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Well well well.
I was wondering where Bozo Schofield was hiding out over the past month or so, since he went unusually quiet after posting the troll “sholl” reviews we ALL know him so well for, hehe.
And he’s popped up again – curiously enough or maybe not, on Amazon.co.uk (after being banned under the initial name) – via another name “Keith James”.
He’s even written the review in a different style to “hope that people don’t think it’s the Bozo”.
But it’s him, my friend.
It’s him. MOST definitely. LOL. Or one of his troll buddies, but I highly, highly doubt that.
Anyway, here is the review – (LOLZ)
Ths book is a joke (that line by itself gives it away, hehe. Ah, Schofield my dear boy. At least be a bit more inventive … )
Okay my last review was not allowed as the truth hurts.
This book is a joke I would not purchase anything this author has written, why?
Well the truth is the author does not look like he has ever trained.
Now this review which almost identical as my last is not slander or use of bad language.
I will be making my own complaint about this author to Amazon because he is trying to only allow high ratings and not low rating reviews.
But anyway, let’s get into what the Bozo is saying via his pen name now.
(He’s picked up a tip or two from yours truly on the “other site” hehe. Nothing if not a leech is the Bozo).
Last review not allowed?
Not that I know of, hehe. I actually welcome any and ALL Reviews – – and I’m not even the one deciding if it’s allowed on Amazon or not. Sure, they do ban trolls, and they’ve been cracking down on idiots that buy the book and return it a sum total of ONE minute later – believe me, I can track these things … but unless you’re a troll “el supremo” (hey, my books are in Spanish too) … Amazon won’t really remove anything you say.
Second, “I don’t look like I ever trained?”
Coming from the same person (Schofield) who routinely asked me “how many girls asked for my WeChat”.
A person who got routinely told he was in great shape (because he IS, and WAS) by nigh on EVERYONE – and men that DO the thing (boxers, ex Marines, and such) … a person that has a gorilla grip that would literally make grown men CRY if I applied it … and a person that has been called “movie star”, “TV star”, and such?
Perhaps most pertinently, a SOLID character …
LOL again.
The tears BE a flowing, hehe.
(actually I have a good idea who “James” is if he’s not the Bozo, but chances are excellent and second to NONE that he is – LOL. He just wrote it differently).
Third, he never actually mentioned WHY I don’t look like I didn’t train. LOL again.
(I know, I know. I’m giving the trolls ideas. But hey, I LOVE this sort of hate – it makes my day to be very frank!)
(Compare his review with the other review on the page, by the way).
A superb book from an amazing writer/trainer.
If you’re at all interested in Bodyweight/Calisthenics training? Then you need to get your copy of this superb book. You’ll be glad you did.
And THEN tell me which review is HONEST – and which sounds RELIABLE.
I won’t tell you. You tell me!
Anyway, getting on with this blinder of a review (if I can call it that).
His second last comment says he used “slander and bad language” and that Amazon apparently banned him for it.
So they should, my dear Schofield. So they should. And they did. Kudos. Amazon has been cracking down on trolls ever since 2018, and a couple of comms from yours truly didn;t hurt either.
Cry a river over to Amazon – see if me care.
Me no care, me no share, me no cry “gummy bear”.
Sorry, I had to say that, since it turns the “Scho” on. (not really, hehe, but you get the drift).
But anyway, last, and perhaps most pertinently, it’s not a VERIFIED review.
And that, my friend is the icing on the cake.
I love me some trolls to start my day.
Keep it coming, brooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
And do some handstand pushups while you’re at it, hehe. Maybe you’ll actually DO something with your life as opposed to retarded trolling that (to be honest) I admittedly like because it makes me some more moolah (believe me, I would NEVER disallow this sort of thing even if I COULD, lol) …
But then again, in a strange way, thats what these wackos want, is to get my approval.
Hence the looooonnnngggg list of “affiliate wannabes” I just DELETED from the system today. Hehe.
No, my friend. If you’re genuine, you’ll get approved, and the RED carpet.
If you’re not, you get the boot.
‘Tis that SIMPLE, Jack.
And on that sage note I’m out. Back soon with more.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is a page which might give you some ideas on “if I train”. LOL – Pull-ups – from STUD – SUPER STUD within WEEKS!
PS #2 – Schofield, worry not. Your account may have banned from Amazon UK, but your one star reviews are still there. Again, why would I wanna get ‘em deleted. LOL. Man oh man. You really need to get down from that “high” (looks like you did when you posted this review tho, hehe but in terms of me “not allowing”? I think you’ve wayyyyyyyyyy overinflated my ego today – hey – but thanks – so it goes when “superstars” and SUPER STUDS remind YOU, the BOZO, of what you never were, never CAN be, or never WILL BE (and)).
(You can, actually, but … ah, but we’ll let it slide).
(To the Bozo – Bring it, boy. I’m more than glad to hear from you! _)
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