- FIGHT!!!

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Due to a whole bunch of feminists reporting me , my X account has been suspended. Carry on. But mens voices won’t be SUPPRESSED any longer.

The NAZI feminist yoke will be overthrown

Women openly, especially the older and more traditional ones ask me Openly about the ex who won’t leave despite being paid to!

All happens for a reason.

Accounts keep getting suspended when men speak out FREELY!

Feminists and cuckolds like Ben Goose report it en masse and they just suspend it!


This must stop.

I don’t know if it’s still got to do with algorithm changes etc as mentioned here.

The end.

Edit – A few hours later, it looks like my ban is, for now at least – permanent.

No prizes for guessing why if you have been following me for any length of time as many of you have.

AI is coming for everyone.

Those that conform and those that don’t.

And obviously for the latter FIRST as we are fighting against the Cabal, the control.

That’s why we got banned off Amazon in 2023. All started then.

That’s why my YouTube videos kept getting taken down. I can’t even auto migrate over to Rumble – noone can anymore.

I’ve said this before. Thf algorithms simply detect what they deem unacceptable and first , as I wrote about before – link above – shadow ban you. Reduce your reach by any means possible.

If that doesn’t happen they will perma ban you.

It doesn’t even have to be real people reporting you. Bots can be created with X number of followers. Ever notice the exponential rise in anonymous accounts on X – strangely, ever since Musk took over , MORE accounts, 300 percent plus in fact – have been suspended on X as opposed to before.

Hardly the bastion of free speech as was claimed.


Blaming Trump is not the answer. He has his heart in the right place.

Yes people lost money on his meme coin but that’s your own damn fault for investing on pure speculation in most cases.

Ultimately Trump is beholden to higher powers. Damned if he does. Damned if he doesn’t.

Change something, start someplace.

Or never have the chance to. . .

Back to social media I’ve been predicting the death of it for years. The recent X blue tick etc was merely an experiment.

Of course idiots and copyartists like fat Ben Bird jumped on as well “simply because Rahul did”.

Infighting is what the algorithm is promoting.

Other than amongst the right – which is open, women are the worst culprits in terms of infighting. By extension the left.

Even Ben the fool and his lot aren’t immune from that. And he knows it.

Yall fools are rank HYPOCRITES! You just want YOUR cuckolded point of view out there.

Any logical challenge, you back down. Because you’re wrong. More importantly because you are scared of the TRUTH. It CUTS deep.

Build your OWN platform above all is my message here. Has been for ages. Holds even more true NOW than before with AI leaping ahead faster than anyone thought.

Unless you have Real clout you ain’t gonna get no answer on the bans either. Especially not on X with most of the staff being fired already and the platform losing money by the day.

Your own platform might not change much. If at all.

Or,.it just might.


Or keel over anyway.

You might lose if you fight.

But noone can say you did not TRY!

Ultimately that’s what matters.

One thing I will say Musk was right on.

We are truly living in the most interesting times ever. No movie compares.

And that’s that.

Other than our other X account which I haven’t really promoted, I don’t know if I’ll get back on SM.


Account was growing at WARP speeds with views etc more than tripling accounts 10 times ours.

No wonder we got banned. Haha.

You idiots that hate my very guts yet follow me obsessively anyway?

You’ll still be following me

You ain’t got nothing better going on on your sorry ass female led lives. Noone more interesting than me.

Remember too. . .

Canceling someone ultimately, if the person has truly GOT it – makes them all the more successful ultimately. Trump. Tate. Smaller guys. List goes on and on and on. The truth just cannot be suppressed forever.

And you know it.

The prohibition didn’t stop drinking did it?

One example.

Of course AI and how STUPID people have gotten via Tik Tok brain are the X factor here. X might have reinstated some controversial BIG accounts. But even those remain banned on Tik Tok, IG etc.

The game is DEEP. Even the “figureheads” allowed on X ere just that – figureheads.

The SHADOWS control ALL ultimately.

Like Putin famously said, successive US administrations come and go.

Nothing changes. The suits that put the President “in his place” ensure that.


At a huge level.

I could talk about it forever. . . Maybe next time!

Step 2 is more attacks. They will cancel your bank accounts. If you work they will have you fired.

When you get big enough you’ll end up in jail on trumped up charges.

Last option – if all that don’t work?

We all know. They tried it with Trump, tho that was more of a warning in his case. But still ..!

AI adds on to all this.

Only a warrior can and will keep FIGHTING.

That’s what makes it all worth it.


Never GIVE up no matter how the going gets.

I don’t mean for this to end with doon and gloom so I’ll end with this – I do have wildcards remaining in the kitty. I always will. I don’t believe AI will ever trump the human spirit much less the subconscious mind that created it and everything universally. The mind of MAN. They say MAN and not “woman” for a bloody good reason too. Women don’t even have functioning brains these days.

I’ll just say this.

Its something so obviously obvious in your face none of you here know about.

If you did you would be too STUPID to put 2 and 2 together.

If you did that, you still wouldn’t believe it. More later. Let me just say Chinese AI is not controlled by the Cabal.

Not for now at least!

And that’s that for now.

More soon

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