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I dont know why I havent written about it as yet, hehe.
But I told Charles once about it.
“Rahul against Delhi Police” was his comment.
And I should title that as the “heading” for this post!
But I won’t, hehe, even though it will get more views.
Or, “The kiss that landed me in jail”.
Which it did – temporarily.
And the lard ass female lawyer that did her best to screw both my wife and myself over … and the idotic Bar Council of India who despite getting a HIGH COURT order to the contrary never ever actually disbarred said lawyers.
Credit to Delhi police though.
After the entire shebang was over, they DID take action against the guilty.
OF course, that took forever. And of course, they made us jump through WAY too many hoops than they had to, or shoul dhave.
Including a certain Commissioner of Police at the time “YS Dadwal” saying “I’d never get a job in IT” for even daring to speak out.
‘nuff said.
But the dude did eventually take action. And he DID send us official letters of apology, so hey, no hard feelings …
I’ve always been a huge supporter of cops in general. They have a tough job to do for the most part.
Sure, there are bad apples, just as they are everywhere, but it does NOT mean we tar ‘em all with the same brush.
Anyway, in all this I forgot to tell you what happened.
In 2008, and I’ve mentioned the drama, court cases, honor killing threats etc nd all the BS that happened when yours truly – GASP! – dared to marry of his own free will (And hers. So no, I didnt “trick” anyone into getting married as I’m often accused of!).
India being what it is, despite the fact I did NOT believe in religion – never have, never will, there was some smoke filled ceremony or the other that I had to go through.
Gawd, my eyes watered, I still remember …
And then of course, the eternal “walk around the fire”.
Yours truly was decked up in head gear that the Teleban would be proud of.
But it is what it is!
And anyway, after that, the real deal. Go to court, get the damn thing solemned or whatever and piss off happily ever after.
Not so for Shilpi Saini, an Indian lawyer who we hired (wrong choice) and wanted to screw us out of more than she was already gypping yours truly for.
We were sitting under a pillar on the Delhi Metro.
Doing nothing.
All of a sudden, cops pulled up.
Showed up in my face claiming “we were kissing and causing public nuisance” (and to be fair, there wasn’t even a bystander nearby!) when we were not.
And claimed “he had other ways to take me in” if I resisted. Which yours truly never did!
I won’t get into it here, but for those interested, let me know, and I’ll direct you to the Delhi High Court pages (annals) where a fantastic judge threw the whole damn thing out in a way only HE Can.
Justice Muralidhar is a man for the ages!
Unfortunately he gets transferred every time he has to make an importance decision these days.
I’ve never seen him, but I admire the man for doing the right thing.
But anyway, I wanted to fight these trumped up bullshit charges which were based upon the fact that “neither family would support the marriage” and yours truly despite having TONS Of knowledge on the American legal system, cops, etc wasn’t really a fan of or aware of how things worked on the ground in Asia.
India, specifically, but China as well which can be way worse sometimes in certain regards.
And of course, all the advice I got was “drop it”.
“You can’t fight the cops!” My Dad said.
And of course, when it was all said and done and we got the letter of apology from the police, and thus forth, the entire world sallied forth to support us.
There’s more to all this, of course, including court case #2 which I haven’t mentioned here. Maybe I will, hehe.
But point begets.
Do the right thing, bro. Fight for whats yours and whats RIGHT.
And the world will eventually bend to that as well!
Fitness wise, you ask?
Well, fitness wise, never stop fighting to get in the best damn shape of your life my friend.
Thats for starters.
You owe it to yourself, and then some!
Never settle for second best when it comes to pull-ups.
Never … but ah, I think you get my point!
Enough for now – I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – We weren’t even kissing. Hehe. All we were doing was sitting together. Insane!
PS #2 – Take a gander at Corrugated Core right here – it’s a course that will FRY the fat off your midsection quicker than LARD in a frying pan, bro (or fat off a a Foreman grill). It’s also something you can use during these not-so-merry times to keep and stay in the best shape of your life!
(Remember, the core is where it’s at!)
PPS – They gypped me out of money, yes, but Delhi Police did eventually do the right thing, and return what the cops stole. OF course, expecting the Bar Council to do the right thing is like asking pigs to fly …
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