It goes without saying, of course, that that’s one of the women my ex accused me of “sleeping with”.
Real women – this dude cannot get enough of them.
Women that do what they’re told in terms of “female tasks” – with a smile – that always respect men no matter what.
Even if they’re feminist to a degree, chances are they’re been FORCED to turn feminist due to the lack of “real men” around.
No real woman “wants” to be feminist.
Given a choice they’ll happily choose a traditional female role over the BS these days and let the man take care of the “man” stuff.
Problem is two fold – one fold is the abundance of fat loser men around that are usually rank failures in areas of life that really matter. Any feminist will tell you that if she’s being honest. Plenty tell me all the time.
Maybe there was a reason I “cheated” with this lovely older – in perfect condition physically “Devi”. Apparently a comment I never made to her in the first place about her lovely strong hips set the ex off.
Devi is “Goddess” in India. Apparently married women sometimes use it too.
I’ve spoken before massueses in China, how their finger and grip strength would put most fat men primping and posing their “huge arms” etc to rank SHAME. Like dude, that tiny girl could twist you into a pretzel if she wanted.
Might sound strange coming from me but it isn’t. I respect, as all men do deep down inside – physical PROWRESS.
This woman is in perfect condition without the six pack nonsense and has a vibe that would put most “upper class” or “caste”folks – whatever the hell that nonsense is in India – unfortunately still practiced to this date in the subcontinent – rampant and horrid discrimination in manners you as a westerner couldn’t begin to imagine – most of you at least – to utter shame.
I saw her effortlessly walking around swaying her hips – heavy unwieldy basket on her head – walking down the chaotic streets of India without a care in the world.
Been into fitness all my life but that’s something that’s always eluded me!
I turned around and did something I NEVER do. Stared, hehe.
Indeed a vision of you walking out of the clouds, my lovely lady! Unfortunately she doesn’t work for me any more due to the exs idiocy so I didn’t stop and talk. I will another day.
Not just at the effortless sexy hip sway I love, but how she was just walking down the road,not a care in the world, that blue and red traditional attire contrasting SO well with her sexy coal black skin.
I know there was a reason she showed up in my dreams last night as she so often does. We seem to “cheat” more often in the parallel Universe than in this one apparently!
Always a good reason.
Like girls in African villages that walk miles in baking hot sun balancing pots of water on their heads. If that damn thing breaks – they go without water for the day basically.
Real stuff.
Men doing it is one thing. Equally commendable.
The women seem to be far better at it.
Much like the twirly thingy a lot of gymnasts twirl around their waists without it falling off – a skill that’s always eluded me.
Of course – as another girl in a bit of a bad mood today told me – yes, I’ve been told I sleep with her too – it’s “easy”.
Her mood of course didn’t improve when she saw me praising the other woman. Women hate it when other women are praised in front of them by men they like. Hehe.
Gotta keep them on their toes though. Wink. I have been ignoring her as of late but I figured this was something I HAD to ask. Haha.
Since I saw a post from a fat Karen recently about “feminism = men can’t control women so they play them against each other” I figured I’d say that.
There’s a reason these same feminists say “women are each other’s worst enemies ” and noone is forcing them to be that. Put a bunch of chicks in a room with no other problems – food – money etc – leave them there for a few hours and you’ll see. Haha.
“It’s easy”, she kept sniffing. “She’s nothing so special!”.
Actually she is in many ways but yeah – there’s no diamond in the rough when it comes to women (most issues) – all ultimately the same.
Back to the skill –
Anything is with practice.
But balancing that motherfucker on your head ain’t as easy as it sounds, especially when it’s unwieldy and you’re walking long distances in utter bedlam with it.
Try it.
I asked for a few tips – and got them. Hehe. I could see people all around me looking at me like I was an idiot, but that’s fine – I’m always looking to learn new skills.
And this skill will straighten your spine – get your core in order – and a host of other things that even the almighty bridge won’t do – and quicker.
Trust me. The neck is an under trained part of the body for most. Bad mistake.
