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So, your favorite writer (or should I say fitness “guru’ hehe) is shaking things up. Yet again!
Yes, he’s challenged himself today in the park with a great great pull-up workout.
A couple of customers once asked me about putting out a course on muscles ups, and along with rope work, guess what. I may just do that.
In the meantime, what I BE shaking up you ask .
Well, first off I called the China virus a China virus, for one.
And of course, a barrage of angry responses came.
“why you call it the China virus! Does it help the US now to call it that! “
Um, no, lady.
Calling it the Chinese virus doesn’t help or hurt America or American or the REST of the (civilized) WORLD any more than calling it the Coronavirus (whether or not that reminds you of BEER or your favorite place in Italy is not the point, hehe).
It is what it is is. They willingly and knowingly unleashed this plague on the rest of the world, knowing full well the consequences, and if the Spanish flu can be called the Spanish flu for one, with no “negative” interpretations (I mean, hey, that’s what it is right?) – then I don’t see why the China plague can’t be called the China plague, and I’ll be damned, well and truly so, if I do NOT call it that.
Then of course, the nonsense about mail in ballots going on back Stateside.
I mean really, to those who favor this rot and think the Prez has got it wrong in terms of voter fraud.
Even if he WAS wrong about voter fraud (and given that most of those ballots aren’t really mailed in a secure manner, not to mention now a slow manner since the USPS no longer treats them as first class mail) – do you really want to wait eons to find out that your favorite President of all time got re-elected?
I wouldn’t that’s for sure!
And the most idiotic of them all.
Anushka Sharma, a Bollywood actress and a fairly smart and sensible one from what I thought, went off on a rant about what a much respected cricket commentator apparently said during the currently ongoing (and casshhhhhhh rich) Indian Premier League.
Apparently Sunil Gavaskar (as much of a cricket legend as Ian Botham and the rest) got ticked off at run machine Virat Kohli’s performance.
There was a Virat video which recently went viral in India I believe. Showing him practicing batting while his wife (Anuskha) did the throw downs.
And in an annoyed sort of Gavaskar like manner, all he said was the following – I am paraphrasing – Virat, throwdowns from Anuskha ain’t gonna help you prepare for international contests.
That’s IT.
Oh boy.
You should have seen the ANGER.
The sheer vitriol that the Nazi feminists (apparently India got a lot of ‘em these days, which judging by th crap Bollywood has put out in 2020 – even stuff that REAL FEMINISTS have panned) threw at this living legend was to be SEEN to be believed.
Apparently he disrespected women.
Wah, wailed Anushka. Why is it that I’m blamed every time Virat doesn’t perform?
Um, wait a minute lady.
You’re NOT being blamed.
You never were.
If anything, he castigated (mildly) your husband – not YOU!
And for you to get your knickers in a twist over something like that is just plan stupid, and unfortunately par for the course for Nazi feminists for whom it always has to be their way or the highway. Or else . . . wah!
I mean, really. You weren’t even MENTIONED in the comment!
Feminism is great fellas. I ain’t got no problem with it, but Nazi feminism, and Nazi anything really ain’t my cup of tea to be very frank.
And neither is it for most people out there from what I can tell . . .
Anyway, where am I goinjg with all this.
Yours truly shook things up on social media and is getting plenty of hate, which he loves, but the point is that I literally proceeded in the “shake things up” manner today when working out.
Between each rep of pull-ups and bear crawls, I’d shake my sorer than sore forearms out.
In a loose, airy fairy kind of manner that most people would shake their heads at.
NOT stretching, and not even remotely close.
And NOT shaking as you might think.
In fact, I often shake ALL my limbs out this way to release tension. Pent up tension. Or “Get the blood flowing again”.
And it looks goofy, but does it work? Hell yes, an dI had one of the best damn workouts I’ve ever had, and I’m writing to you now about it!
And for now, let me just say it involves leaving things nice and loose. Natural. Limber.
Hell, just do the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “shaking limbs” in a haphazard, seemingly random unconnected fashion, and you’ll see.
I have NOT yet put this out in books and courses, but might do up a short video on it. We’ll see. Fornow, it’s adios, and I’m back to “shaking things up”, hehe. Oh boy, the hate I’ll get for calling it the China virus with the leftists and tom tommers ready to slay me alive. Hoo boy!
Rahul Mookerjee
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