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Over the past coupla days I’ve been posting a lot about the ongoing India China conflict.
Not so much here on the blog or the list but on SOCIAL MEDIA . . . which I normally stay clear of (and I usually try and steer clear of most politics as well). . .
And to those that will no doubt ask me (friends have) – what if you lose business?
Well, to that my answer is so be it.
I am NOT going to censor my views on anything just for the “so called fear” of losing business or money, or sleep (which I don’t lose, hehe), wives, girlfriends, and uh . .. but I best stop there! ?
What you see is truly what you get with Rahul Mookerjee my friend. And if I feel strongly about something, I am damn well going to say it regardless of “where I am currently”.
And to those of you that claim “you feel strongly about some issue”, but “won’t say it for fear of losing business” – – well, I’m sorry to say that you do NOT feel as strongly as you claim to.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but its true.
And if it makes me lose friends, so be it. If you’re really passionate about something, then believe you me, you’ll find a way to SAY it regardless of any other goings on (as I do about fitness, and my other businesses that I have not detailed here ; some of you might very surprised to find out about the other biz! Hehe).
Or maybe not.
Anyway, I posted a long piece about how China’ latest antics couldn’t have possibly come at a worse time for them right HERE – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6679646701952745472/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A(activity%3A6679646701952745472%2C6679651827052613632)
And about how the Indian government is not only (finally) abdicating it’s silly pacifist stances of yore (which led to the Chinese salami slicing territory bit by bit, for one, brazenly building military installations on foreign land and so forth) in a military sense but also really where it hurts.
The Chinese (despite the hoo haa going on about the size of their military) would not be able to win in a true conflict with the Indian military as things stand today. I’m not going to get into the reasons in THIS email, but if you’re interested, let me know and I’ll expound more on that later.
Let’s talk now though about the ECONOMY.
Even the Chinese know very well that their “rise on the global stage” has come about not just through “copy and paste” (sorry, couldn’t resist!) but also the strength of their economy.
TRUE, the numbers are always inflated, but it’s still a large economy to be sure.
An export driven economy.
And India was one of the last places (if we’re talking big economies) where the country was welcome (at least in an economic sense), and now?
Heck no.
And I posted about that on my LinkedIn account here, to which I got the typical response I expect from wack jobs and nutzos (from whom I’ve been hearing a lot as late).
Inane, retarded comments that make no sense whatsoever.
Comments that studiously and deliberately ignore FACTS placed in front of them.
Comments made deliberately to aggravate, needle and inflame others (sound familiar, anyone?? A certain rogue nation does just THAT) . .
And comments aimed at making the discussion go round and round in circles with NO result out of it.
Sound familiar anyone??
I bet it does . . .
Folks – – when the facts don’t suit your narrative, it might not be pretty (or nice to you), but realize they are called “facts” for a certain reason.
If you truly have the gumption to do so, by all means debate the facts, but IGNORING facts won’t make them go away (and neither will shooting the messenger).
Fitness wise, you ask?
Same damned thing.
If you’ve got a huge ponderous belly hanging over your belly (edit – I meant to say nether regions) and can’t sleep at night despite your numerous weightlifting sessions for one, and can’t do a single pull-up or even HOLD on to the bar for any length of time (rest assured you ain’t alone on that one though!) . . . then trying to sidestep the fact that both of the above is undesirable by saying “I’m a big guy naturally” (when you’re not) and attempting to both convince yourself and sidestep the issue is PATHETIC.
Again, sorry if that offends, but it’s true.
When you want that six pack – or that “cut look” (and lets face it, you wouldn’t be commenting upon it if you didn’t want it! Hehe) then simply saying “So what? I could pick you up and throw you out the window” doesn’t change the fact that YOU my friend are a lardass el supremo, no punches pulled.
These are FACTs.
And I gotta say, if there is anything that annoys me more than the above, it is this type of thing.
Pretty much why I posted what I did on LinkedIn, that being that this comment didn’t deserve a response, but I Responded anyway just to show the world what I meant by “wackjobs”.
And rest assured, there are plenty of other definitions too. All coming up soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – The DEFINITIVE guide (nothing like it on the market out there, trust me) to getting better at pull-ups and QUCK is right here –https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/
P.S #2 – Oh and the best damned course on pushups out there is right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/ . I literally do challenge you to find something better than this because guess what – – it DON’T (yes, I said it that way purposely) exist!
P.P.S – And no, I ain’t in the business of “being liked”. If what I have to say causes you to unfollow, delete, or otherwise “block me” then by all means go ahead and do it. Do it NOW in fact. I won’t mind at all – I promise you!
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