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Eat more and Weigh Less with the routines in this book.
That sound like a pipe dream?
Well, it aint.
And more to the point, do so with QUICK workouts that do NOT last beyond a few seconds sometimes.
Yes. Really. WITH PROOF, at that.
Sounds unbelievable, but its not, my friend.
And you’ll see why and how in the book. Grab this now, and if you think the “price is too high” – well – you’re an idiot – thats all I gotta tell you. What price the repeated doctor visits, chiro -shiro, gym-shim (that goes nowhere), the expanding BOOT-ocks and “glutenous maximum”, and the pant strings popping off, groin area tearing etc?
I think you get the point …
Grab this now, my friend. Get STARTED frying FAT off your BODY at record rates TODAY.
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These go great with training on hills!
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Pushups – truly the BIG DOG of the fitness world, and the best damn exercise to boot. Digital download includes FIVE great tutorials and a FULL WORKOUT! (and TWO BONUSES too, in case you were paying attention!) I’ve made no bones in the 0 Excuses Fitness System about pushups being all they are and all…
Corrugated Core
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Build a rock solid, cast iron corrugated “elbows bouncing off midsection” core with the exercises and workouts in this book. Default (INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOAD!) – $54.99 x Paperback – $99.99 x Kindle format download – $54.99 x Hardcover – recommended!!! – $149.99 x or Yes, I WANT it NOW! Checkout Added to cart has been added to your cart! (Remember, a one time…
Reverse Pushups
One forgotten but highly effective to make you feel like a BILLION bucks all day long.