68 exercises that will unleash the BEAST in YOU and turn YOU into the UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF NATURE you were MEANT to be!
Enhance your “lasting ability” BEYOND BELIEF with the routines herein. Trust me, THIS is the course that will put the “big V” aka Viagara OUT of biz.
Dear Friend and Fellow Fitness Enthusiast,
This afternoon, as I got done with my own workout, I called my daughter into join me, into the fray.
She didn’t want to.
“Im on the dumb phone, Dad!”
OK she didn’t say dumb phone, hehe, but you get the point.
“No problem”, I responded, smiling internally.
And I started doing my own thang.
My patented “animal like” workouts which I often use these days as a finisher.
As the sweat started to pour, and heart really start to hammer, I was almost collapsiong in a heat.
(I should say “collapsing in a heap”, but I’m leaving my typos in this one purposely, as I want you to FEEL how I was at that moment in time!)
(( Pretty much why I always leave most typos as they are, but that’s a topic for another book, hehe))
I paused to “catch my breath” while leaning against the wall.
My breath coming in HUGE RAGGEDY gasps!
And my little one of course heard it.
“Whats up, Dad!” she said.
“Come and beat me in the race!” I said, barely able to get the words out!
“sureeeeeeeeee” she trilled.
And with that, she was off in the bear crawl.
Midway through the race, I collapsed again.
Sure, I had done a tough, tough workout before with very little rest. 30 minutes all in all of solid rope sprints, and that will KILL the cardio system in a good way, but still.
The bear crawl is but one of the exercises I speak about very highly in the 0 Excuses Fitness and Kiddie Fitness books.
And while writing what I am now, do you know what came to mind?
It made me chuckle, that’s for sure.
I should come out with a course called “Bodybuilder fitness” which covers nothing but animal like workouts, because most boobybuilders and gym goers would fall flat on their face if they even TRIED such a workout.
Maybe I should name it “Boobybuilder Fitness”!
If there is anything more CRINGEWORTHY and UNNATURAL than the above, I’d like to see it. Apparently thats something to do with the 2020 Mr. Olympia competition. UGH!
Including you 500 lb bench pressers.
Believe me, when it comes to REAL life, and drug free FUNCTIONAL movements, most of these so called “STUDS in the gym” become DUDS.
Yes. Literally.
From STUD in the gym . . . to a bonafide DUD in the pool!
I still remember the boobybuilder at the swimming pool, back in 2010 I think it was . . . Maybe 2009. Not sure.
Guy that was big as heck. Had all the puffed up bloated muscles, the massive chest and pelican legs . . . and very little back development to boot.
And of course the beachball biceps and so forth . . . which unfortunately weren’t helping him in the pool.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this dude. I was doing my laps swiftly, and he was watching me, and I still remember him coming up to me and talking to me.
“That’s good, man! You can really swim!”
“I’m getting there”, I grinned back (which is true; I love to swim and can do it pretty well, but there’s always room for improvement!).
And then he told me the entire tale that I’ve detailed on the Shoulders Like Boulders page.
While he didn’t quite drop dead of a heart attack when he lifted his arms up to hang a picture, he almost got there.
Two bypasses before the age of 25 I think it was, or maybe 26. I can’t be “arsed” to look right now, but it’s something like that.
And all the so called strength and twelve pack abs couldn’t get him to ONE continuous SLOW . . . BREADTH of the pool.
He was literally resting for 10 minutes between each slow breadth! And this guy could pound out the weights like nobody’s business apparently before he did the smart thing and flat out quit.
And, this was just the POOL. A gentle swim.
Imagine if I put him through the bear crawl, or any of the other TWO movements in 0 Excuses Fitness.
He’d probably scream “Uncle” before I did it!
And as for YOU, my friend, you ask?
Well, here is the unvarnished truth for as I see it.
I can put you through a simple ass workout that will kick your booty from here to you know where, and ALL with animal kingdom like workouts!
I’m sitting here right now.
A good hour or so after my workout.
After a shower.
Without a shirt . . .
. . . and the sweat is still trickling off me??!!
How effective do you think these sort of workouts are?
YOU TELL me, my friend.
And on that note, let me tell you that while the bear crawl is one of the most effective finishers ever, it aint the only one.
And it can be used as a workout unto itself with a few other animal like movements which require NOTHING but your own body, and a willingness to get down and just do it.
And on that note . . . I bring to you ANIMAL KINGDOM WORKOUTS my friend.
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BE the REAL MAN that most women WANT
Before the flames and hems and haws start coming in, let me tell you the following …
This is NOT about doing pull-ups willy nilly, and how those muscles look oh so sleek against his skin … (though that might help to a degree).
It ain’t about the mental part of things – and that bro is the MOST IMPORTANT – I repeat – the most important – by far – you can be a fuddy duddy in all regards, but have your mental game down pat, and you’d still be getting more than the studs at the gym if they dont have their game down pat, and most dont.
It sure isn’t about the Kamasutra either, for those wondering. No tantric “shantric” methods, no tai chi to work your balls, no this and that rubbish, no special herbs to get your little brother standing up SMART and tall, and so forth.
Maybe that’s important too, I dont know. Given the number of “men” that take Viagara, I’d imagine it is and it’s a real problem and I could probably tell these people how to solve it, but I won’t.
Lets also cuts past the SALES “shales” on this one.
Let me give it to you STRAIGHT.
Physcially, what most women do NOT want is the following.
– Big flabby bellies hanging over your midsection.
– An unnatural six or twelve pack.
– Muscles that belong on Mr. Olympia and look like they are about to burst out of your shirt (and yet can’t, ah, but we wont go there)
– STUDS in the gym – and DUDS in bed (studs at pull-ups too, you might argue, hehe, but I’m yet to see a single stud at pull-ups who fits that category!)
– Massive bloated chest muscles.
