at the dumbphone. Constant aches and pains, digestive issues – constantly with her legs in some antiquated massage machine my Mom used to use …

“Tell your body upon sleeping not to be tired” she hollered at the kid.

Good advice in theory. Probably something some Guru told her on YouTube.

But does she follow it herself?

Does she have a disciplined life herself?

You can’t expect kids to do – when YOU don’t do the thing yourself. If you’re fat, lazy and slovenly, your children will ape and pick up the same habits. We are the product of those we spend the most time around my friend. Pretty much another reason I stay to myself most of the time. Hehe.

The ex might not SAY it herself – but that’s only because of the fact there’s noone at home willing to listen to her so called 20000 daily words of whiny moany complaints (according to her women whine that much per day – if they don’t they get “frustrated” – in her case even the whining doesn’t solve that because the root issues are never addresses by bitching sessions, they’re addressed by resolving them and not yammering about them) – and the daughter picks up that same damned vibe. Ugh.

Most adults are tired upon waking up because their lack of proper physical activity during the day , lack of any real goals in life means their sleep is shit in general.

They go to bed whining, moaning and complaining and wake up the next day the same way.

Digestive issues galore which could be solved by proper stretching for the most part.

Yet they won’t do it, preferring their complaints …

Youve no idea how irritating it is for me. Haha.

Anyway …

The 0 Excuses Fitness system will get you in the best shape of your life if you get down to brass tacks and DO. . .

Kiddie Fitness is the kids equivalent.

And that’s that.


Rahul Mookerjee

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