A gargantuan walrus cops out on doing pull-ups.

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Now before a lot of you Kamala loving faggos jump on me for being “rude” – two things.

One, I used the first term for Benny – who we all know -s midsection. Something he studiously avoids, gets called out on for elevating his chin during pictures so his triple chin isn’t in evidence – and so forth.

Second, he actually introduced the second term while asking me if “am I fat, or really fat” – indeed “logical” that question. Walrus logic. Replete with the mustache. Benny is a classic,.I’ll give the ole boy that. Hehe.

Especially his comments about “if a woman wants me to stop having sex in the middle I will! I don’t care if I’m frustrated”.


The white knight loser status shines.

I keep telling these guys to WIN, and it’s easy,but of course they’re all Kamala lovers that are happy to be tranny lovers , fuck animals up the butt (and stay employed at the BBC) – open their borders wide open and prance around wearing LGBTQ colors crawling on their knees kissing people’s feet in public (yes there’s actual video proof this in broad daylight in the West – especially the UK)”because we are getting in touch with our inner selves” , males breastfeeding and competing against women in sports and well – need I continue.


Benny supports most of it except #2 I’ll give him that.

But anyway.


Benny can’t do pull-ups. He studiously avoids them because he can’t rather than work on and fix weaknesses like a once obese yours truly did.

He lies about being able to do them and badgers others for videos all the time but he won’t post proof of himself doing proper pull-ups, dead hang, chin over bar , pause, lower down, repeat, no kipping. Perfect form as my book here teaches you.

So today in a long protracted discussion I told him to post proof and if I did indeed see him doing what he said he would?

I’ll eat my words and send him my advanced book on pull-ups for freeeeeeeee. Given what an extreme cheapass he tends to be, right down to “free websites” (he won’t even pay for decent hosting) (because he makes nil money and wifey doesn’t permit a lot of indulgence – she’s the practical one in that relationship) I thought that would nail it. Apparently I was wrong though. No lengths to which folks like him won’t go to to make excuses.

Of course he backed out. I’ll post a few screen grabs below but basically – he won’t tell me the link for the video – “you find it” (no you fool if you make a claim you prove it, and plus the Master doesn’t run circles around the apprentice or less than that in that regard – the latter proves himself – anything else is pure rubbish, bunk and entitlement mentality) .

Then I asked him for the title of the video and date. No answer except a whiny “I won’t provide it”.


What losers do.

It’s that simple.

And that’s why they stay losers, all the advice in the world is pointless – since they don’t acknowledge facts and actually do something.

And no, parading your strengths and hiding your weaknesses isn’t being a winner. It’s being a typical Tom Tom or typical Walrus shall we say. Damn Benny. That did crack me up! Walrus Benny.

40 pull-ups in.

Off for a smoke soon.

See y’all after the stairs workout!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Guys, please stop being losers. Feminism wouldn’t even need to exist if there were not this many weak men out there.

And by the way I’d like to make one thing very clear. Bennys actually a decent individual at the core of all this. If he wasn’t I’d have blocked him a long time ago. And he certainly isn’t the only one out there with loser mentality. I could name tons of folks that make the Walrus – or Uncle , as they’d say in India haha – look like a beacon of fitness and life inspiration.

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