– Pelican legs (possibly the most massive turn off)
– And calves that look like they belong on a chicken (I know, but believe me, it’s true).
Again, mental is most important, but we’re talking PHYSICAL things here.
The author doing “real man” exercise
Ask any woman, my friend, and you’ll know the above is true.
She will probably give you a “laundry list” of the rest of the things I haven’t said here too, hehe.
Dont get me – or them – LOL – started.
But really, point of me saying this is most men train for looks, which ain’t how it should be, but whatever.
Can’t preach to the choir.
Or should I say, can’t convert those that dont wanna be …
So, if you train just for looks, and have the bloat, the puff, the buff, the muscles, and you’re still, well, unable to … you know?
Sound familiar?
Well, obviously what you’re doing ain’t workin my friend.
And thats all I gotta say on this one.
The ONLY other thing I’d say is if what you’re NOT doing is what works, and you know it, maybe it’s time to drop the pretence of being “a real man pumping weights at the JIm Shim” and get on the REAL STRENGTH TRAIN – NOW?
I’d say yes … (and no, I wont be introducing women to anyone, male, female or in between on this list, or any list! I mean, really. The things these idiots (some of ’em) think of! LOL)
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What is different about the exercises in this book from the other exercises and workouts you teach?
This, my friend, was a real question from a real customer – a DOER that has been involved in physical activity all his life – a REAL MAN that has been an avid 0 Excuses “Rolls Royce” Fitness fan for as long as I can remember, and (upon first thought) owns the following products from me ..
Pushup Central
Shoulders like Boulders!
Battletank SHOULDERS!
And a host of others, I believe that I do not remember right off the bat.
He’s also the person that once asked me to NEVER become a “run of the mill pussy trainer” just to make more money.
And he’s damn right, and I never will!
Because, as he said, that ain’t me.
And I dont know about YOU, my friend, but personally, in life, fitness, relationships, business or whatever, I do NOT do what “ain’t me”.
I’m BRUTALLY honest – and I will STAY that way regardless of whether or not I become richer than Jeff Bezos. More importantly, my workouts will be REAL MAN workouts till the day I pass on, and I wouldn’t dream of making things easier to make more “of the green stuff”.
To be fair, I do give everyone the “means” to work up to my stellar standards – because guess what – THOSE, as this person said, are the standards EVERYONE should be aspiring to – and ACHIEVE – and surpass!
THAT is what it’s all about.
Anyway, he wrote in with the question above.
My reply?
Hi Charles –Thanks for the email! Animal Kingdom Workouts is a book where the exercises and workouts are modeled on how animals move in the wild – naturally, gracefully and without STRESS – and most importantly, moving the whole body as a whole! My other books are of course structured around bodyweight exercises where you move the body as a whole etc – but other than in 0 Excuses Fitness and also Advanced Hill TrainingI have never once gone into detail in terms of modeling workouts on the Animal Kingdom (the big cats, apes and a few others you wouldn’t imagine!) – – and I do so in this book.
The workouts are indeed absolutely BRUTAL! As a customer recently put it “Join the ranks of the SUPERHUMANS with the exercises in this book” – and he was pretty much spot on! And they WILL build strength in ways one could never even dream of imagining with weights moving in a linear fashion and what not – and even weights lifted “free style” i.e. lets say youre lifting heavy rocks etc, which is great – but it still doesnt compare to some of the stuff I teach you in this book.
I probably should put this on the sales page for the book and I likely WILL someday, but there was once a case in India where an angry tigress (a man was hunting it on elephant back) jumped straight OVER the elephants back – and took two of the man’s fingers with it!! Its on YouTube, so you should be able to find it with a search.
But, wild cats move with the feline grace we’d all like to have – not to mention SUPPLE STRENGTH in spades and then some. There’s a lot we can learn from wild cats – apes – and the such in terms of mimicking how they move – walk – run – sprint etc – and THAT is what the book is all about!
If you love brutal (and you do!) – youll LOVE the workouts in this one, much as you did with Pushup Central and Battletank Shoulders!
Hope that clarified your question – let me know if you have more doubts, and I’ll be glad to clarify what I can.
Best,Rahul Mookerjee
And, I forgot to add two things in there.
First, in terms of tough workouts – the latest book on handstands does it, and then some. I should say ULTRA tough x 1000 – although yes, the workouts in that one are more structured around the advanced handstands I keep talking about, there IS a “Noah’s Ark” workout in there for you Animal Kingdom Workout lovers too!
And second, cats?
Well, I dont know if I mentioned this. But my buddy from the Marines had a tiny little cat once (I believe in 2017 was when he told me).
He lived on the 18th floor of a high rise.
That damn cat took it into its mind to jump out of the 18th floor window one fine morning.
My buddy was shocked.
He loved the cat!
And jump it did, and as he looked down, frantically searching for it (and hoping not to see a “mess”) – lo!
What did he see?
That cat strolling around like it was NOTHING – the drop i’m referring to!
It simply landed on it’s toes, and bounced away like nothing.
Get this book now – it’s the best ever!
Oh, and a word of caution first …
and this is for the Bozos – please don’t be attempting to jump over elephants or waltz off high rise windows expecting to land on your toes. Much like the people who attempted to “fly” by extending their arms and jumping off high rises, it ain’t gonna work. Keep it safe – and sane – please!
Yes, I know. I should not have to say this, but I am because there’s nuts out there that will try it!
Anyway, build “awe inspiringly brutal” strength with the routines and workouts in the book and “join the ranks of the superhumans”. Get this NOW.
(and, there’s more on this VS my other books below as well)
(But first, let’s rap a bit more about WILD CATS – and the mighty TIGER)
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Cat like speed and strength
The mighty tiger lurking to … ah, but we’ll get into this below!
Big cats are, without exception some of the most amazing and awe inspiring creatures in this wonderful world we live in.
