0 Excuses Fitness Affiliates

Interested in becoming a 0 Excuses Fitness affiliate? Please fill out the form HERE to be considered for our affiliate program and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Alternatively, contact us via [email protected] or via the contact page on the main menu and let us know why you think you'd be a great fit for our program. Please note that affiliate approval is done entirely at our discretion.

Approved affiliates will enjoy a 25% commission on EACH sale they make (for recurring products you sell, this means 25% for the first signup, and then 15% off renewals). We look forward to working with you!


Rahul Mookerjee

Also, DO watch this video – it tells you a lot about the TYPE of affiliates we want. If thats you, then apply by all means, and we’ll get back to ya!

Or, if you prefer it in written format – although I HIGHLY recommend you to view the video too – Lifes a trip eh? (rahulmookerjee.com)

Both should be studied carefully before applying.