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So, had a great, great workout today – two actually.
The first one was pull-ups and jumping rope (not in that order), and those “lovely” fingertip pushups I refer to so often!
While 50 of the first and second and 3000 of the other exercise would be enough to fry anyone except the most determined amongst you fitness guys (and gals) out there, I didn’t stop there.
I wanted a solid grip workout today, and I finished off with a VARIETY of exercises I teach in Gorilla Grip.
A handstand (held for time).
Monkey bar work (a lot of it) followed up by monkey bar WALKS (if you don’t know what that is, check out Gorilla Grip – Advanced; you will KNOW!)
Fingertip holds of various natures, and of course, dead hangs with one hand and two.
And I could barely turn the key to get back in the apartment later.
And then, after a late, late lunch, I took my daughter out to the park.
She’s learning how to ride a bike, and doing pretty well at that actually.
And as I held her, and got her on balance every so often (she’s pretty much learned already, it’s just a few minor things here and there that remain), that was a finger workout unto itself. Until she got tired, and . . .
Dad lets walk a little, she said.
Sure, honey, I grinned.
But the conundrum was the bike, of course.
I could have of course done what sane people would do at this point.
That being to wheel it around.
But I didn’t.
I picked it up by the middle bar, and held it like a heavy weight, much like I was doing the Farmer’s walk, and started walking around the park.
Round and round, round and round, round and round!
And let me tell you, although it’s cool out here (to an extent, anyway), and it wasn’t a humungous weight, doing that sort of thing after a workout will make you feel it and then some.
Soon, I was drenched in sweat.
Took my daughter to the swings, and swung her high and handsome for a while.
In the middle of all that, I did more dead hangs on my favorite THICK bars.
Did 10 pull-ups. That makes it 60 for today . . .
Did some “arms extended” pushups. And by the end of it all, my daughter was exhausted too, and off we traipsed home.
And so goes it, my friend.
An oldie, but goodie I should say, and whether I’m referring to this here EMAIL or workout, or both, or none – well – you be the judge! Hehe.
Great workout – great night – and on it is to the weekend now!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Make sure to pick up a copy of the book on pull-ups (it WILL get you from less than zero to cranking out HUNDREDS of them per workout) right HERE.
PS – Wanna go advanced? No problem. HERE is where you go!!
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