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I’ve said this before.
There are few, if any things I hate more than excuse makers, time wasters, and CHEAPSKATES.
They usually all fall in the same damn category.
On rare occasions we have been known to do discounts for folks and it’s been worth it. By and large though, we never do. And why?
At the risk of repeating myself – if you don’t believe the product isn’t worth it, don’t buy it. Not like I’m hankering after you to buy it.
Ah, but it’s not quite that simple is it?
These people, usually rank and utter losers in life will send you bazillions of meaningless emails choc a block with retarded excuses – but they WANT the book.
But they won’t buy it. In some cases, even after a discount, they’ll find every excuse to badger you and not purchase.
I’ve been dealing with one such dude this afternoon.
Total waste of time. He was given a discount on a product and then asked to follow through by a certain date which of course he did NOT.
I extended the date till today.
And you should see the excuses.
Apparently the checkout process is frustrating because he has to wait for Gaypal – thanks Tristan hehe – to load fully to complete the checkout process.
And God forbid, the site is asking him to login. My. How dare an e-commerce site ask him to login!
Other than this, I’ve wasted three hours answering numerous emails from him in good faith – all asking the same retarded questions – specifically “will it actually work” (product).
“I’ll be very disappointed if it doesn’t”.
Dudes frustrated with his own lack of results, and unable to attract women. And he’s already decided the product wont work which beats the very purpose of buying it in the first place.
Ok, don’t get it.
But he wants to.
Yet he won’t take action when instructed to.
More gems –
“It seems you’re trying to make money”
Gee whiz. How dare a business do that. Hehe.
Really, the entitlement from these Bozos! After a discount at that.
“I’m frustrated! I need to get to my job waiting tables! How do you have so much time”
LOL – sagely said.
“Website so cheap and unprofessional!”
Truly self projection at its best. Hehe. And yet they continue to obsess over us, read every word I say, try and learn all they can for free… Hehe. Not to mention he’s already created six different accounts on the “cheap and unprofessional” site but is too busy waiting tables and being roundly ignored by girls (they tend to ignore losers, so it should be – hehe) barking orders at him while with me – hehe Again – to actually, you know, login to the site.
“I won’t put in my card information on the site”
= Grade A LOSER. Lol. Won’t even read an error telling him to login to the site.
Really. Geez ..
Exactly the sort I prefer avoiding.
Checkout process frustrating? (It’s easy peasy actually if you actually want to buy)
The more barriers I put up to freebie seekers the better.
These nutjobs never appreciate the sheer Volume of info in the manuals anyway.
Like want a Royce, gotta pay the price.
“It’s all a scammmmmmmmm!”
All sounds so PERFECTLY hilarious and PROSAIC, coming from “Sammy Singh”, “Billy Singh” and the like. His name – names. Hehe. I even gave him an UPI to use which indian folks love, of course. Nothing doing.
Exactly why we never got around to accepting UPI on the site and probably never will. I might just ban customers from India. Period. Call me racist if you wish, but that’s what it’s. Valid reasons behind every stereotype.
Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
And really, you fool.
If it’s that much of a hassle don’t buy it.
Remain a loser. I don’t care.
Ah but therein lies the conundrum..
He wants my results. They all do hehe.
Gotta pay the price buddy!
And that’s that.
Oh, if you’re curious about what exact product, this is it …
And that’s that.
Rahul Mookerjee
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