Did you know, for instance, that a tigers are known to regularly clock in at speeds averaging close to a mind boggling 60km/hour when going all out?
Just to put in perspective, that’s the average 300 kg tiger we’re talking about – NOT a skinny pavement pounder. And that’s more than double the speed of an average Olympic sprinter as well.
But why just speed? Let’s talk STRENGTH.
Jaguars have been known to kill and make quick work off gigantic anacondas with alarming regularity. The leopard, while technically smallest of the big cats is certainly no slouch either – I recently saw a video of a leopard killing an adult croc with one paw swipe, and dragging it up a steep hill – and then – get this – up a TREE onto a branch high above – all seemingly in “one movement”.
And as for our friend, the cheetah? He may not be a member of the “big 4”, but he clocks in at an amazing 100 km/hour or above when he chooses to get his sprint on. . .
But let me talk about the MOST amazing piece of footage I’ve seen thus far. In India, land of the Bengal tiger, an enraged Bengal tiger spotted a man on an elephant (apparently) hunting her.
The man spotted her just in the nick of time – but did he?
As SOON as he saw the beast emerge from the field, the tigress roared – made a quick dash towards the elephant, LEAPED – OVER the elephant’s back – STRAIGHT at the man – and took two of his fingers with it as it came back down, and bounded back into the jungles, never to be seen again.
Wow. Just WOW, is all I gotta say to that!
I mean, can you even IMAGINE leaping up like that and taking off with two fingers??
And just how and why are cats so amazingly strong, flexible, agile and QUICK? Just how do they consistently punch FAR above their weight?
Well – simple – they follow Nature’s laws, and they do things the NATURAL way.
Now, lest you think all this cat talk has no parallel in the “human” world – think AGAIN, my friend. It does – more than you think (or know).
Mr. Tiger, the last time I checked didn’t “load up on carbs” before sprinting or measure and pound “X kgs of buffalo meat sans the hide” before he went on a long walk around his territory.
The mighty TIGER resting after a VERY WELL deserved MEAL!
ALL of my workouts are done on an empty stomach and I’m in the best shape of my life at age 37 – BETTER – WAY better than I was at the age of 24.
Despite the “conventional wisdom” about eating 3 meals a day, or sometimes small meals throughout the day – and despite the stuff about breakfast being the most important meal of the day – my first meal is, believe it or not generally no earlier than 5 in the evening.
Used to be around 6:30 when I used to partake of my first meal – this AFTER a full day of work – and AFTER a workout. And the heaviest meal of the day for me is usually late at night – like Mr. Tiger/Lion, and the polar opposite of what the “shmexperts” recommend.
And yet – results are what speak, and I can’t argue with mine.
When I’m creating products, I don’t go for long marathon sessions. In fact, and as I’ve said in “Zero to Hero” I work in short bursts of a max of 2 hours each – not unlike a cat’s short sprints in a way – and yet I get way more accomplished in those short bursts than most do putting in an entire day’s of “work”.
When I feel fatigued during my workout, I don’t stop to check my phone or chat with the bros, or mess around with the babes, or take 10 minute breaks between sets, my friend.
I drop down to the floor and walk around like a bear – or cat – and within minutes my energy levels are back to normal.
Rahul Mookerjee doing the BEAR CRAWL – an exercise that can be done ANYWHERE, and will WHOOP your butt within a few seconds FLAT.
Try this one the next time you’re out of breath climbing a hill, for instance, or even a steep flight of stairs. Drop down to the quadruped position and then back up to the bipedal position and notice the ease with which the second half of your odessey up them stairs commences.
And the average man CAN benefit from doing things NATURE’s way – or training the way of the ANIMAL, in other words.
Instead of “feeling grouchy” and making a beeline for the coffee machine every morning when you wake up – why not instead do some deep breathing and visualization – and set some goals?
After this, why not pound out some cat like movements as I teach in the book?
These “cat like” pushups will not only stretch and energize you within the space of a few minutes, but you’ll also be buzzing for the REST of the day – and what’s more, they’ll give you that “sinewy cat like strength” and EXPLOSIVE power you cannot get from lifting weights or doing “yoga shmoga”, or what have you.
It doesn’t take much at all. Just you, your body and the floor – but the simplest stuff work the best if you do things the way Nature intended you to do ’em!
So drop the weights and long ass cardio sessions today, my friend. They’re certainly NOT what they’re made out to be.
Train the way of the animal – and obtain ANIMAL LIKE RESULTS – the 0 Excuses way!
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More on the mighty TIGER
That brings me to a trip down memory lane, of course – – when yours truly visited Corbett National Park in India – – and “toured” it one fine day on elephant back to catch a sight of that elusive and wonderful CAT – the big CAT – the true “big dog” amongst all cats bar NONE – the TIGER.
And as we followed the pug marks, it happened – without warning, a bundle of stripes SPRANG out of the tall grasses just a few feet away, and bounded away into the forest!
Yes – even the almighty tiger doesn’t dare confront an elephant … or does it?
Maybe it was just … but on with the story.
I still remember my Dad remarking on its agility and how “different” it looked from those in the zoo.
Fast forward a few years later, and we saw those beasts half tame upfront again – – at another national park where believe it or not they FEED the beasts to keep them “semi tame” and encourage tourism.
One of the dumbest ever decisions made in my opinion. A tiger is a wild animal, period – – and that’s as simple as it GETS!
And then they complain about human-tiger interactions increasing, all because of HUMAN fault. Duh!!
And now, it’s back to the present.
As the elephant moved through the grass – – another BAM!
Except this time the tiger sprung STRAIGHT out of the grasslands … and jumped… get this – – OVER the elephant.
Jumped over an adult male elephant – – and took TWO FINGERS along with it!
