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So, in terms of trips down memory lane . . . !
I wrote about Dr Kolibal and what he told me about needing to be challenged (and guess what, the man was spot on right) on the other blog. If you haven’t already, check it out there (and YES, for now, subscribers to BOTH sites are getting emails from BOTH sites, because . . . well, because that’s how I’ve deemed it to be for the moment).
While the rahulmookerjee.com site will probably eventually branch out in something else down the line, for now, things are what they are.
Anyway, in times such as these, and indeed in life itself, it can easy to get frustrated, give up and lash out when things are not going your way.
If you’re trying to achieve something that most people tell you you cannot or will not (or otherwise won’t) achieve, then guess what – you’ll get a LOT of this. More so than the average Joe, who gets a lot of it anyway during his/her own life . . .
(and always remember – when they say “no” – they’ve just given you a giant YES, but they don’t know it! ?).
I’ve written about that before of course, but for now, lets jump back a few years.
To when a certain “G” (let’s call him that) (and no, it ain’t you, “Mr G”, hehe) once made the statement I’m alluding to in the subject line.
It was back when I had idly once submitted a job application in China, and they rejected it on the basis of race.
NO, yours truly doesn’t work for nobody but for whatever reason I had done a semester teaching English (YIKES!!!!!!!!!!) at an American affiliated school in China (and it was the right decision, if just for the fact that I met Alan, my supervisor, and a BUSINESS minded person if there ever was one) and I figured I might try my hand at another.
And of course, racism in ESL or in China in general ain’t anything out of the ordinary.
I’ve written about that before, and normally, it don’t affect me none.
People make remarks about my ethnic origins, backgrounds and you know what size ALL The time (the last – I know, I know! But I’m being honest here! And no, I don’t know why the hell they’d say they, but . . . !!!).
And offensive though those remarks can be, 99.9$ (%!) of the time, yours truly could care less, and actually WELCOMES it. For reasons which . . . ah, but if you can read between the lines, you’ll know! ?
But that one time was a time when I was stressed out with this and that and sundry, and I let it all go.
I went off on one of my famous “You’re in fine fettle this morning, Rahul!!” rants at G.
G, by the way is the dude I wrote about that actually ended up making racist memes etc about yours truly and sharing them with Charles, a person who I once considered a close friend (and probably still do after all the BS, hehe, as I highly doubt he’s on board with any of that juvenile nonense – but then again, one never knows eh. ?).
NO, this is not the CUSTOMER I write about so often. Different people!
But he did have his sane moments (G).
And after listening to that rant, this is what he said.
In a calm rational tone of voice (much like Hannibal before diving into one of his “liver and Cianti” meals or whatever it is was he was eating in “Red Dragon”) . . .
“Let it go, Rahul! You know how they are!”
“You’re better than that!”
And he was right, and I did let it go.
But it applies to life my friend.
All too often in life, and especially these days, we get frustrated.
Down and out.
And while some of the time or most, what we need most is a solid kick up the arse to “get her done”, sometimes, you just gotta tell yourself what I wrote in the subject line of the email.
Get the good memories flowing.
And tell yourself sternly (or whatever works for you).
“You’re better than that!”
And you are, my friend.
You are – and on that note – I’m out!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS -RISE . . . UP!
PS #2 – Here is where you can pick up a book that has literally been getting people fit on a dime and RAPIDLY and them some – Pushup Central (yes, pushups truly are the best darn exercise ever!).
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