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Hint and short answer – it ain’t what people tell you.
Being nice. Simping. Giving her all that money. Doing everything she asks. Etc etc.
Doesnt work even in the BDSM industry where yours truly is a very well known and respected individual. Lots of my trolls want to find me there. I never give them the opportunity. Hehe.
Noone wants doormats. Simple.
Least of all women.
Women are happiest when dominated and led so they don’t need to, in their own words “think so much” and can perform the caretaker role they’re so nicely suited for. Superpower!
If they sense weakness in a man, it’s done and over.
Bad boys get them every time without even paying. The good guys do.
This is getting to be a long ass answer.
But basically women were born to be dominated by men. Simple. Not doormat no.
And repelling the Nazi feminist mindset these takes guts.
Women LOVE and CRAVE that about a man.
Men with true balls.
I’ve said it before. Its true. Women are forced to turn feminist due to circumstances. No real woman CHOOSES feminism.
If she does she’s either stupid or misguided.
Ultimately completely self defeatist policy even for the women that advocate it – Especially them and their kids actually.
As a man?
Simply follow the advice laid out here.
The book teaches you how to BECOME the bad boy manipulator they so DO crave.
Laid , no pun, out step by step, easy to follow points.
Might sound counter intuitive for me to not name the book that.
But I could name it bazillions of things and truth is this, it’s only by combating current social Bozo programming that you’ll ever as a man stand out and have women simp to YOU, not the other way around.
And it feels great.
On one last note – ever notice how females will have this philosophy of “never answering questions they don’t want to”?
Its the same reason TOXICALLY masculine men like me get all the girls. Indeed, I can and do wink at your girl. She’ll tell you “ewww”..
..and later on fuck me that night while you unknowingly in your cuckolded wisdom drive her to my place when I’m not even aware she’s coming. Like with Sophia I’ll just ignore. It triggered her greatly i didn’t check my phone while watching a movie and Madam called about 15 times lol.
That’s why they call me the Homewrecking Hussy.
Im proud of it too. Damn well should be.
Me. Trump. Tate. Any real man. You name it. List goes on and on and on.
Because of the same reason trump is so successful.
They don’t answer because they know we are right. We hit what they really want but aren’t really going to put in the work to GET it.
You might think you got them because they answer your cucked questions that fit their unwanted narratives but as you know, you’re wrong.
I famously said on social media my women cook and clean for me. They better. Lots of foot massages.
But I actually prefer a guy cooking. Because females, unable to deal with any task, let alone rational discussion logically will always put their shitty moods into the food. Zero consistency. Ugh.
Often times I’ll get a guy to rub my feet so i don’t need to “talk”. The women all want to chat me up and as the most recent massuesse told me herself “but you can’t relax since I’m constantly talking to you”.
That’s fine too. Hehe. But I didn’t want sex from her regardless.
Women don’t even understand the meaning of the word logic.
They’re so sheeped and emotionally driven they will call you a misogynist even when you openly support what they’re saying but with logic, not emotional BS.
Triggered is a cope. Being called a misogynist too.
Makes women LUST bar none. Trolls get addicted bar none. I literally control their minds.
And that’s that. I could literally charge $999 for this book, with my results it would still be LESS.
Go get it NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
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