All in one bound, and in the space of less than 2 seconds, if even that. They researched the “why” later and it’s apparently because of her cubs being shot, and her associating humans with that, but still – – really – – now THAT is some major league FLEXIBILITY, my friend!
(The video is on my Instagram account, by the way, for those interested!)
Not to mention POWER. The tiger weighs uptil 300 kgs or so, and yet it CAN EASILY run – uphill – with massive “gaur” in its jaws that weigh WELL OVER A TON, believe it or not.
The grizzly (whom I’ve written about before, and along with the tiger is a VERY CLOSE contender for my favorite animal) is the only other beast with such raw STRENGTH.
Pound for pound, chimps and apes, but OVERALL ??
Back to the tiger – – I don’t know about you, but that sort of strength is something a human, even “Daniel Tiger” humans will never have – – but you CAN GET super human like strength in your core and legs by doing what the tiger does.
Or should I say, walking like the tiger does – – and SPRINGING up every so often!
No, not just humans! The mighty tiger regularly carries “gaur” (massive bison weighing well over 1000 lbs in some cases) regularly UPHILL. Other than the grizzly, can you even IMAGINE having this sort of strength?
I wouldn’t try this if I were YOU!
Anyway, more below . . . (on this book VS my others, and why this is truly one of the, if not THE best book I’ve ever done and likely ever will)
The ONE flaw a couple of my other books HAD
If there was ONE flaw that the 0 Excuses Fitness System had, it was that I did not go into detail into many of the animal like movements that can literally whoop the average adult (and even most triathletes) within MOMENTS of trying the exercises.
If you can even get into position that is.
To an extent, this was rectified in Kiddie Fitness, but that was done from a kiddie angle.
And now, for the FIRST time in “0 Excuses” history I bring to you ANIMAL KINGDOM workouts . . .workouts that will truly have you burning fat and building muscle from head to toe even quicker than with Advanced Hill Training, which is a course you DO NEED TO GRAB if you have not already, and a course that again (touches upon) a few animal like workouts.
But this course goes further.
It goes further in terms of sheer EFFICACY and brutality (double that if you’re doing these after a workout).
It goes further in terms of sheer simplicity. The simplest of movement will kick your ass ROYALLY my friend. And I mean that!
Charles Mitchell, a long time customer of mine had THIS to say about Pushup Central, my last course before this (and a very popular one indeed judging by the reception it got).
“Since you’re in the mood for asking, I’m asking when you’re going to put out a book on static holds like what you talk about in your recent pushups book. The pushups book is awesome! Why? Because the F…ing exercises and workouts are hard as HELL! That’s why! I hate workout books that don’t challenge you. I think I also asked you once before to put out a plyometric calisthenics book as well. DO IT! Your stuff is the best. You are the real deal, which is why I don’t mind paying the higher than normal prices for your books. I’m also glad that you now put them on Kindle because I have no more room for paper books in my small apartment .
Keep up the good work”
This, and other testimonials are mentioned on my testimonials page which has MORE testimonials from Charles as well.
But this isn’t about tooting my own horn.
Yes, I DO have plans to get a book on isometrics out. Yes, I do have a plan to get a book out on plyometric workouts as those are awesome.
Truth be told, until around 4 AM this afternoon (and as I’ve told my list before) the FIRST idea was foremost in my mind.
But suddenly I got a flash of inspiration, and that idea that was stuck at the back of mind for ages popped into the forefront.
You know, Rahul, I thought.
These exercise are more than “f-n” tough.
They’re more than the REAL deal.
They’re REALLY REALLY TOUGH and will make men out of boys in NO TIME flat!
Even YOURS TRULY, who has been compared to triathletes more than ONCE finds them difficult, and if I find ‘em useful and difficult (as Charles said, “tough is really where it’s at”) then imagine how YOU the casual reader can benefit from these workouts.
And your kids, for that matter. Combine these with Kiddie Fitness, and your kids won’t need to be TOLD to exercise. They’ll show up themselves to do it along with you – – trust me on this one!
Because they’re fun. Because they KICK your ass – – and because they do it FAST so you can get back to your work, and they to their . . . well, dumbphones, tantrums and more, hehe.
And in that spirt, and in THAT vein, here is the book on Animal Kingdom Workouts.
SIXTY EIGHT EXPLOSIVE movements that will have you building muscle, panting up a storm and feeling great within less than a couple of minutes; guaranteed.
And TEN workouts at the end of the book.
And if you can get through even one of them, you’re a true champ. Hehe.
You can mix these exercises in with others, such as I do (currently with rope jumping and pushups).
Or, you can do ‘em as a finisher (as I did today).
Or, you can do them by your LONESOME.
Or, you can do them out in the park with your kids.
Any which way, you’ll be getting the workout of your life, and that, my friend, as ole Steve Austin would say, is truly the “bottom line”.
Become the MAN you were truly MEANT to be (or the woman). The truly UNSTOPPABLE force of nature that you were rightly MEANT TO BE!
You’ll have that RUGGED, ANIMAL like look about you and that “come GET it, SON!” vibe we all want do desperately once you get on the right workouts!
But first another one of those awesome reviews. . .
This one is from John Walker in the United Kingdom.
This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.
Mastery of one’s own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.
Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.
People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.
Warmest Regards
John Walker.
A couple of years ago, I was chatting with my friend Marc the “African Silverback Gorilla” – a man who truly does know a thing or two about strength and conditioning.
I was doing pull-ups, I believe out in the park, and Marc was doing ‘em with me.
Or trying to . . .
He isn’t that great at pull-ups, and by his own admission “sucks at pull-ups”.
But does he have it together in other regards?
Hell yes. He’s a high level boxer if there ever was one, and while his conditioning levels may need some tweaking, his punching prowess doesn’t.
Neither do those Brahma bull like shoulders . . . hehe.
And we naturally started to discuss conditioning when it came to pull-ups. And excess FAT around the midsection which at the time of talking he DID have.
