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This would make for a good article on the other website. Hehe. But even here some thing are so idiotically “smart” I’ll point out the obvious here.
First, read the post preceding this one. If you’re too stupid or lazy to find it then fuck off. I ain’t linking it.
My nudge to the Walrus –
Well, at least this was somewhat interesting. Maybe 2 out of 10, but certainly a massive improvement over the last one which was a big fat ZERO much like the number of women you e had in your life (before the current one).
Now, your next task – troll me BRUTALLY on the exercises you feel I’m terrible at . Since you say I’m skinny and have no muscle but yet can do pull-ups (the perfect test of strength to bodyweight ratio), countless squats, in your own words “better than you could” – hikes etc – there must be plenty.
Be brutal, or you’ll displease me again.
Get to it.
Tiger sends.
Now note he’s avoiding answering the most pertinent questions and not just that – blatantly avoided. Like I said – no answer will ever come from these liberal sorts.
I had to praise him just a wee tiny “bit” if catch my not so subtle drift. Boy. I could have been a successful comedian if I chose. Still can. Even Benny loves my “hell of a sense of humor”. The snarkiness makes it better.
Walrus responds with a long rant. I’ll post whats pertinent here.
……Lol that’s a good one. You’re not terrible at doing reps (could use an adjustment on some things, I’m not perfect either) but you could work on your angles a bit better. …..
Then some things about his own hiking etc.
…I do learn from you yes but in the realm of who not to be and that’s a low life scumbag who bitches and moans the “woe is me, my wife won’t leave even though I paid her to divorce me”. Get real man, she’s got you by the balls and you’re taking it out on other women along with using dirty politics to make yourself noticed. That’s not a man. That’s a bullshit con artist trying to be a man and doesn’t know the first thing about real love.
Let’s address, as in the last post the last gem he wrote because it’s by far the most illogical and hilarious. Hehe. As the wife’s cursing me doing dishes … Hehe. I should tell her to shut the fuck up and stop complaining. What about annoying bitch, but comes at the right time, right after a long workout as im writing. .
You know what she hates most? When I’m pissed off, she slams her door so my vibes don’t affect her (idiot – doesn’t know the first thing about it). When she is, which is always, I’m calmly working as always. Haha.
What is love by the way? Simple question i doubt I’ll ever get an answer to that the lovely Carol posed. . .
Get real man, she’s got you by the balls and you’re taking it out on other women along with using dirty politics to make yourself noticed.
Hmm. Those balls, by your own admission slam up against so many gorgeous women with great attitudes it ain’t even funny Benny.
I know you love them – but you ain’t getting them. Sorry.
If anything, it’s the cuckolded Walrus thats balls are in a vice grip. Hehe.
But let’s , as you say, get real.
One if she had a better option she would have left eons ago. She doesn’t.
Two, I give her the money willingly do she doesn’t bitch and moan more. There’s no legal mandate. Spigot can and will be turned off anytime. So logically it would make sense for her to divorce and get some legally mandated alimony no?
But that would be less than what she’s getting now overall.
Also there is no guarantee the courts would ever grant it. Technically I make nothing. If you catch my drift. Facts are hard to argue with. I’ve spent years setting up all I do in anticipation of such possibilities, bleak though they seem.
Then she can’t really do much about me bringing other girls home or being with them, China or elsewhere. You’d think any sane being would divorce.
But noone wants leftover goods. No real man does. And every woman wants the man around who hordes of other women flock without me even trying “I have to flick the rest of like mosquitoes ” according to my first — indeed I consciously ignore them, often with a scowl not aimed at them so they think I’m busy – which I usually am and I don’t waste time with silly small talk.
And she’d actually have to work for a living then as opposed to being a lazy sod doing the bare minimum.
And here I am, working 10 plus hours a day …
I’m not even going to get into the other facts – my intelligence, charm, humor, sexy looks and x shaped beautiful body etc. I just focused on the bloody obvious Benny. If anything I’ve got her right where I “want her”.
Thats why she doesn’t divorce.
I don’t take anything on females. I help them more than most men do. Even professional Dominas on the other business agree with all I say about women and say the same themselves.
My humor is really what gets them Benny. You are neither intelligent not humourous. You can get away with fat in this regard. You’d be amazed at the number of fat comedians that get girls physically WAY beyond their league. I did for years when I was obese. Then I upped my game. Results are evident.
Make them laugh. You got them. And as you can see from my YouTube post this morning it’s ridiculously simple.
Example –
While doing my stairs today, the maid downstairs I often chat with opened the door. I’ve been ignoring her mostly.
She giggles, putting out the trash which almost fell on me but balanced at the last minute.
I grinned.
She giggled. Huge smile.
“It’s balanced”.
The obvious, I was about to say but didn’t.
“Or I’d have got a trashy blessing from you”, I returned.
Oh no, it was a mistake…she goes.
I groaned inwardly.
It’s a joke, I said. Hehe. And then I pointed to what was written on the trash bag.
“Blessing” (some brand of flour).
She got it.
Laughed uproariously clapping. I guarantee she’ll think about me all day.
That’s how easy it is. If you have a brain and wit. You don’t.
This girls a 8 physically. Remove the face and I’ll take her. Or just hide it. Hehe. But she’s nice. So I overlook that.
But wait there’s more …
Other maid, the one that’s a 7 physically and 6 face wise – the one I’ve been accused of sleeping with – shows up. The vibe more than makes up for the missing numbers.
She passed that sly smile to the other girl who returned it in kind, the kind of smile girls pass between each other when they’re both admiring the same guy and both know it. Cute. Hehe.
“Like killing two birds with one stone”, I quipped. “You girls giggle, and I get blessed by this beautiful dame”. (She’s not but you gotta say it).
Emphasising the birds. They got that. Giggled more.
That’s what I do, hardly the misogynistic nonsense you purport on me. You just pissed you never get any and are with a 1. Haha. Because you ain’t got a choice. Man up. You will.
.Lol that’s a good one. You’re not terrible at doing reps (could use an adjustment on some things, I’m not perfect either) but you could work on your angles a bit better. …..
And if there ever was a more direct copout other than the nonsensical excuse for pullup video he sent with so many beginner level mistakes – it’s that right there. Camera angles my ass….hairstyle too maybe? Idiot.
And that’s that.
Pull-ups truly bring home the fat to fat boys.
Those that want to change their current reality in that regard, go here.
Rahul Mookerjee
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