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It’s funny how it works. Hehe.
The other day, a lady on my Facebook friend list sent me this about my fitness posts (which I admittedly despite my not-so-obvous hatred of social media shmedia post there as well – at least for NOW) …
“You’re a really good writer! You should write articles, or other pieces for newspapers or magazines, or be an editor”.
Now, I’m not sure if she actually read the posts past the headlines …
Prboably not, or and as I told her, she’d have known yours truly is an editor for yours truly.
With four or more websites to maintain (perhaps more in the future) I have enough on my hands and have no plans of taking on more. At all. Certainly no jobs.
UGH (“real jobs” as people like to say).
Now here is something else she told me.
“And I’m sorry, but I don’t read your posts! I’m a woman! If you show me jewelery, or nice food, or other pretty pictures, I might!”
No prizes for guessing who did what (unless you’re on the other, yet to be up site).
(Patience, grasshopper. Patience. It took me a while to get my emailing here sorted and we’re roaring along as before in that regard. Give me a few more days, and that other most salacious site will be up too…)
Anyway, she’s right.
The posts weren’t for her. Especially not the headlines.
And if it’s having the intended impact (exactly what she said) – then I’m doing a damn good job, even if I say so myself.
Especially with the long line of trolls ever ready to troll me, Bozo Scofield for one being at the top of the list . But this woman ain’t a troll though.
I mean the girl who messaged me on FaceBook. Not Bozo “third gender” Scofield. Hehe.
God knows what he (she) is. Perhaps not even he does!
Anyway …
Point of me mentioning it?
Is no, if that is what you’re into, I ain’t gonna go out of my way, or even try to for that matter “make it more interesting”
(Actually now that I remember, the lady asked me to do political pieces for my magazines. As you can see from a lot of my social media posts, I love to dabble in political discussions every so often).
(only with people that GET IT though. Not for me the loooong threads dedicated to nothign but trolls…)
I’ve been told my writing IS entertaining on that note.
Very much so.
As an user told me years ago, “it strikes a chord”.
As a friend Harding once told me “he knows how to connect with his customers, and “draws you in”” (and this comment is public on social media).
Or, as Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once said “I love your style! I love the way you connect with your customers!”
And so forth.
But all these people were people that GET IT (are people).
The rest of the bozos, complainers, whiners, pissers and moaners (prime case being overweight folks unable to do pull-ups complaining about “Rahul giving them advice on doing pull-ups” becaus ethat advice ain’t what they “want to hear”, but rather is what they “NEED” to hear, and big time!) don’t.
And hence they don’t like what I say.
But they still read it anyway, hehe. Quietly, and they then troll me.
So my stuff is having the intended impact.
But really, no.
When you buy a product, you aren’t buying the product so much as the personality behind the product.
In this case, it’s yours truly “movie star like” “ go to the gym even though I never have”, “cave man like” “long emailers like” “ fitness fanatic like” “Mr. Fast Mr Handstand pushups” and so forth personalityy you’re buying.
And from what I gather, lots love it!
So NO, I don’t intend on changing that any time soon my friend. Hey, and if you don’t like that – I get it – all it takes to remove me from your “life” is a little mousey click on the “unsubscribe” link …
(It’s right there at the bottom of the email for the bozos who “dont read because it’s too long”). And then in the same vein complain about “it doesnt make any sense”.
Well, of course it wouldn’t. If you didnt read, it wouldn’t make sense would it now. Hehe.
And so it goes.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’ve been off ALL social media for a while, except when I get on to post these things. If I haven’t replied to messages etc, mea culpa. Will do so asap!
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