Now, this isn’t about me tooting my own horn (again). So while yes, he made several complimentary remarks about my pull-ups, the “V” shaped back I have, and so forth, what really stood out (to me at least) was what I told him.
“Well, pull-ups are one thing, but I doubt I’d last more than a second with you in the ring”, I laughed. (in response to his “get in the ring with me once, Rahul!”).
And his response?
“Oh, you would!”
“No, I wouldn’t”, I said again.
“Well, conditioning wise you would”, he said, laughing again and we walked off, calling it a day. And as we shook hands he made the remark I’ve written about before with regard to my hands being so callused that it hurt just to SHAKE ‘em . . .
(Pull-ups again, my friend!).
Now, why do I bring up this seemingly insignificant detail?
To show you the difference between ANIMAL (istic) strength VS “modern day man” strength!
Mike Tyson, the closest thing to a HUMAN BEAST the world has ever seen!
The closest thing to an animal like movement I can think of are pull-ups (and yes, the other exercises I teach here, but the FIRST one I got going on was the pull-ups), and an amazingly strong animal at that, the ape. A chimpanzee, if that’s what you prefer. They have been known to kill adult male crocodiles with their bare hands!
Years ago, a male silverback gorilla escaped from his enclosure in Florida.
Well, the wall they built to keep it in was high and INTACT, but it had one flaw.
One tiny flaw.
A tiny little groove in the wall, and not towards the top either.
And this gorilla took his knuckle, and put it in there, and then pulled himself up by sheer force. Up and over.
THAT my friend is true strength. And conditioning . . .
Our friend and “close relative” the African silverback Gorilla in all “its” muscular GLORY! Now if you were to pit the boobybuilder against THIS, well . . . !!
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Anyway, I was chatting with Marc the other day again.
(a few days after that initial bit).
About another friend of ours – the ex-Marine that I’ve written so much about.
And I was talking about how me and him almost got into a “knockdown brawl” with a few hoodlums while drinking beer outside.
“That’s why I never go out drinking”, noted Marc in his sage manner. “Too many jokers out there!”
“But damn, if I had known back then what I do about fighting NOW . . .” he trailed off.
“I wouldn’t mind some of those clowns back home trying to **** with me after a drinking session” (this isn’t verbatim, but the sum and substance of what he said).
Now he’s right, of course.
But his next comment really struck home.
“But anyway . . . Vincent is a true beast. I’m not worried about him in a dog fight to be honest!”
And of course, if you’re read about what I’ve written about him – he IS a true beast. A true FORCE of nature to be reckoned with.
A naturally strong man that is STILL (beyond the age of 55) as strong as ever, or perhaps even stronger, and guess what he did all his life.
Bodyweight exercises as the foundation and CORE of his training.
FUNCTIONAL weightlifting.
And so forth.
And an ANIMAL in the physical sense, if you get my drift!
Anyway, point of me telling you all this?
We’ll get there.
First, another story about REAL training . . . . and REAL strength and fitness . . . .
Sir, you’re HARDCORE! You’re really killing it!
Recently, as I finished my second climb up the mighty HILL that I write so often about – I saw a couple of ladies motoring up the hill.
Or wheezing up the hill, I should say. American ladies if I’m not mistaken, and both of these gals were FAT, my friend – no two ways around that – and I’m being polite here, mind you!
Other hand, it was commendable that they were doing something about it – so as I breezed past them, I gave them a little smile of acknowledgement. Not sure if they noticed it or not though …
On my way down, I noticed these two ladies still at it – climbing the hill.
As I finished climb #3, I saw the two ladies again – puffing and panting (they had just finished THEIR climb #1).
I didn’t pause for breath.
Off it was for climb #4, and as I went about that climb, I saw these two ladies descending the hill slowly.
And as I went past them, one of them called out.
“Sir, you’re hardcore indeed!”
The other chimed in with “Yes, indeed! This is the third time you’re climbing the hill – you’re really KILLING it!”
“Ironman levels!” …
Rahul Mookerjee on his way UP the hill!
And as this was being said, and the two ladies were asking me if I was indeed planning on participating in a triathlon, I managed to get in a word sideways (I know, I know, hehe).
“Not climb #3. It’s #4”, I s aid with a big smile on my face.
“Fouuuuuuurrrrr!” chimed lady #1, as if it was some sort of hymn she was chanting in church or something.
“Fourrrrrr! Make that five!” laughed the other lady.
“Nah, not quite at that level as yet!” I laughed back, and bade goodbye to them.
Actually, that last bit wasn’t quite true. Back in the day I’d hike this same hill 6-7 times daily – multiple times a day – but I did NOT want to give these two ladies more of a shock than I already did, hehe.
And that sort of thing, along with actual results vindicates all the hard work I put in on a regular basis in my workouts.
It’s indeed nice to swing by the pizza dude ‘s(remember yesterday’s email?) place and have him note “you’re in excellent shape!”
And of course, the “you look like a movie star” comments that have been made in the past …
Let’s face it, folks. We ALL want to look – and feel – GREAT – but most of us are too lazy to put in the work to get there!
And I’m here to tell you that there is NO way around hard work, my friend. Often times I would feel like quitting during my climbs (yes, even this Ironman has feelings!) – but I did NOT.
I kept going – just kept going – and the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT at the end of each workout was nigh indescribable.
Same for the pushup workouts – extreme bridging – and other workouts!
(You can read MORE about my hill routines in the 0 Excuses Fitness System – as well as get into the best shape of your life if you put in the WORK required).
And the point of me telling you this . . . the ANIMAL like workouts that I often do right out there!
Though at the time these ladies saw me, all I was doing was climbing if they had seen me a while back, they’d have seen me doing exercises out of “Advanced Hill Training”.
And what I taught you there was great but in terms of animal like workouts, it pales in comparison to what I’m going to teach you HERE, my friend.
