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This morning Mom, who lives on the first floor of the building we are in right now – made a comment (long overdue) over the puddles of sweat that form during my hour long jaunt running up and down stairs as part A of my daily workout (B – 300 pushups, C – 100 pull-ups).
“Why don’t you wipe yourself”, she asked. “I’ll give you a towel…”.
I felt this uncontrollable urge to “giggle” but managed to “bottle” half of it. I remembered Kathy (or Kelly??) commenting on my hill climbs, sweat showering off me “THIS is real hill climbing!”.
I said I had those towels, and that “that’s how you maintain yourself”.(Or lose weight).
“Make sure to drink lots of water later!”.
Fair enough. And the puddles of sweat make me slip on the stairs too.
I didn’t care much about it because a maid comes in to wipe it all off later (lovely girl – I speak to her often) – but mostly because everyone takes to the elevators like bees to honey.
But, strange things happen when you DO.
People make comments about “he works extremely hard at his fitness”.
And some of them start using the stairs too, albeit nowhere at the level they should be. Was interesting to see Dad instinctively take to the stairs last night instead of an open elevator…
Lead by example.
The rest speaks for itself, or it should, at any rate.
Back to … The SHOES – which have always been rather infamous for me.
I believe the real reason for that much sweat on the stairs wasn’t so much that I wasn’t toweling off. I use a T shirt for that. It’s that sweat was squelching out of my shoes (slight tears, bumps etc, sole completely almost gone) – like on the hill. Remember, I put these through Goggins style wear and tear!
I bought new shoes two weeks ago. But I have this habit of completely wearing out my shoes before breaking a new pair in…
The expression on Mom’s face said it all. Brought back the wrinkly nose Carol once made when I put my shoes in the trunk of her car on a long trip and “I hope they don’t smell”. Hehe.
I tossed the shoes.
Back in the day I’m not sure why, but my leather boots apparently stank so bad one night (like these shoes I tossed – they sit outside on the balcony in the hot sun but nothing can beat the effect of extreme workouts) – that my roomie made the comment of “like a rat died in here” before spraying the whole room choc a block full of air freshner. I was pretending to be asleep. I almost bust out laughing … Hehe.
Then the time a buddy Bruce and I hung the infamous shoes from a window on the third floor before inexplicably, a few beers post, deciding to put them in Vincent’s (Bruces roomie) freshly washed laundry.
“He just did his laundry. Huhuhuhyhuy” Bruce said,imitating the roomies laugh.
How we guffawed at the time!
Come Monday, Vincent huhuhed his way all the way to the laundry again, none the wiser.
“Why is it smelling? Huhuhuhuh”…
Life comes full circle – always.
And so it goes.
Fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness system awaits…
And that’s that.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I sort of suspect my younger sister who was giving me “stenotarian” stares (stern) the other day as she indirectly looked at the puddles growing larger with each climb might have had something to do with it. Hehe. Not exactly into fitness herself, and definitely the “shape” to slip though she never used the stairs – but her 5 year old (gotta love little kids – so natural) is extremely curious about the fitness routine (why does Uncle do this. Hehe).
I don’t know if my comment of “strict Mom” (about sister) to my own mother sparked this, at least in part.
I doubt it was the (equally) lovely talk, extremely angular, statesque and “fashionsta” house maid on the first floor who often stands aside to let me pass, then giggles up in a sari when I tell her to go first. Had to tell her not to run in her heels in those puddles. She’d be right at home on Instagram. Probably is, come to think of it.
Golly,me and all the maids, and the ex gnashing her teeth …
Naughty boy.
Always been that way.
And it’s off with me now…
(I didn’t actually toss the old shoes. Or I did, actually, but the garbage guy never took them. Sign from the heavens. Gotta get a few more squelchy workouts out of them – haha. I’m peculiar that way!).
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