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One of them. This idiot is actually so goddamn incompetent that he can’t even be a good troll but he tries.
And there’s no mistaken his icky gay devotion to me. Especially my feet. Ugh.
As I posted on Twitter, a most popular post already –
. . . Copies my every move. And now that my last account got banned, he’ll remove his verification too,.lol.
I control the birds mind.
I think something, he does it.
My best SLAVE (likes my feet lol) and devoted troll ever, or close. Hehe. Ben Bird
The end.
And it’s true actually. That thread is well worth a read. Follow me on @fastandfuriousf – the last account got banned due to gangs of liberals and feminists attacking it en masse.
As always, I ultimately won. Haha
This should probably make it into the other site where we deal with folks like him – or – it – that have all sorts of fetishes including being called, as in his case – a bird. Walrus. Cow. I’ve lost track.
Anyway. This email was originally going to be titled “for a few laughs”.
We all need some!
And without ado, this idiot that everyone one of the approx 16K folks on my email list knows about – that guys in the fitness industry called out for bring a rank flake as early as 2003 – I’d like to say though that the Bodyweight exercise Guru is the one that’s really exposed him to the masses for the complete hypocrite he is. Thus he gets BROKEN, BROKER by the day. More depending on a woman that controls his every move, hehe. Has him in chains so to speak.
Chop chop!
But for those that don’t know him – read the above links.
Truly, as the great John Walker once said, looks like hell need to fast for a year to lose all that blubber.
That was 2 years ago.
The bird pecked more. I must say that’s the one thing not bird like about it – it’s goddanged appetite!
I showed this to people around me.
Their first reaction, as with a certain marketing genius MF, hehe – he’s pulling his stomach in.
Which he is. Gawd, that massive belly. Not to mention his triple chin (hence the “chin up poses”). And this bird fucker promotes fitness?????
Like guy lose some weight already. Jesus!
And those nutwads promote fitness, speeds untruths about religion (he’s a Jew essentially at the core but isn’t even good with money as most jews are “jews and money” ) which really pissed me off.
Like Dude – bird, sorry hasn’t been out of Kansas or ID or whatever backwater. And claims to know about hindu religion for engagement. He’s that fucking desperate.
No, Google does NOT mean you’re an expert at anything.
Back to this moron that is giving us all so much laughs ..
Holy mary. Doesnt look like he fasted any.
If you truly want my results, my sexy X shape as I wrote about yesterday – the REAL man VIBE – well – physically the CORE is where it’s at.
Get the core ready, you can handle ANYTHING
Just ask Herschel walker for one.
Or John Walker …
The very best course out there to get that corrugated core y’all so desperately CRAVE –
HARDCORE training for a HARD core!
Not Flabola Central like shown above.
This is functional core training, not your usual get “buffed for the beach” nonsense.
If you’re after performance above pretty, then this is for you.
John Walker
Get it NOW.
And no it ain’t for the beach boy look either.
Truly abs of STREAMING steel like I have.
Rahul Mookerjee
The Bodyweight exercise Guru par excellence, bar NONE.
PS – Remember to pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System as well. If you’re into any sort of fitness you simply can’t live without this in your back pocket, so to speak.
PS #2 – Remember too, for those that “need it” the discount code FebSpecial is LIVE for the entire month. 25 percent flat discount on Anything. Terms and conditions apply as always. Minimum order value of $100.
I don’t do these very often.
And I might pull this one in anytime like Ben Birds belly, hehe.
Go ahead and make hay while the Sun shines. And that’s really that.
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