And in terms of the RESULTS!
Anyway, a while after all this, I met up with my friend Vincent.
And I told him about the “beast” part, and while its true, here is what he had to say.
“You guys are beasts too! You’re a beast in your own way! So is Marc!”
Is it any wonder, my friend, that the people that have achieved the MOST are usually the MOST willing to give out praise when it’s warranted?
And of course, the tyre kickers, wannabe’s and others the exact opposite?
Tells you a lot, doesn’t it?
But for now, here is my point.
I spoke about animal strength up there.
I spoke about being a BEAST – or a human BEAST – the closest thing to a beast you can possibly ever be.
And if you compare the modern day man to these ideals, he come up . . . well, short, shall we say?
The mighty BENGAL tiger on the prowl . . . Bengal tigers have been reputed to carry 1000 lb plus “gaurs” effortless up hills for miles!
No puns intended.
CAN you go “mano o mano” if the need arose?
But first, lets get a few of those “unpleasant truths” out of the way as it were.
The average man is, to put in one word a MESS.
When asked to do a pull-up he whines and moans about it for hours, and then when it’s time to do it, he can barely hang on to the pulling bar for any length of time.
When he’s asked to run a mile, he pouts and gives you some nonsense about “why run when I have my car right here?”
Ask him to climb a hill, even if it’s a tiny teensy weensy little “mound”, and what does he reply with?
“Thats why “God” invented fourth gear“.
(true comment that!)
When asked to do any sort of reasonable exercise, guess what.
He falls flat on his face – – or his garganturan belly, if that doesn’t hit the floor first (and indeed for most modern day men it’s a reality that their belly touches the floor on a pushup LONG before the chest ever gets there!).
Hell, why just exercise?
Ask him to sit in a squat for any length of time, or even a few seconds – and he either expels “nasty air” if you get my drift from “both holes” (if that sounds GROSS, think about what happens when said “man” actually DOES it – UGH!) – or his pants split up the backside.
(Think I’m kidding? Think again! P.G. Wodehouse might have intended it as comic relief in his books (the headmaster’s pants splitting when he bent to pick up a pencil or something when giving the kids at Market Snodsbury their “annual prizes” or something) – but Wodehouse based everything upon on real life, just so you know, right down to the Jeeves Wooster parody!)
But why even any of this?
Ask the modern day mess of a so called man to stand up straight and LOOK you in the eye (forget about “mano o mano” if the need ever may arise – God forbid!) – and all you see is the Hunchback of Notre Dame “vainly” trying to arise like the Phoneix from the Ashes.
This phoenix never rose, and DOESN’T rise.
Sad, but (unfortunately so) true!
He sits on a couch, munching Doritos, eating pizza and drinking beer after work, all the while complaining about his life, and “how fit the men on T.V. are”, “because they have the time and he doesn’t”, and how his life sucks while theirs doesn’t and of course in the process gets more bloated, gaseous, corpulent and a BURDEN on the planet by the day.
Think I’m being harsh?
Maybe, but it needs to be said, and a quick look around you will reveal the truthfulness of what I just told you.
Modern day man is a pale, flabby imitation of what his ancestors were, even as recently as a 50 or 60 years ago.
Modern day man really needs to TOUGHEN up and return to being the BEAST I spoke about up there.
Because guess what, when it boils down to it, THAT is what it comes down to, like it or not.
When you’re staring another man in the eye, TOE to TOE, eyeball to EYEBALL, fist, to FIST … when all the bla bla bla and TALK is done, or doesn’t even start – CAN you back your SHIT up?
In other, and more “famous” words if I might use ’em, CAN YOU go “mano o mano” if the NEED be, my friend?
I realize this may sound like I’m exaggerating -but think about it for a minute or so (put yourself mentally in that situation), and you’ll very quickly realize I’m not. Believe me, I’ve been in more than one “brawl” myself, many of ’em – most NOT started by me (believe me, I want no part of it if I can avoid it – but if cornered, well, that BEAST rises!).
Most men would tell you “Bah! Humbug!” when you talk to them about those things.
“This is the modern day world”, they’ll tell you. “We don’t need to know how to fight! We don’t need to be that strong!”
Oh yeah?
At the time of writing this it is the year 2020, and judging by everything going on in this landmark year, it would seem that what I’ve been saying for years and the way of training I’ve advocated for YEARS was NEVER MORE necessary than it is NOW!
It’s time to CHANGE my friend – – and now.
Do you really want to go through life as a tub of blubber, unable to perform even 10 pushups in proper form?
Or, unable to hold on to a pulling bar for any length of time?
Unable to achieve that LEAN and MEAN look you so WANT deep down inside?
Unable to get that LOOK in the eye that “Tyson” like eye, which says COME GET IT SON?
Unable to build the sort of raw physicality which will leave OTHERS in the DUST around you?
Unable to build APE LIKE (or I should animal like) FEROCIOUS strength that the boobybuilders and weight pounders (and puff’n buff GURUS) can only DREAM OF?
A REAL MAN “back in the day” – they didn’t have the “Jim Shim” around then, if you get my drift. He got that way by real training, the sort you’ll find in THIS book!
And so forth.
I think the answer to all this “on the surface” for some people might well be “yes”.
Or, “Ok, I’ll consign myself to a life of mediocrity”.
Or, the usual favorite that I’ve heard from more than one person.
“I could pick you up and through out of the window!”
The last being the most hilarious one, because so could a sumo wrestler, and probably with one hand at that!
Anyway, sumos are well conditioned . . .
But again, and anyway, if you look deep down inside of YOU, there is a REAL MAN inside of you, my friend.
Let us face it, my friend. We ALL want to be that 800 lb gorilla in the ROOM with strength to BOOT!
