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Sometimes you just have to shake your head and (as a friend recently told me privately) “WTF”.
I mean, really.
You DO have to say it sometimes with a look of utter incredulousness on your face as if “is this truly possible”?
Can someone truly be that deranged?
And apparently the answer to that is yes.
I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but the Chinese have effectively stripped Hong Kong of their “special status” afforded to them back in 1997 last week. I heard about it vaguely, but didn’t really bother researching it more (can we say my fitness books and computer issues were taking up ALL my time)?
And the book that was taking up most of the time, and rightfully so is right HERE –https://0excusesfitness.com/animal-kingdom-workouts/
Anyway, so amongst the other things the law has done, it has effectively taken away what made HK so special in the HK-China region; the ONE place where some sort of democracy was allowed to thrive.
The one place in the region where the judiciary was indeed independent of the police (and despite attempts being made to change that by the mainlanders, nothing really happened on a large scale . . . UNTIL NOW).
And the one place where you could speak your mind freely. About anything. Including the moronic CCP.
But I’ve often said before that Hong Kong is, at the end of the day a Chinese issue, and while I’m saddened by the fact the Chinese didn’t follow their agreement, I’m not surprised.
As I’ve written about before, does a fox change it’s colors?
I don’t think so, my friend, and for the Chinese to renege on an agreement is as common as it is for you and I reading this, for instance, to STICK to a mutually agreed upon agreement.
They just have a different view of things there! Contracts meant to be broken and worth little more than the paper they’re inked on (and if you don’t believe me, well, have another think. I’m currently engaging in dealing with several Chinese factories as we’re talking for a myriad variety of issues!).
All non fitness related, so don’t worry. ?
Anyway, the most LU-DICK-ROUS (sorry, had to do it!) part of all this, and indeed what I Deem as pure insanity is this.
It matters not where you’re in the world, or what social media platform you’re using, but if you write anything that they deem “subversive” or otherwise “anti party”, then you’re liable to be prosecuted . . . even if you’re just arriving in Hong Kong for tourism, for instance!
And while that was pretty much always “de facto” the case in the mainland, it’s now extended to HK too.
And if there ever was something quite as moronic as this law, I’m yet to see it.
The defenders of this law, most notably Carrie Lam claim that the law will be “applied” only for TRUE cases where “national security” truly is at stake, and if it were any other nation saying this, I might be inclined to believe it.
But coming from the CCP?
I doubt it, my friend.
There is indeed a line between brazenness – – and sheer STUPIDITY!
And this law is just as stupid as it gets, given it attempts to police Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the free world.
Utterly ludicrous, and I just had to get that off my chest (and no I ain’t gonna shy away from expressing my opinion very publicly on it either).
Anyway . . . off my soap box on that one.
But hey, it applies to FITNESS too.
My products have often been called overly promotional by some.
Some claim I’m “arrogant” and hate my very guts.
Some will go to the ends of the earth to simply tear apart ANYTHING I write or say because they hate me that much.
Quite the polarizer I am, hehe.
And so be it. That’s how I’ve always been, and that’s how Ill always be.
But fact is this, my friend.
My products DELIVER.
I care NOT if you like me or not, but if you’re looking to get fit – in the shortest possible amount of time and in the most efficient manner, then Rahul Mookerjee is your man.
And then some.
And if that sounds arrogant, so be it. I’ve got the results to back it up, and so do my customers. And a quick peek at our testimonials page will be MORE than enough to convince you of that.
OK, enough for now.
I’m off for a jump rope workout soon, or maybe pull-ups. Learning towards the latter. We’ll see!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – HERE is where you can take another gander at our BEST SELLING, WORLD famous products – https://0excusesfitness.com/products/
P.S #2 – and if that last line ticked you off, good. The unsubscribe button is right THERE.
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