120 – 60 kgs – quite literally. AND MORE!
THIS is really the book that started it all, my friends, although most people have NO clue.
An intensely personal raw tale that is guaranteed to MOVE you – and INSPIRE you to become more – in EVERY aspect of your life, fitness being just one of them.
They told me I was a LOSER – destined to LOSE – and I took that and changed it to SUCCESS, my friend.
“He has no focus, no drive, no ambition”
“Of course they succeeded! But he never will, quite obviously!”
“Rahul thinks he’s so strong!” (this last one IS related to fitness, quite obviously)
And so forth. I was always the loser, despite having several outstanding talents that would classify me as anything but.
I was always told NOT to dream. I was always told NOT to reach for the sky. I was told to conform, and “bend with the wind to avoid the hurricane”, but I never have, did or will do.
And yet, despite what sometimes seemed to be insurmountable “odds”, I persevered, and got to the “top of the mountain”.
This is not a book about “rags to riches in under 60 seconds”.
This is NOT a book which “spoon feeds” you and expects you to follow my dictum.
Above all, this is NOT “just” a fitness related book. Although the central theme and one of my over-riding successes HAS been fitness related, and continues to be, it’s about far more than that.
It’s about LIFE. It’s about helping YOURSELF, BEING YOURSELF, and recognizing the fact that YOU and YOU alone are the master of your ship. Whether you steer it to a calm ocean paradise or “unto the rocks in choppy waters” is completely up to you.
It’s my story, and I’m sharing it.
Raw, uncensored and brutally honest, and that’s just the way it is (and that’s just how I am as well). Take it, or LEAVE it.
Dare to dream. Break the social shackles!
Do what you have always wanted.
Achieve, and achieve MORE, regardless of temporary setbacks that can, may, and will occur along the way.
Rise UP!
Last, but not least and THIS IS IMPORTANT, so LISTEN UP! I shared this book with a few people before publishing it, and they were of the opinion that those that actually read this book from cover to cover and feel inspired by it definitely deserve more in terms of background etc, and why I emphasize what I do in the introductory part of my book the way I do.
I thought I’d type all this out as another short manual, but decided against it.
Instead, I’ve created a few RECORDINGS that serve the same purpose, and these RECORDINGS are YOURS for FREE – for now. They’ll be available for sale later, of course, but for now they are free, and they’ll provide a very valuable window as to the actual contents of the books (and this AFTER having read it).
Again, esoteric as that last bit might sound, “tis what it is”.
“From 120 to 60 kgs … ” is currently available as a PDF copy for $15.99. Get it NOW!
RECORDINGS FREE – but NOT available for download via site due to the INTENSELY personal nature of all this. Please CONTACT me personally and I’ll have them sent out to you ASAP once you purchase the book.
[wp_cart_button name=”Succeed against all ODDS – From 120 to 60 kgs” price=”15.99″ file_url=”http://0excusesfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Triumph-against-all-odds.pdf”]