Deep down inside of the modern day man, there exists a YEARNING. A DEEP rooted NATURAL desire to be more – to BREAK free of the modern day slovenly and self imposed “CPBC” shackles.
To break free of the “BPR” (beer pizza rumpus) routines and get into some REAL PHYSICAL routines to get rid of that flabbiness and emptiness forever.
Couch, Pizza, Beer and Commode – and I wouldn’t be shittin ya to tell you that the only real exercises that most modern day men get is either beer curls or half-squatting their lard asses down on the porcelain throne after yet another night of gorging on junk and liqor.
The man that YEARS to return to his roots.
That being, the PRIMAL BEAST he was meant to be. With club on shoulders, massive muscles on full display rippling under the skin, and PRIZE in hand for his woman.
The man you KNOW you were suppose to be!
And while none of that is meant to be taken literally, the VIBE is.
A man that is as strong as he looks. A man that can truly “back up his talk”. A man that is . . . but you get the picture, my friend, don’t you?
Rahul Mookerjee in the famed “back spread” pose . . .
I think you do.
If you didn’t, you wouldn’t BE on this page!
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And I put this bit here yet again, just to tell you that YOU TOO, my friend can get in touch with your “primal side” if you just TRAIN the right way. (and do so regularly).
And the best way to become a beast is, to – well – train like one!
Train like an animal, my friend. Start today. The results are well worth it!
Last, but not least, ladies, this info is AS applicable to YOU as it is men. NO EXCUSES!
SPEED, DEMON SPEED. Speed is what we NEED!
“They oughta outlaw southpaws!”
In Rocky II, Mickey, Rocky’s cantankerous old trainer asks him to learn how to fight “right handed”
“Yo, I can’t learn to fight like no right hander!” says Rocky irritably (he’s left handed!).
Mickey erupts in annoyance, and that classic style of his as only he can!
“What do you mean, can’t?” he bellows (as much as his old voice will allow him).
“Now he will beat you uglier than you are! But you learn to fight right handed, you become a very dangerous fighter! You fight him right handed till the end, and then make the switch!
It’ll confuse him, and its what we need to win!”
The story behind this is obvious. The right handed Creed and reigning champion would expect a left handed Rocky to come at him even harder than the last time.
But not a right handed Rocky.
Before that though, ole Mickey had something to SAY. And how!
“But first, we need SPEED”, he says, looking at Rocky’s punch drunk yet effective but “slow” fighting style (sort of like a rhino vs a more agile grizzly) on T.V.
“Lightning fast greasy speed. Speed is what we need!”
And the next morning they show up together to train.
Rocky wearing an old sweatshirt and Mickey with a chicken in his arms.
A real live chicken.
And after asking him why on earth he prefers to wear an old stinky sweatshirt while training (Rocky says it brings him luck, to which Mickey responds with a caustic “yeah! I’ll tell you what it brings, it brings FLIES!”), he asks him to chase a chicken around the yard.
“Yo, why do I got to chase a chicken of all things”, grumbles Rocky.
Rocky grumbling about having to “chase chickens”, a practice he deemed as immature . . .
“First, because I said so!” says Mickey.
“and second, because chicken chasing is how we did it in the old days. You catch this thing, you can catch greased lightning!”
“Yeah, well” Rocky grumbles. “Alright, if you say so, but it ain’t too mature”.
“Well neither are you very mature” yells Mickey back.
The old Rocky films are ones I love (especially when Stallone ends the above scene with hands on hips, panting up a storm, unable to breathe, saying “I feel like a Kentucky fried IDIOT”).
But there is a point to me saying all this.
Try catching a live chicken, especially a SPRIGHTLY one, running around my friend.
It ain’t easy, that’s for sure.
And while others may diss this sort of training as being too “easy” or “child like” or juvenile, the fact is it builds levels of stamina and fitness (and blasts away FAT) like few other exercises will.
And we aren’t even training like the chicken here.
We are merely CATCHING the chicken (no lewd jokes please!).
Imagine how strong you would be in your upper body, for instance, if you were to go through life as a BEAR, and walk like a grizzly does all day?
Or the insane leg and hip strength you’d develop from running around like a duck, flat footed?
Or crouching close to the floor, alligator style, and moving around that way?
The above is just the tip of the iceberg my friend and no, it ain’t no joke when I say most adults, even so called “strong and fit” adults CANNOT do these sort of movements for any length of time, or even begin to!
Believe me, these workouts and exercises are WELL WORTH the time and effort you invest in them!
Benefits you can expect from following the routines and exercises laid out in this book
- Super strength and CONDITIONING (not to mention WEIGHT LOSS) – in an all in one package!
- No more need for long, drawn out workouts. Most of these workouts won’t take longer than 10 minutes at most if you do things right (the workout part of it – – you may be panting for a long, long time during and after the workouts though! Hehe).
- A core of STEEL. Quite literally. If you thought my other exercises gave you a core of steel, well, you were r
- ight (especially those in Corrugated Core) but this book takes CORE training to a whole new level.
- You’ll have animal like CORE strength. Quite literally, my friend. Ever seen a gorilla with a paunch or tiger with flab hanging off it? I didn’t think so! Neither have I, and the way these animals MOVE in daily life is one reason!
- And if you don’t think core strength is important, think AGAIN. As Herschel Walker famously said, get the core ready, and you can handle ANYTHING!
- GRIP strength from Cain, and then some. Believe me, my fingers almost fall off when doing some of these exercises, and I’ve been doing ‘em a while. I’m the Gorilla Grip And still . . . !
- The grip is truly the LITMUS test of REAL strength my friend, either for a man or a woman, and you’ll develop ape like crushing grip strength with the exercise mentioned there in (not to mention fingers of STEEL and strong, pliable wrists to boot).
- Shoulder, neck and back pain will disappear in a trice as you do these exercises.
- Your legs will become pillars of steel and your STAMINA will shoot through the roof as well.