And no, the traps aren’t what you should focus on here. Traps need to be trained ya but there are so many other areas of the neck the bridge doesn’t even BEGIN to hit.
Dudes chin downstairs almost hit the floor when I told him about my 50*5 daily stair climb. It was actually 60 today but whose counting.
Since Sunday is a day most of you lady asses – lazy asses – hehe – do nothing but wallow in misery on IG and get fatter by the minute and “relax” – I train even harder.
Like David Goggins rightly said about his family bitching about him not being at the breakfast table with them – “oh, Goggins is going crazy again!” – you have NO idea how this laziness annoys me.
His response was sage. You have no idea how much it annoys me to see your lazy asses in bed while I wake up at 4 to train anyway though I don’t need to.
But the best way to teach others is by setting the example first yourself.
I’m called an expert by others for a very valid reason. No, despite what idiots falsely claim, i didn’t invent the moniker “bodyweight exercise Guru”. My customer – one of them – christened me that. Ditto for all my other monikers.
You can’t get the title first.
You have to show and prove via action to the Universe you DESERVE it first. Yes, Dad – that’s one of the few things we now agree on. Maybe I’m indeed older and wiser – not really haha.
And Indians just look down upon these people – especially women like her – as being untouchable etc.
Look at what she can DO with her body you lard asses couldn’t begin to do in a bazillion years. So can a lot of others.
Money means exactly F all in comparison. Any billionaire will tell you that the respect they have for the working man and woman is UNPARALLELED – well, those not controlled by the Cabal at least – such as Trump, Musk etc.
You have to EARN respect. Real hard work is the only fucking way. Simple.
Your Ferrari means jack all if you’re a whiny man with a huge belly driving it while your wife , like Venus, sneaks slyly coy glances at me.
None of this means, of course, any of the other stuff I say about women and feminists is wrong.
I’m dead right.
I always am, and I triple dog dare anyone to logically prove me otherwise.
But credit where it’s due. Simple.
It’s not surprise the feminist plague doesn’t exist in families like that.
Necessity is a great motivator to cut the BS and do what’s normal and works. The mother of all invention – they use the term “mother” there for a reason. A good one.
Back to dude – I told him that was nothing for me.
My four hours long climbs in Category three hurricanes with trees toppling around me in weather that a billy goat wouldn’t dare to step out in, with idiotic selfie obsessed women fainting all around me being ferried away by air taxis.
Sub tropical weather.
Rains one minute, you’re drenched – next minute you’re drenched again with sweat since the sun’s out!
Like Kelly rightly said when she saw the sweat pouring off me. “THIS is real hill climbing”.
Sure is, Madam.
Like, drink more water, you stupid bitch.
The 30000 steps I clicked daily via the Xiaomi band given to me by a nice girl next to where I worked at the time. Luckily I have not been accused of cheating with her.
It’s amazing.
I go out of my way to avoid most people – especially girls.
Indeed the Universal law of “that which you run away from actively chases you is TRUE”.
Dudes question was actually about “how long” I train for. I said I’ve no idea. I stop when Im done.
Not when I’m “tired”. That silly word – what does it even mean? Doesn’t exist in my lexicon.
I said I don’t generally talk to folks about it as his genuine WOWs – like a child in a candy store – continued.
They all think I’m crazy anyway, I laughed.
He said he didn’t.
Sure you do my friend.
So you should.
I’m proud of being called insane in a world where the modern day definition of “sane” is bloody insane itself.
That’s NOT a skill taught in the world class, most innovative, results producing fitness system in the world – by far – the competition doesn’t exist and what does just left town but the town doesn’t exist either to be frank.
But it’s got so much in there that even one of those videos, ONE chapter, nay, LINE in the books – has the potential to change your life forever for the BETTER – not just fitness wise either.
It bleeds – no pun palm wise – into ALL areas of your life.
It is the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
5 star, nothing like it out there.
Try it, and you’ll see what I mean for yourself.
Rahul Mookerjee
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