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Lots of you have been enjoying the fun on X. My post going “viral” of sorts.
Indeed beautiful how traditional concepts of masculinity RILE people up to the point they will mass report you, try and get you banned etc.
Indeed sexy how people prove what I’ve been saying all along – huge follower counts mean nothing without engagement and most huge accounts get none these days. Social media is truly on the way out.
I only got on X really after Trump got elected. Before that it was mostly on here.
X, of course has been going through some interesting major changes. Right on target starting Jan 1 2025 when several major accounts speaking out again the Israel genocide in Gaza suddenly found themselves, for no reason, without the blue tick – demonetized – and most gallingly X took away their subscriber functionality.
None of that made any sense.
Unless of course Elon has no choice with the Tesla stock going down and X losing value daily too. Money talks. We all know the jews control it all.
But taking away subscribers away was a bit too much I thought. Those are independent people supporting their favorite creators on X personally!
Just proves what I’ve been saying and doing ALL along. Your own platform and email list ultimately determine how high you rise. The only place you can’t be banned. YOUR show, your rules.
Our YouTube channel is one stroke away from being perma banned.
Got banned off LinkedIn in 2020 for speaking out against the covid scam.
Facebook, IG – I never use them, or I’d likely be banned there too.
These SM companies don’t learn do they?
Back to X – you know what’s strange?
Several relatively small accounts got their reach reduced to almost zero simply for commenting on the bigger accounts that lost tick marks.
I even cancelled my subscription to X at that point since I wasn’t getting any answers from them on it.
Then they restored my reach.
But the bigger accounts never got their check marks back. Or subscriber base.
Strange, Elon…
Then this happened.
Interesting month thus far.
What happens with the account now will determine if I renew my subscription. Glad I didn’t choose the yearly option. Tho I’ve got a feeling they will restore the account.
Liberals are truly cowards, bullies that attack in packs and use UNFAIR advantages.
It’s ok for them to say the most vile things to your face such as “your mother is a prostitute” and other horrible things simply for stating facts like “women can’t park”.
Which every woman agrees with.
They’ll call you every name under the sun SIMPLY because you state how many women you’ve been with. In my case it’s 400 plus. I don’t believe in notches on the bedpost and all that crap, but I just did a very logical breakdown of it over the years and came to that very conservative conclusion.
Herd mentality..
Mob mentality.
RANK cowards.
Trump won despite all that.
Ultimately real masculinity trumps, triumphs ALL.
As Andrew Tate rightly said in one of his podcasts – all that remains is for someone to get completely cancelled on SM and return more popular than before. Judging by the views on a relatively tiny account such as mine and rapidly increasing follower base, just a matter of time in my case.
They hate people speaking out.
AI has made it worse. The algorithms actively target and demote anyone that might go big.
Tate also made a great point in one of his podcasts about how they attack you first via taking away your ability to defend yourself against your attackers.
So people run their mouths about me all week long on X, for instance, but I can’t defend myself. Ditto for the other social media platforms. And this isn’t an isolated case with me. As Tate rightly said, you don’t even have to be rich and famous for them to come after you. Just speaking out against the system is enough.
If that doesn’t work, and you get big, they bribe you with money which is enough to buy most people out.
They couldn’t buy Tate out.
So they put him in jail on false charges.
House arrest for 2.5 years after that I believe. All BS trumped up charges. If THAT doesn’t work, then they do all they can to kill you. Sad, but it’s reality.
As of the moment of writing this I believe the Tates are finally, at long last, off house arrest. Congratulations, Sir! I can think of few more people that DESERVED the victory more.
Ultimately nothing beats the human spirit, my friend. Nothing. Not even AI.
It was built by the human mind, after all.
This sort of content WORKS.
It HITS people deep down inside.
Noone wants to hear it though.
It makes them ANGRY.
Which is exactly what’s required.
Those that are winners use that rage to fuel themselves to WIN even more.
The losers, well, they hit the report button, get their temporary dopamine and go back to being henpecked bitches living a sorry ass life, unhappy and miserable with themselves. One of these idiots responded to a question posed by a woman –
“Are you satisfied with your bank account”
Little Gay Ben with a zero bank balance says yes.
How the fuck can you, no matter how rich you are, even consider being satisfied in that regard?
Beats me for sure!!
This loser of course lives on the woman he cohabitates with. Wears the skirt. She controls his every move.
Hes the norm which is what is really sad!
Truly as Thoreau once rightly said, most men are content to live lives of quiet desperation. Haha.
Oh well .
Here is the post for posterity –
X gave me a choice between appealing it and deleting the post.
The latter option means the account stays active but locked for the next 12 or so hours so i can’t retweet or post. Dms still work tho.
The former means the account would not be accessible at all.
Initially I chose the former – but then the latter.
I’ll repost this as a post once the account is restored to full functionality which I’m sure it will be at some point.
Cant resist the fun.
My haters truly propel me to greater heights daily!
Truly my slaves as I love calling them .
Free promotions – Im Always on their minds!
That energy works FOR me. Big time.
And that’s that.
Follow me. Plenty of folks still are despite the account being temp banned.
I could of course respond with my other X account.
Maybe I will .. but i doubt it. I’ll wait this out. Not in a rush …
I’m still in bed with my two lovely bodacious maids and more. They give me foot massages at night, suck me off when i tell them to and do a fantastic job of it. Submissive to a T, not doormats. There is a huge difference!
Most of all?
They’re genuinely HAPPY doing it. They WANT to.
Real women.
Ultimately it’s that that people HATE with a passion most abour me, always have.
And it’s exactly that the girls love most.
The man every other girl wants. Hehe.
Alright. Enough for now. That is indeed THAT.
The fight is TRULY worth it!
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