- FAT will fly off your frame so fast your friends and family will wonder what is going on. Believe me, I sweat for HOURS after these workouts. I’m sitting in an air conditioned room right now tying this, and I just got done taking a shower. It’s MORE THAN AN hour after my workout, and the sweat is still trickling off me!
- In fact, I should say you’ll experience ULTRA RAPID FAT LOSS once you get on the stick with these workouts my friend. I mean ultra rapid. Don’t be surprised if you lose more than a few inches within the first couple of weeks of getting on these workouts!
- You’ll feel much better after these workouts. In fact, you’ll have a sparkle to your face and a new found SPRING in your stride once you start getting good at these.
- You’ll experience increased productivity in all areas. Work, life, and . . . I have to say this here, the bedroom as well!
- And YES. If you work the core heavily, guess what areas of the body get worked the most, and what benefits accrue? Right. You got it!
- You’ll build upper arm, shoulder and chest muscle like never before. Your entire back will start to get that V shape to it. And remember, we ain’t doing a single pull-up in this course!
- Your neck and traps will grow larger and more muscular in size. In fact, neck pain will be a thing of the past, as will lower back pain. Think boa constrictor like muscles all over your lower back!
- Your tendons, ligaments and connecting musculature will ALL increase in sheer strength once you get on these routines. It’s well known that most injuries occur due to weak ligaments and connective tissues, and these workouts will resolve the above once and for all.
- Your performance on the SPORTING arena will increase tremendously. If you’re a martial artist, wrestler, boxer or other sort of physical enthusiast, guess what – – the benefits from these workouts will not just carry over, but will ENHANCE your performance in those activities!
If you wanna put VIAGARA OUT OF BUSINESS – and if you’re TIRED of your ladies and significant others complaining about your “lasting ability in bed” – if youre tired of popping pills all day long – well – look no further than THIS COURSE!
SEXUAL performance of any nature will increase tremendously on this program. Believe me, I could simply rename this course “Exercise to boost LIBIDO for the male (especially, but they work for you LADIES too) like you’ve never SEEN OR HEARD OF before” – and I could not just DOUBLE, but TRIPLE the price – and Id still be giving you a “bargain deal”. Trust me, getting off the Viagara and having no more “problems staying hard” (for a LOT OF you guys out there) will be a GREAT and perhaps new feeling! (and no, boobying at the ole “Jim Shim” and packing your body full of steroids won’t solve anything except turn you into a roid crazed MONSTER with … well, nothing “down there” if you get my drift)
- Improved HEALTH until the day you “pass”. Trust me, you’ll look (and you’ll FEEL) YEARS younger after about a week or so of getting on these exercises. I’m over 40 at the time of writing this and I get told I’m 25 routinely!
- Your DOCTOR will wonder what is going on – so incredibly PERFECT will your test results etc be for your annual medical exams etc. Heart attacks and other heart related issues? FORGET about it, bro once you’re on THIS program – the secret combo of WORKOUTS I give YOU cannot be found elsewhere. TRULY a revolutionary program that has never ever been seen ANYWHERE before!
There is more to this than I’ve covered above. Trust me, the testimonials, the benefits I’ve provided you above, the sales page etc etc … ALL of it merely “scratches the tip of the iceberg”.
This iceberg CANNOT be found elsewhere, and if you’re thinking price?? The piddly price I’m offering it at? Let me just say “go elsewhere PRONTO” my friend, because trust me – if you’re worried about price after all this and the measly 100 or so bucks I’m charging for it (and lets face it, you’d spend that amount without thinking about it on things that really don’t matter – coffee and cigarettes being a PRIME example over not just the year, but a couple of WEEKS), then you dont need to be here anyway.
Truly information that you CANNOT find anywhere, so stop price shopping NOW (if you are).
Stop loafing about, Googling etc. Or do it if you want – but rest assured, THIS information I am giving you in THIS course simply cannot be found anywhere, no matter how “hard” you try.
(and again if you’re still “mourning about price” – I understand. This isn’t for you.
But, it still behooves me to DRIVE the nail in – that being that (and again) this is great information you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere else, and therefore, I’d rather the REALLY SERIOUS guys get it, not the Bozos, posers, weight pumpers, those that expect me to hire Sylvester Stallone’s make up artist, hairstyler, directors, producers (believe me, a certain idiot wanted just THAT!) and so forth).
(But really – if you do think its too much – you’re a fool my friend). As a wise man once said … there is NO price than can be put on knowledge that is truly PRICELESS and WILL Change your life if you “let it” (i.e. by implementing more – and talking LESS).
Well, my friend, I’ve said my bit.
Now, it’s up to YOU.
It’s up to YOU decide whether or not you want to “remain on the fence”, or take the FIRST and most TANGIBLE step to turning into the real man (or woman) you were always MEANT TO BE.
It’s up to YOU, my friend, to take the BIT between your teeth – and decide if you want to turn into a raging stallion – or remain a LAMB forever.
It’s up to YOU my friend to UNDERSTAND – and make the decision – that while “looking like a movie star” is all good, you gotta have STRENGTH to BACK that “shyt” up!
It’s up to YOU – to realize that TIME is of the essence, that “good things dont last forever”, and that PROMPT action (and lets face it – you want this) – and listening to your GUT is what saves the day, not “hours of deliberation”.
But anyway, the question has been posed.
WILL you take ACTION?
The choice is yours, my friend.
If I were your brother, I know what I’d tell you.
To Order NOW, and start to change your life for the better – instantly!
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Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Write back and let me know ALL about your “real man” workouts on this course – and how they’ve BENEFITED you – and I’ll let out not a YOWL, but a HOLLA that will resound across the WORLD!
Do this now, bro.
YES, I want IN, because I’m TIRED of living the “poser” lifestyle. I want to get REAL – now!
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